Monday, February 21, 2022

Dear FBI

 I'm being followed yet again.  

Here is my schedule so that you can be a little less obvious, and we can all live in peace and harmony.

Before I list, know that sometimes I have really bad days where all I do is sleep.  My cats usually wake me up if I sleep too long or stay up too late. Mr. Keiko wouldn't leave me alone around 3 am last night.  They know how it's supposed to be.  I leave a platter of food out all the time anyway, and  fill the tub with water if it's going to be a long sleep. The little creatures have adapted to taking care of me and the apartment.  If I forget to shower for too many days, they obsessively lick me like, "Hey, mom, wash up."  Don't hate on me.  It's me or the kitty furnace.  Everyone notes how loving my cats are.  It's because I let them rip apart my furniture, puke, and do other things without yelling at them.  Plus, I'm here all day, which keeps them calm.  Mr. Keiko has psychological issues if I'm gone for too long.  Ms. Medusa does her own thing...

Here we go...  

So on a good day, and now this depends on the season, I walk to Price Cutter at 5:30-6:30 in the morning and grab a tomato or other meal and drink a Waterloo soda water.  They shamed my cake for breakfast routine. I walk back to my apartment and sleep until my helper comes.  In the late spring and summer, I get up at that time but walk around the pond.

I take lots of small naps throughout the day if I study, which I try to do every day but sometimes can't read or something.  I get overstimulated.  I don't have the monk abilities that I used to, but I can still focus negative energy and relax it out of me while I lie down.

  I walk to the Chinese place and get soda water a lot.  If it's nice out, I might walk 2 or 3 hours listening to music.  I go around in a giant circle from cox to republic to scenic?  and through the Chesterfield neighborhood.  This takes about an hour for me.  I do not walk fast either because my legs are freakishly short.

I spam a lot of the day to work on cognitive skills if I can't write.  It's either RT or quora.  I try to stimulate my brain.  Music helps as well.

We've had a mild winter this year, which I'm thankful for.  I know February isn't over, but it's almost spring. I am sensitive to cold weather, and it figures my imaginary boyfriend would be from Russia.  I could survive in Sochi but that's about it.  I'd have to be near a sauna.  

Now I'm visiting grandma a lot because she's dying.  She's helped me out so much throughout life.   She lives over in Elfindale by the manor.  I go when my helper comes for one hour of my time in the afternoon.

Today, I bought her some sweet treats.  She'll only eat sweets.  Hey, she made it to 91, and I'm proud of her for that.  

It'll be hard without her.  

Sad times.