Tuesday, March 31, 2020

How To Make a Scarecrow

I have been chased for being disabled and taking funds.  As I've explained a million times, they usually pick someone innocent and naive to protect them from me. Can I go to prison and be left alone?

 Yes, I used to look up people online to see how they were doing. Aspen Perretta must have had software to know this and just kept blocking me.  I go through everyone, and I am happy for them, just to see them end up somewhere.  While I can't sue because I have no rights and no voice, she ought to sue them for putting her in danger -- or trying to.  "Sally's Song" Universal HallPass was one. I don't care what she said.

 Now Korn has a video out called, "Can You Hear Me" that shows the innocent being stalked.  The people you've really got to be scared of work for the government and have bad agendas.  All they care about is money and profit.

The government needs mental help.  It's easy to come forward and address these problems like rational people.  After everything, and with no one dead, Aspen was able to get rid of me.  Aspen doesn't want to be my special friend.  Others can use the same technology, just like you could have fixed me with the same technology but no, oh no, we have to play the hero's journey.

I was summoned like I've tried to explain... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=svYAxoZM0K8. Send a few thousand more through.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KEablbtZ0_Y&t=33s "13 Ghosts". Fun and games.

My first video... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ETC6PxDFTRQ. It's cool.  It was the director's cut.  They made me pick it up at the PX.  Good luck with a few thousand of us.  Someone will get through.  We're worthless and are going to keep dying anyway.  No issues for tissues.  We're not going to talk about my childhood or special education.

To Marilyn Manson... this took me 30 seconds.  It's for you.  I still like the "Savior/Save your ass" poem best.  I'll work on some good songs.  This one is lame, but I'm busy today.

In the heathen cities,
The wasteland wants.
Where the martyr died,
Who they hung up,
Who they hung up.
The notes played.
The children cried.
Deadheads fed
Up, up, UP! High!
Heaven steals.
Hell needs the steel,
You see.
Belong to the dollar,
And be smarter,
Lard for hogs,
Lard of the free.