For one, you could have read my emails and determined my character at the time. I could have been marked or developed by leadership. Yes, a lot of us abused people are stunted. I could have magically not gotten a security clearance--like I know much. LOL Sorry about the concussions. I compromised esteem. They'll kill you or find a way to steal your resources anyway, so don't worry about it. Remember to hang upside down when the pressure releases. Back to the topic, they should have also asked me about my time in special ed. Enough time in that place, and you'll be a psycho, too. I was a polite psycho though. And I cause problems with my idiocy. Yes, I can observe and talk. There are some benefits to being stupid, but not when you have to perform difficult jobs. I guess I'll save the world... enjoy your POT at the end of the rainbow.
The voices and Cuba where I was left unattended and met "Allah." Like I'm going to win. I truly enjoyed scardonia, though they used this term with liberty. We won't even get into the machines.
And when I was in, before I did anything illegal, I had Marilyn Manson up my ass. I didn't plan the video. I'm not a mastermind, FBI. I'm schizophrenic, which most people figure out quickly, but our agents prolonged the magic. They read through my emails and decided I was a "bitch" to my father, a bulimic to make fun of, and the agent was going to follow me home. I gave up protecting my family. I was also totally insane, as you should have known from my blog, and you caused me to clam up when the doctors shouldn't have released me into civilization. I'd also like to scream at the agent who yelled at me that I didn't invent the number line... Okay. I guess I'm not the only primate being let into security jobs.
I think you know now why I didn't want to associate with my dad. He gets me killed or put in danger. Chaos to control.
No. He got life in prison when I didn't even have free will? Yeah, you +Censored+, I want my Mizzou classes. how did he get a second security clearance? Do you not see, you +censored+ people?
We need to be protected by encryption. It's obvious that humans can't handle the power.