Monday, October 31, 2022
The Name of God--Rich People Making Everyone Thrilled to Be Zombies--Kaela's Desire to go to a Commie Block... those places look like where I rented in St. Louis
First off, the people who assign our fates, and they do, were cruel with mine and now wonder why their sloppy mess didn’t work. It doesn’t matter what you tell them. People like Bjork, unintelligent but talented, think they know best. When they come into your life, they trash the place. It’s like how they tried to get me to marry after making it so that other children alienated the disabled and how they were somehow better. She sings, “Isobel,” and it’s a simple excuse to hide and not marry. My awareness has been so blasted that it seems stupid to me. Plus, in society, my life is extremely unstable. I fly with the wind. Indeed, they designed it this way. Does God ever find fault with His design? I’ve wondered about that.
People like Bjork wonder why people start screaming, and it’s because nobody listens ever. These people come into your life, tell you what’s what, and then when you sink like the Titanic, they claim a victory with a justification.
Do I have the right to survive? What is the purpose of survival for the low? If we were gone, would humanity be cleaner, less chaotic, and perfect? Someone else just takes our places, it seems to me.
So one of the talkers, and yes, I occasionally get a guest who isn’t some psycho slave driver, said that my crush was going to ask this girl to marry him come Christmas. I’m happy for the couple. I’ll make another fake boyfriend for people like Bjork to fret over. She’s a small-town girl in the end. Do you know what an adult relationship is, honey?
The commie block looks more promising than her face. Anyway, since no one will save me, I want to write and travel around. I’m sure I’m blacklisted, and I’m sure it won’t matter. I always end up on some list. Many people are like, wtf? when they meet me. People like Bjork make my list so ridiculous.
I come in, short and fat, with a bloated face like my mother. Homewrecker right here, man. Oh, look, I’m death, too, decay. I end up loaded with sin. I absorb it all. I’m still mad that I was destroyed for having a crush on Durov. U
I like this song minus the end where she’s on the stretcher. This is designed to make us all ignorant, have no awareness and no ability to fight against their moves. I guess this is what they came up with after COVID where many were freed. I guess I’ve had so many operations now, and the damage in general, that I’m not in beetard land like their victims will be. You will be immortal, happy (probably high), wealthy for all that you do, and I’ll be in a hearse or worse, married to another tard next to a dumpster or completely alone and constantly attacked for it. You did this to me. That commie block looks great. Enjoy what you create. You never listen. You never fix anything like in special ed.
This looks great, KittenYulia.
The commie block and my brain would be nice. I'm so spoiled. Cinderella, the clock has struck midnight. It's time for me to learn the hard way what happens to losers. Put me in the commie block! Some brain assistance would be nice.
Thursday, October 27, 2022
We Do the Same Thing, But Lie That We Don't--We Also Kill Just For Money or Fun
I wasn't sent to combat ever. I was essentially a janitor for 3 years.
I will say that I got into some trouble. I think an app should allow commanders to see what a soldier is posting within reasonable limits on the internet, either by phone or computer. I was immature and said stupid things. Marilyn Manson loves the young but all he gets are bitter fruits plucked off the vine before their time.
They were extreme with my punishment, I'd like to add. I know people who've done way worse. In the military, it just depends on who you piss off. Now I'd like to say respectfully, "Piss off." I can even teach you a trick but half of you will wet yourselves.
Not only, but they were using their Oracle machine where Marilyn Manson was going to blow my head off. I'm used to people trying to kill me.
I started going nutty and something happened in Cuba. We won't get too into that. Yes, I am schizophrenic, have been probably since 8.
I did turn myself in, and I waited in the barracks room for them to come to arrest me after the video. I was like, shit, my life is over. I tried to confess several times, but some of it was blurred and lied about. Rarely will they put anything about Russia in my records. They said one quote from my mom who said, "She thinks she has a personal relationship with Putin." I don't.
I have to beat the four directions of Hell to get back to heaven or Russia. We won't talk about Paradise. It's too sexy. I painted that issue. How to explain?
I've confessed and tried to get help so many times. I was confused for a while. And Paradise really caused issues. They made me worship Putin and then wondered why I was splitting everywhere and fighting it. I've finally moved on to Durov. Think you can handle a big woman like me? Try to hit me. I've got padding. Do you like extra juices, too? lol He is cute, smart, and respectable. He's tangled in me now.
We need to be realistic, have real laws, not cruel and unusual punishments, and we need to have a better understanding of the digital world. Plus, we don't need something better than a blind plutocracy. I know they hide behind words in "Critical Theory" and other gibberish.
Okay, have a nice night!
Friday, October 14, 2022
Sunday, October 9, 2022
Putin Betraying Me--And Everything Else, Don't Cry to Me
I like how my side thinks that Putin is now evil. They didn't help me either as I walked around screaming in delirium, pissing myself, being dragged out of my apartment years later, and having them take my joy away, the feelings we have. As the news anchor said, "Look What They Did To Their Own People."
Putin is not the one who tortured me in Virginia, he didn't laugh as I humped the floor and thrashed around when my heart bled, when I was in the ambulance and had blood pressure 30/60 only to be yelled out in the ER when I went into a delirium, yet again, not after Fred, when the musicians came and tried to kill me over and over again, and when my brain swelled, which kept the sexual stuff away. Putin didn't tell me I was a housewife and not a soldier, Putin didn't chase me into bathrooms, didn't follow me onto wards, didn't laugh as I screamed, didn't threaten my family. And more. I like how they made those movies when I was completely out of it and told me to work. They can get real jobs. Look what they did to their own people.
Putin is busy. He doesn't waste funds on people like me. Off to the penal colony with your ass. I was made to do things. Of course not, right? Whatever.
So now they are using special effects to trick children into worshipping some cult that gives out fob keys and allows access to death and lobotomies. We should just start using ice picks again.
When I was that age, I wanted to be seen or liked. I get it. Now I see how limited my life is because I'm not special or am in a destructive way. Prey. I told you that I used to have bad jealousy. And now I'm dead. From jealousy? No, from not listening to it and using it. I have to be in Beetard land though. If they put that stuff up too much, people will kill each other over it. I went after Campbell. Did I want to be an agent? No, I didn't want a horrible fate such as disabled, poverty kids with a deadbeat husband as my "punishment" in a lower life. Maybe next life when I feed worms. I had enough of it, the pushing, the lack of control, the anger, the sheer inequality, and dodging bullets trying to get the mail. I hated the psychological manipulation of this place, the traps. I want to learn and explore and think and write, but naughty, naughty.
It annoys me to this day that most people have some options or can do crafts, but I ended up with lesions upon lesions, being tortured by the CIA, and having to fucking move into a group home to stop them from dragging me out to yet another lab. It doesn't matter. I've never had a life. I have a mirage--used to moreso. They can't even leave that alone. People hate me and have ways to move me, and I can't fight back.
As I showed you with the suspension dates for disabled kids, we're also on lists. We can never cry, complain, get angry, or get help after massive amounts of abuse. This is insane to do to someone. When my body was stronger, I had more courage, and I was like, I'm going to plow through this roadblock.
I like to read and write. I hope to eventually get a book published, a real one. The work it takes for that skill is not earned overnight, and it usually is better with age.
Putin, please grant me asylum.
Of course not, I am but unworthy. Look, man, I belong in Hell. Open thou gates.
Friday, October 7, 2022
Trapped in my grave
Hello, wall! Hello, Kaela.
Anyway, I'm going to vent a bit about man problems.
I've always had issues. The second I received that * star, my social life is over along with everything else. It's strange. You'd think we'd bond, but we're all trying to distract ourselves from others. Human shields. I just gathered dirt on everyone for survival purposes.
Since they treated special ed children so horribly while I was growing up, most kids didn't want a thing to do with me. There are many schools that do not encourage the harassment of the disabled and flow. The kids still respect each other. There's a cute high school girl I know who is perfectly healthy and just goes through school with everyone else. Sometimes, you have to accept that the basics are it, that you are your own measure, and that life doesn't have to be a trashcan of rotting maggots.
Anyway, so don't think I got away. When I was at work, I ended up fired for not dating a guy, and people said rumors that I liked so and so at many places, and it went downhill. I was surprised that Marilyn Manson even used the imaginary vampire to nail me as well. New low for him. Yes, at 19, I would occasionally develop feelings for people over me and had the same awkwardness be the target of another love. I tried to distance myself and use mechanisms that MM blasted through, and I ended up thinking that Putin was Indra, God, my father, etc. And they were surprised. They should have allowed me to bask in his glory in the mental hospital forever. They only take me out of safe zones to kill me or try to force me to do activities on their "community health" list. Go away.
I wrote a Facebook message to a friend and questioned why I had crushes on people above me. She said she had schoolgirl crushes as well. I become unsure about what I'm allowed to have or not. I wasn't used to choices and relations of even iffy areas. I made the wrong person angry despite her. It happens. There went my entire existence.
While being tortured, I went into animal mode. I'm a bit feral, so my instincts were a lot stronger. That kept me alive, but Jesus, a better life? After listening to my social worker talking about how wonderful it is that we have choices in life, I'm like, wow. I end up trapped and desperate. Fear and force. The psychotronic people are even worse. We don't want those low-paying jobs, and to be looked down on. I won't get into all of the tricks tonight. Instead of having our 17 agencies of slave masters over all 4 of us who aren't special, those places should pay people or disappear with robots. All they are serving is the worst cuts of meat, fried with flour, syrup, and pure sugar. It's not food.
I want them to suffer, the psychotronic people. That's a healthy desire that frees our species from so much crap. I don't vote, even when I could. When is the government going to admit that we're under a dictatorship that does not allow free speech or freedom of expression? That we have masters over us who we have to follow? That their family and wives and others can deaden us or kill us if we exist near them, like their husband, or anything else. We have no autonomy, especially if we speak out of our places that we don't know we have to begin with. We don't want to be zombies. I miss the feeling of life.
I hate the US. It's like, oops, I did it again. I couldn't avoid it.
From this A.I. Story, Detective falls... "My wife is dead. I will save you."
Have I had that fantasy? I talked to Mrs. Putina. She was the blender in the bar. We are all children of God. Basically, my low social status makes me accept a lot if something is better. I've heard of the wife killing several times, going to have to get rid of its meaning and blast it in comedy instead of fury and fire. Some thoughts are given to us so that we don't do something bad, such as jumping off a cliff.
Monday, October 3, 2022
You learn to love this stuff as a disabled person
So I was looking up my old high school, Kickapoo, that won't post my comment or doesn't bother to check for new replies, and I saw that they have this gem below. I'm hoping that my specialness is making me miss out on some facts. Probably not. We're a hated demographic and many of us end up sick from school because we are "undeserving" or "impossible." Plus, there's no point in teaching us geometry or whatever. That causes the student to become agitated, and the teacher gets mad, and then the teacher goes after the student who lashes out. It's always our fault. Just wait until you meet my adult, "solid-state playmates."
I know they put us together because it was cheap, but they could use other buildings or even bus kids to where they are now. You didn't have to do this to me. It makes it so that we have to battle Placebo and so many others. Corey Johnson was killed. Some crafts are easier for us.
This shows the suspension rates for students with disabilities at this school compared to the state average. High suspension rates mean less time for teaching and learning.
Saturday, October 1, 2022
A New Rule From Them: Don't Have a Crush On a Billionaire/Master/Slave Owner
I have a new position in Hell. I will now fight the damn lunatics who think they control the world and start to make laws that serve only instability. Many people claim this, a few people have made it, but they always give it up in the end. It's not fun nor rewarding occupation. Everyone tries to kill you constantly. Everyone turns against you when they can. I suppose it's more like climbing Mount Everest. You get to the top, look at the dead bodies of those who fell, and then you go back down feeling accomplished.
Many sycophants try to serve high-status people who don't even notice us most of the time. "You mean a girl has a crush on me? Poor thing, I'm ancient!"
I spent a year asleep because I like Pavel Durov. I know there was a boy in a South Korean show who told girls not to like him or it won't end well.
Is this not stupid? They want to enhance the fear factor which will make it worse. You can use sexuality in many ways and call it a cloud. For example, in "Day I Die" by DeathbyRomy, the girls are screaming, supposedly burning in gowns. Romy drinks the gasoline blood. Wahoo. Then everyone dies. We have the infamous execution by the dial.
Yes, U Kali will make everyone mad. You get stuck with one of the men/gods who come into your awareness. We are wired to serve god, or the pack leader (won't get into higher levels here). Kali makes Shiva smile, whichever one, and they fight as one. Shiva wants you to do this or that. It pops up into reality and is coated in dopamine. The reason dopamine is released is that we serve dominance as a species, good or bad. It will override logic. Demonic dopamine makes evil spirits. The mind caters to dark fears naturally. Heavenly dopamine makes people higher than a kite. It's truly horrible. Something like a leaf will become the most important object in the world.
So, slave owners, prepare to enter upon this wall I talk to.