Thursday, December 22, 2022

Apologize to Me...

 No, I knew Snowden wouldn't do anything and would be a destructive force, basically, he would make it difficult for others to speak or do anything. I also hate you for what you made me do and then blamed me, even when I confessed to the crimes I didn't commit willingly but confessed anyway.  Gotta leave it up to random people with red eyes. People do nothing but anticipate and say things with no action. The more these traits bloom, the more their lives will suck. I have boot-licked in the past thinking they'd leave me alone. Nope.  I bind my time.  Plus, I'm always looking for a way out, away. I hate you.  You hate me, America, so let me go. I'm the biggest security threat to America, you guys make me out to be. You can't argue with those enchanted by fake prizes, the youth who feels as if he is doing his duty and will be respected and rewarded.  Wait until you meet Zombie boy or enjoy being cleared from the ranks via death.  I'm always desperate because I'm stolen from or damaged. ha ha ha

My dad used to drive me by Six Flags every weekend and say we could go if I was good. I was never good.  I learned a lot from his psychopathy. He's doing well now again, proof of God's hatred of the world, so give him a FOB key, even though he and other men are chronic cheaters. That doesn't bother me.  I mean, he was in a relationship for a few years, and then married May after two weeks.   

I'm not allowed anything, and so it makes me laugh.   They switch the economy and still don't pay me (they don't raise wages but do tricks).  What did they think would happen? Burning to ash. They don't know because they believe what they say and think it is so because that's all they know.  It becomes a muddy river of things that aren't real.  Reach your hand in, and it won't be a mystery. I'm not ever working again. I can't. I couldn't ever rise up when I had over 14-hour days one year, split shifts, and other great things like being accused of being a homewrecker. I don't hate them for rejecting me. I won't go with the crack addict..Bjork is crying tears of semen.. It's like, I have no choice but to join, but at least I'll get school and some funds.  I ran off into the army.  The army was fun, but if you're lower enlisted, nothing like what they did will be reported or investigated, and it will fall back on you.  I could ask... why they let the MM thing happen, the oracle machine, and we always have fun with A.I.lah?  My riches are yours.  Take them.  I am robbed before I can find stability or get skills. I sigh. They wouldn't even let me sleep in my car during the Virginia thing. I finally found a diner that let me. I couldn't get away from them. 

Monday, November 28, 2022

Free to Fail

America sucks for me because I'm disabled. People are always trying to use me, rob me, or destroy me, and I can't fight back or tell anyone. Ask me how many times I've been violated to get me to feel guilt and not value myself. I never have. They call me a slave and make a bunch of commands that are contradictory, and I am punished randomly and don't know all of the rules. Therefore, I ask for one slave master who can command me, or the death squads and I are going to continually waste money trapping and killing one another. I've dealt with the damn FBI so many times in life. We're on lists because we're naughty, I suppose, or will be. Once again, in the US, I am only "Free to Fail." I kid you not. Doesn't that show we shouldn't live in the community? We get killed all of the time. Russia has issues with disabled people, too. I don't know what to think. I guess technology will save us, but I wouldn't do what we do and simply abuse us until we lose our memories or other functions from abuse. Plus, many of us have a problem where it's impossible for us to ever comprehend what the norms can or learn that fast. Most people turn out to be nothing, but we develop behavioral problems after all the berating of teachers who punish our reactions or send us to special schools where we're drugged out of our minds. We need a way out if that's possible. Most of our parents don't care about us or use us for money. Like many issues, I started out with a minor problem that became a nightmare. Why do they put us through school if they are going to abuse or use us? I'm an inspiration, remember? Look at me now. And they even used the dominant male again. Really? I drag all the predators and criminals with me.

Monday, October 31, 2022

America, Where Everyone Is Happy and Free to Prosper!

The Name of God--Rich People Making Everyone Thrilled to Be Zombies--Kaela's Desire to go to a Commie Block... those places look like where I rented in St. Louis

 First off, the people who assign our fates, and they do, were cruel with mine and now wonder why their sloppy mess didn’t work. It doesn’t matter what you tell them. People like Bjork, unintelligent but talented, think they know best. When they come into your life, they trash the place. It’s like how they tried to get me to marry after making it so that other children alienated the disabled and how they were somehow better. She sings, “Isobel,” and it’s a simple excuse to hide and not marry. My awareness has been so blasted that it seems stupid to me. Plus, in society, my life is extremely unstable. I fly with the wind. Indeed, they designed it this way. Does God ever find fault with His design? I’ve wondered about that.

People like Bjork wonder why people start screaming, and it’s because nobody listens ever. These people come into your life, tell you what’s what, and then when you sink like the Titanic, they claim a victory with a justification.

Do I have the right to survive? What is the purpose of survival for the low? If we were gone, would humanity be cleaner, less chaotic, and perfect? Someone else just takes our places, it seems to me.


So one of the talkers, and yes, I occasionally get a guest who isn’t some psycho slave driver, said that my crush was going to ask this girl to marry him come Christmas. I’m happy for the couple. I’ll make another fake boyfriend for people like Bjork to fret over. She’s a small-town girl in the end. Do you know what an adult relationship is, honey?

The commie block looks more promising than her face. Anyway, since no one will save me, I want to write and travel around. I’m sure I’m blacklisted, and I’m sure it won’t matter. I always end up on some list. Many people are like, wtf? when they meet me. People like Bjork make my list so ridiculous.

I come in, short and fat, with a bloated face like my mother. Homewrecker right here, man. Oh, look, I’m death, too, decay. I end up loaded with sin. I absorb it all. I’m still mad that I was destroyed for having a crush on Durov. U

I like this song minus the end where she’s on the stretcher. This is designed to make us all ignorant, have no awareness and no ability to fight against their moves. I guess this is what they came up with after COVID where many were freed. I guess I’ve had so many operations now, and the damage in general, that I’m not in beetard land like their victims will be. You will be immortal, happy (probably high), wealthy for all that you do, and I’ll be in a hearse or worse, married to another tard next to a dumpster or completely alone and constantly attacked for it. You did this to me. That commie block looks great. Enjoy what you create. You never listen. You never fix anything like in special ed.

This looks great, KittenYulia.

The commie block and my brain would be nice.  I'm so spoiled.  Cinderella, the clock has struck midnight. It's time for me to learn the hard way what happens to losers.  Put me in the commie block!  Some brain assistance would be nice.

Thursday, October 27, 2022

We Do the Same Thing, But Lie That We Don't--We Also Kill Just For Money or Fun

 I wasn't sent to combat ever.  I was essentially a janitor for 3 years.  

I will say that I got into some trouble.  I think an app should allow commanders to see what a soldier is posting within reasonable limits on the internet, either by phone or computer.  I was immature and said stupid things.  Marilyn Manson loves the young but all he gets are bitter fruits plucked off the vine before their time.

They were extreme with my punishment, I'd like to add. I know people who've done way worse.  In the military, it just depends on who you piss off.  Now I'd like to say respectfully, "Piss off." I can even teach you a trick but half of you will wet yourselves.

Not only, but they were using their Oracle machine where Marilyn Manson was going to blow my head off.  I'm used to people trying to kill me.  

I started going nutty and something happened in Cuba.  We won't get too into that.  Yes, I am schizophrenic, have been probably since 8.  

I did turn myself in, and I waited in the barracks room for them to come to arrest me after the video.  I was like, shit, my life is over.  I tried to confess several times, but some of it was blurred and lied about. Rarely will they put anything about Russia in my records.  They said one quote from my mom who said, "She thinks she has a personal relationship with Putin." I don't.

I have to beat the four directions of Hell to get back to heaven or Russia. We won't talk about Paradise.  It's too sexy.  I painted that issue.  How to explain?

I've confessed and tried to get help so many times.  I was confused for a while.  And Paradise really caused issues.  They made me worship Putin and then wondered why I was splitting everywhere and fighting it. I've finally moved on to Durov.  Think you can handle a big woman like me? Try to hit me. I've got padding. Do you like extra juices, too?  lol He is cute, smart, and respectable.  He's tangled in me now.  


We need to be realistic, have real laws, not cruel and unusual punishments, and we need to have a better understanding of the digital world.  Plus, we don't need something better than a blind plutocracy.  I know they hide behind words in "Critical Theory" and other gibberish.  

Okay, have a nice night!

Sunday, October 9, 2022

Putin Betraying Me--And Everything Else, Don't Cry to Me

 I like how my side thinks that Putin is now evil.  They didn't help me either as I walked around screaming in delirium, pissing myself, being dragged out of my apartment years later, and having them take my joy away, the feelings we have.  As the news anchor said, "Look What They Did To Their Own People."

Putin is not the one who tortured me in Virginia, he didn't laugh as I humped the floor and thrashed around when my heart bled, when I was in the ambulance and had blood pressure 30/60 only to be yelled out in the ER when I went into a delirium, yet again, not after Fred, when the musicians came and tried to kill me over and over again, and when my brain swelled, which kept the sexual stuff away. Putin didn't tell me I was a housewife and not a soldier, Putin didn't chase me into bathrooms, didn't follow me onto wards, didn't laugh as I screamed, didn't threaten my family.  And more. I like how they made those movies when I was completely out of it and told me to work. They can get real jobs. Look what they did to their own people.

Putin is busy. He doesn't waste funds on people like me.  Off to the penal colony with your ass. I was made to do things. Of course not, right?  Whatever.  


 So now they are using special effects to trick children into worshipping some cult that gives out fob keys and allows access to death and lobotomies.  We should just start using ice picks again.  

When I was that age, I wanted to be seen or liked.  I get it. Now I see how limited my life is because I'm not special or am in a destructive way.  Prey.  I told you that I used to have bad jealousy.  And now I'm dead.  From jealousy? No, from not listening to it and using it.  I have to be in Beetard land though.  If they put that stuff up too much, people will kill each other over it.  I went after Campbell. Did I want to be an agent? No, I didn't want a horrible fate such as disabled, poverty kids with a deadbeat husband as my "punishment" in a lower life.  Maybe next life when I feed worms.  I had enough of it, the pushing, the lack of control, the anger, the sheer inequality, and dodging bullets trying to get the mail.  I hated the psychological manipulation of this place, the traps.  I want to learn and explore and think and write, but naughty, naughty.

It annoys me to this day that most people have some options or can do crafts, but I ended up with lesions upon lesions, being tortured by the CIA, and having to fucking move into a group home to stop them from dragging me out to yet another lab.  It doesn't matter.  I've never had a life.  I have a mirage--used to moreso.  They can't even leave that alone.  People hate me and have ways to move me, and I can't fight back.  

As I showed you with the suspension dates for disabled kids, we're also on lists.  We can never cry, complain, get angry, or get help after massive amounts of abuse. This is insane to do to someone.  When my body was stronger, I had more courage, and I was like, I'm going to plow through this roadblock.  

I like to read and write.  I hope to eventually get a book published, a real one.  The work it takes for that skill is not earned overnight, and it usually is better with age.  

Putin, please grant me asylum.

Of course not, I am but unworthy.  Look, man, I belong in Hell.  Open thou gates.

Friday, October 7, 2022

Trapped in my grave

 Hello, wall! Hello, Kaela. 

Anyway, I'm going to vent a bit about man problems.  

I've always had issues.  The second I received that * star, my social life is over along with everything else.  It's strange. You'd think we'd bond, but we're all trying to distract ourselves from others. Human shields.  I just gathered dirt on everyone for survival purposes.

Since they treated special ed children so horribly while I was growing up, most kids didn't want a thing to do with me.  There are many schools that do not encourage the harassment of the disabled and flow.  The kids still respect each other.  There's a cute high school girl I know who is perfectly healthy and just goes through school with everyone else.  Sometimes, you have to accept that the basics are it, that you are your own measure, and that life doesn't have to be a trashcan of rotting maggots.  

Anyway, so don't think I got away. When I was at work, I ended up fired for not dating a guy, and people said rumors that I liked so and so at many places, and it went downhill.  I was surprised that Marilyn Manson even used the imaginary vampire to nail me as well. New low for him. Yes, at 19, I would occasionally develop feelings for people over me and had the same awkwardness be the target of another love.  I tried to distance myself and use mechanisms that MM blasted through, and I ended up thinking that Putin was Indra, God, my father, etc. And they were surprised. They should have allowed me to bask in his glory in the mental hospital forever. They only take me out of safe zones to kill me or try to force me to do activities on their "community health" list.  Go away. 

I wrote a Facebook message to a friend and questioned why I had crushes on people above me.  She said she had schoolgirl crushes as well.  I become unsure about what I'm allowed to have or not. I wasn't used to choices and relations of even iffy areas.  I made the wrong person angry despite her.  It happens.  There went my entire existence.  

While being tortured, I went into animal mode.  I'm a bit feral, so my instincts were a lot stronger.  That kept me alive, but Jesus, a better life? After listening to my social worker talking about how wonderful it is that we have choices in life, I'm like, wow.  I end up trapped and desperate.  Fear and force. The psychotronic people are even worse.  We don't want those low-paying jobs, and to be looked down on.  I won't get into all of the tricks tonight. Instead of having our 17 agencies of slave masters over all 4 of us who aren't special, those places should pay people or disappear with robots.  All they are serving is the worst cuts of meat, fried with flour, syrup, and pure sugar.  It's not food.

I want them to suffer, the psychotronic people. That's a healthy desire that frees our species from so much crap.  I don't vote, even when I could. When is the government going to admit that we're under a dictatorship that does not allow free speech or freedom of expression? That we have masters over us who we have to follow? That their family and wives and others can deaden us or kill us if we exist near them, like their husband, or anything else. We have no autonomy, especially if we speak out of our places that we don't know we have to begin with.  We don't want to be zombies. I miss the feeling of life.

I hate the US. It's like, oops, I did it again. I couldn't avoid it.

From this A.I. Story, Detective falls... "My wife is dead. I will save you." 

Have I had that fantasy? I talked to Mrs. Putina. She was the blender in the bar.  We are all children of God. Basically, my low social status makes me accept a lot if something is better.  I've heard of the wife killing several times, going to have to get rid of its meaning and blast it in comedy instead of fury and fire.  Some thoughts are given to us so that we don't do something bad, such as jumping off a cliff.


Monday, October 3, 2022

You learn to love this stuff as a disabled person

 So I was looking up my old high school, Kickapoo, that won't post my comment or doesn't bother to check for new replies, and I saw that they have this gem below. I'm hoping that my specialness is making me miss out on some facts.  Probably not.  We're a hated demographic and many of us end up sick from school because we are "undeserving" or "impossible." Plus, there's no point in teaching us geometry or whatever. That causes the student to become agitated, and the teacher gets mad, and then the teacher goes after the student who lashes out. It's always our fault.  Just wait until you meet my adult, "solid-state playmates."  

  I know they put us together because it was cheap, but they could use other buildings or even bus kids to where they are now.  You didn't have to do this to me.  It makes it so that we have to battle Placebo and so many others.  Corey Johnson was killed. Some crafts are easier for us.  

This shows the suspension rates for students with disabilities at this school compared to the state average. High suspension rates mean less time for teaching and learning.

 This shows the suspension rates for students with disabilities at this school compared to the state average. High suspension rates mean less time for teaching and learning.
All students 
Students with disabilities 

Saturday, October 1, 2022

A New Rule From Them: Don't Have a Crush On a Billionaire/Master/Slave Owner

 I have a new position in Hell.  I will now fight the damn lunatics who think they control the world and start to make laws that serve only instability.  Many people claim this, a few people have made it, but they always give it up in the end. It's not fun nor rewarding occupation. Everyone tries to kill you constantly. Everyone turns against you when they can.  I suppose it's more like climbing Mount Everest.  You get to the top, look at the dead bodies of those who fell, and then you go back down feeling accomplished.  

Many sycophants try to serve high-status people who don't even notice us most of the time. "You mean a girl has a crush on me? Poor thing, I'm ancient!" 

I spent a year asleep because I like Pavel Durov.  I know there was a boy in a South Korean show who told girls not to like him or it won't end well.

Is this not stupid?  They want to enhance the fear factor which will make it worse.  You can use sexuality in many ways and call it a cloud.  For example, in "Day I Die" by DeathbyRomy, the girls are screaming, supposedly burning in gowns.  Romy drinks the gasoline blood.  Wahoo.  Then everyone dies.  We have the infamous execution by the dial.  

Yes, U Kali will make everyone mad.  You get stuck with one of the men/gods who come into your awareness. We are wired to serve god, or the pack leader (won't get into higher levels here).  Kali makes Shiva smile, whichever one, and they fight as one.  Shiva wants you to do this or that.  It pops up into reality and is coated in dopamine. The reason dopamine is released is that we serve dominance as a species, good or bad. It will override logic. Demonic dopamine makes evil spirits. The mind caters to dark fears naturally.  Heavenly dopamine makes people higher than a kite.  It's truly horrible.  Something like a leaf will become the most important object in the world.

So, slave owners, prepare to enter upon this wall I talk to. 

Saturday, August 13, 2022

Stupidity On My Part

 So, I was pretty upset last night.  I can't get angry. All I can do is cry.  My sister not only didn't want me to come to her baby shower, but she deleted my reply asking if she wanted something.  I've given my sister tons of money, been nice to her when she treats me like shit, and I've tried to help her.   I'm used to not being included, which is why I liked A so much in HS.  I mean, my siblings all threw a birthday party for my stepdad and didn't invite me.  

The problem for me is that I have to have connections, or I will be hunted down, thus, just for fun like Marilyn Manson did.  It doesn't matter what I say. They will put words into my mouth.  I've tried changing so many times.  People are like, do this, do that, and when I did those things, there was no change.  

I've tried to kill myself several times.  People try to kill me.  I've realized that the kind of people I let near me is a problem, but what do you do about family?  Since I don't bring anything to the table, as they say, I eat on the floor with the dogs.  It's this way for many of the disabled.  Just like I've been entrapped by the FBI 4 times, I will absorb all sin, the dark ONE.

Then I get all of these cliches thrown at me.  

Monday, August 1, 2022

America Compared: Why Other Countries Treat Their People So Much Better

America fooled me for a while.  I've been told how stupid I am since practically a toddler.  When I got older, I was like, I deserve nothing.  I've tried to kill myself several times.  Ironically a bottle of caffeine pills caused me to sleep for several days.  I woke up not knowing where I was, who I was, or anything until I saw my diet coke refillable cup. +shakes+ it's all I had left.

I worked at McDonalds, Braums, Subway, Charlie's Chicken, Town Cafe, and seasonal work. I was exploited heavily as usual.  I wasn't good at McDonalds and had two other jobs and school.  They didn't treat me poorly.  I collapsed in my apartment and didn't show up at work for several days, yet again.  They let me go slowly.  I don't have a problem with McDonalds, except they won't take my suggestion of using flavor packets to make different kinds of shakes because I no longer work there.

I've had the mark of Cain since kindergarten. 

Anyway, everyone hated me at school for being slow or ignoring me--as usual.  My "friends" did their life things, went into the worth of debt, which is some bullshit, I'm telling you.  It's impossible to earn things.  They were wiser.  When people like me have real resources, not billions, millions, but just don't have to go into debt for school or enter a credit trap, our "managers," "controllers," "supervisors for Earth," get angry because it messes our places up.  "Secret destroyers hold you up to the flames," -- Bullet With Butterfly Wings.  It's like, not effing again.  Eventually, at 22, it happened.  My microbes were like, "We're sick of this body. Bury us, and we'll do better in the dirt." Anyway, the reason you don't want to do that is because we are but bound by mortal chains.  

Now they're like, have babies?  One, mine won't be normal, fuck you for not listening to me try to explain this.  Two, there would be more babies in my family if I would have worked for them in my Hellish life.

Now I get to hear how lucky I was to be in the middle class.  lol  Really? You got free school, free food, free housing, free cellphones, sympathy, and more opportunities from that.  I go the opposite way, which caused my magical third eye to start to open.  Don't think I'm special.  The third eye came to those who used debt to succeed.  I'm a bit late.  I don't want to do some of the things they do either.

I tried to e-mail the CIA a few times during my abuse...

They only work for rich people and play stupid games.  They are unprofessional, and I think borderline retarded.  I know they torture people to show how unimportant they are, which I already knew. I'm special :P but not as special as they are. It gives me different dimensions, a type of undeserved freedom perhaps. I'm used to being ignored by everyone.  I type to myself.  This is why I started writing, actually.  I would have put more effort into video games.  I wrote to my parents trying to explain that they were wrong about what they accused me of, that they were being mean, and that I was sick of it.  

I couldn't get through.  I'm not valued.  That's why I usually stayed quiet growing up, but they put words into my mouth.  

I wrote Dawn of the Hives for the CIA as a joke and to say, really?  You can't get through to them. Are you really going to do this to us? I told them yet again that I was being hunted and used, look at my voices on another blog, "Sadam" and "I found the vessel." Nothing.  The only thing they did was harass me about MH17.  They laughed and said they'd killed my boyfriend or, Putin.

I've moved on to Durov.

Sunday, July 31, 2022

Marilyn Manson - Eat Me, Drink Me [My Abuse Video]

Mass Entertainment With Us... You obviously can't handle it...

I'm Not helping You Defame or Drag Putin into the Street... I Hate You More...

 Just die.  Do.

Like I said, I will do nothing for you. You are terrible leaders.  I know I wrote about Putin, and those were the posts you pulled up.  Putin is busy and ignores what he doesn't have to deal with because he has a gusher coming at him 24/7.  He ended up being annoyed by Navalny's sneaker wave.  Did everyone forget Navalny?  Ukraine hit Putin harder.  

 You are the leaders of my country and tortured me for stupid reasons.  Then you chased me, and I had to keep going to the expensive hospital. I was blamed for that, too.  The doctors wouldn't help me.

You're killing young people.  If you want the money, then find a way to take it besides death.  What were you like between 18-25?  You have mass surveillance to catch cheaters. Anytime money is involved. Of course not. The righteous lead, right?  At least Putin isn't stupid and self-serving.  

Britney Spears, while I like her music, is an inconsiderate bitch. Sorry, girl, but I was recovering from Marilyn Manson's weapon and many others.  

Marilyn Manson likes to feel powerful and connected.  Wahoo.  Regimes change.  

Zheani throws temper tantrums all the time and lies about where she was from or has mixed opinions on "daddy."  Listen to "Dirt Bike" and then "Ghosts."  That Asian chick looks disgusted and surprised.  In her culture, it's different. I know I'm not number one, I grew up in a large family.  It wasn't always about me, rarely is.  They project, deflect, and do things they feel make them psychologically clever. Nope, you have the gun.  That's your wisdom.

Saturday, June 4, 2022

I've decided to keep talking to this wall

 Today, I'm going to talk a little about influence.  In my life, I've let way too many people influence me.  Part of this is poor socialization, and part of it is me being too stupid to go with desperate people when being alone is better.  Yesterday, I made the mistake of going after Saweetie, not that she heard me.  I do think she's talented and pretty.  Nothing about that.  It's just the influence I let certain people have over me.  They will point out all my flaws and say I want her spot. No, I do not.  I'm not a big people person, I'm not talented, and really, I do my hobbies like writing.  I don't think I'll get anywhere.  If I did, I'd have to fight my relative off with a stick. He'll do anything for five cents or power.  You have to cage him against it due to his "rights."  He always finds a way to do the most destructive route possible, and you can't do anything back.  It's annoying.  Most of the family simply wants him to stay away for this reason. We've learned.  We exiled him to California.  The slimeball will slither back, I'm sure.   

Tap your phone line and then try to use it against you, but we all know he's doing it, so we avoid him.  

This is someone I do not want in my life.  It's difficult because I care about my brother and stepmom.  He knows this, too.  

Freedom of speech, asldfkja.  Back at you!

Wednesday, June 1, 2022

Celtic Ambassador REALLY doesn't want to meet the Romans...

Sweatie (Saweetie apparently), Aspen, And Shantelle: My Favorite Place--Rant Unconfirmed.. Not that anyone cares. I can't find the song now.

 Oh well, sorry

Nobody cares anyway.  I should have looked it up. Yes, I know that I'm no one.  I don't care.  Despite the fact that they try to make the "outcasts" and "disabled" conquer in the movies, it rarely happens that way. I chill in my group home with Mr. Keiko.  I didn't know how lost and all the time I'd wasted until I started reading the Quran. I'm not Muslim. The Quran and remembrance were their duties.  I will fail the tests of Allah, the real ones.  I hope I'm at least spared judgment day.  Let anyone be thankful for that.


Thursday, May 19, 2022

Grew in Health With Putin: Grew into Slight Motivation With Durov

 So I spent a good deal of 11 years writing about, chasing, and amusing myself on wards with Putin.  It made me become healthier after all the negative stuff they throw at us to keep us down and in our graves.  I even had a normal feeling of being safe and cared for.  Putin was my Jesus.  He also knows that I can't keep my mind straight.  This has happened several times operation-wise.  What they're doing is sick.  I mean, America has, indeed, dehumanized me, and they get mad when I putter something out like that I'm a piece of shit on the clearance aisle.  They'll say, "That's not true. Stop feeling sorry for yourself." The devil feels sympathy for me by this point.

I started to like Durov after Putin aged out of my range. When I like a guy like that, I care for myself and dream while making better choices, like trying to look nice next to the water fountain or by the knombs. I don't think we'd be together, much as I want to be, because Russian officers can't marry foreigners.  It's against Russia's laws. I guess anything can happen in Russia, but it's unlikely.  He knows my brain is fractured after all they did to me. I was one of many before they butchered the friends inside my head.  I'm sure Daria would love a former hypersexual pedophile (didn't touch them, but what they did to my brain, messed it up badly) around her children. Most moms would be like, OMG no, especially with a head injury and schizophrenia.  I have had random people try to get me to watch their kids when I'm walking around.  It's like, um, do you know that I have schizophrenia and brain damage. I'm also a security risk because I wander and have a weak, damaged mind.  I also look terrible.  I am going to exercise more in the group home.  

In other news, I found a couple of my yearbooks and trashed them.  In the ones I had, there was no smile for a good reason.  I'll admit, too, that I signed my own yearbook and wrote, "Too cool" next to my picture.  I know someone else who does that... the last generation shall end the world!

Sunday, April 24, 2022

Ellise - Feeling Something Bad... Going Back to the Home... You don't have to hide in shame anymore or because it's scary

Okay, so I can't take care of myself, I can't diet, and I'm severely obese, I don't have a schedule of waking or sleeping because I can't sense time.  My head does weird things.  I'm spoiled with money! of course, so I go over budget, or I only have the presence of now. I can't stop drinking fluids and have no will.  And daddy Durov didn't want to take me. :P I want to live with daddy.  Uh oh, I'll get the bio-one.  Nobody loves me.  Just laugh about it.  It's the story of my life.  I get such harsh punishments and go through such Hell, and the people who speak words and don't comprehend, usually throw flowers in my grave like half my family does.  

The problem is that my sister got knocked up, and she has to take care of the baby.  My dad will end up, hhahahahaa.  Who would have thought that would be my luck?  Another joke from God.  

 I love my cats, yes, but cats are loyal to whoever feeds them, and I will pay for their food and medical care wherever they go.  A dog might kill itself if it loved its owner, but cats are different. He'll assume I died.  I love cats, but yeah, they don't have the same emotions.  They show appreciation to those who take care of them.  They're kind of like gold-diggers, but better.  They purr because they are happy and want to share "happy" with you, too.  I love when they anticipate going to the sink.  They're saying, "Make me happy. I'll give happiness to you."
This is why we don't squiggle equations about relativity and think it makes brain surgery smart. Also, I had a lot of damage from Marilyn Manson and the others.  The same "equations" wouldn't work.  Thanks. I have tons of lesions from everything and had a disability before.  I know...  Work or die!  I'll probably have to do work therapy eventually.  I'll have to clean up crap at the hospital or somewhere in the VA.  KMFDM "Professional Killer."  Good luck.

No more gang stalking, no more threats, no more being dragged out of my apartment at night because they want to fix me.  You did a good job and should be proud of yourselves.  1+1=you.

Dare not look at a man or earn any money, for those are the ways of sin!  I am but greedy and cruel, Blackbriar and Ellise.  So when is Ellise going to wear clothing?  She wants to be pious.  You don't wear your outfits to church.  

Did you look in the eyes of RA, Ellise!  Keep your head down.  Where's your burqa?  lol

Don't say I hid or tried to stop this nonsense.  Nothing I can do.  The last attempt was with my army.  It didn't work.  Other stuff did.  Oh well, I guess trying to get her to confess, thought she had some morals, was a waste of time, too.  It's number 1 or none.  The best impress, nothing for the rest.  

Saturday, April 16, 2022

"Adjustment Disorder"

 Now, this is what the psychotronic people are calling people who want more than their current state of affairs or who daydream.  Any mental disorder as well... cough, any competition... The faster this drags us down, the better.  We are dragged off in the night so that we can enjoy being retarded and get into accidents faster.

They're calling us dead and making us "clear" and "in the moment" like I said.  That actually means, make it so that we can't think or do any of the activities they seem to put pride in like music.  They must have a soul.  I'm hollow water, gee, thanks.

 Contemporary music is a joke anyway.  It's not real music.   

Only the young and tone-deaf people like me enjoy popular music.  I'll do about anything to stimulate my dead brain.  The drums appeal to me, thus.

Ever since I've been swimming through reality, I've had to take perphenazine religiously, too.  That will be the next move of the black market. I'm sure they've already started.

Oh no... there won't be glitter and sunshine!  

It's a cruel, cruel world, after all, and it must be fixed... I've never felt that way or not for very long.  Only people who want power gather our demons and then use them against us.

But it's for a new world, a new world order in which lions and lambs frolic together.  

Puke. Bullshit.

The world is complicated and often shoves us in strange directions or tricks us into believing in free will, which doesn't exist.  Our leaders are not the best, such as Obama who expected so much out of ordinary people, or they hunt people instead of making logical and realistic laws.

In my culture, people are herded into bad choices and then blamed. If they end up in squaller or poverty, they are used as examples and executed in a "sly" way, not really sly but sleight.

I hate this place.  There is more to the world to see and discover.

They've been speaking through my grandma again.  That's great and makes me look delusional. I don't care. I'm not going into poverty, and it doesn't matter because I'll always fall into a safety net.  As I said, there was a brief period where I could have been made productive, but America's insatiable greed kicked in, only eating its own tail for eternity.

I hate this country. Why do you make me stay?  

Monday, April 4, 2022

This Is What Happens When You Make Good Choices or Try to Hide...

Stop making good decisions...

 I'm not sure, but this guy covered his face while I was "enjoying" my dip-n-dots and energy drink.  He could have been hiding a scar from shaving, but it fits into what I want to say. 

The "sun" has made it so that we have to avoid good choices or we die.  It's kind of like not letting women motivate their husbands to do well in business by being strong and in shape. Instead, we American women have to marry bums and say we don't care about money. Otherwise, we're dirty gold diggers or don't know our places.  Five years later, the woman has 4 children with her baby daddy, is old with few skills, as she works at the car wash, and she has to take care of a bunch of kids who simply go to state daycare, as she slowly gets onto disability because she can't afford to work either. Welfare only lasts 5 years.  The less you do in America, the more money you'll have.  It's almost true across the board, but not always.

They also give us advice like Bill Gates, "Don't leave your kids anything" when he plans to. Therefore, the kids will spend years trapped on the lower levels if they ever get out.  They also shouldn't go to school according to Musk.  It's not that everyone can get a Ph.D. in physics, but they'd be literate, which he knows. Like my father, instead of doing things the right way, he's learned to do them with "bad logics."  Wonder if Harlan is even in school anymore...  I doubt there's a point. He is on a video game team.  He might actually do better than where he'd be in special ed because, in special ed, they give you giant packets of paperwork on like 5 different subjects, you get tested constantly and everyone will have an error, and some people are female and that'll pop up in some more than others.  Oh no, a red zone we can't talk about.  Also, in special ed, you don't go to your classes and yet are tested on that, too.  Harlan might actually have more memory ability due to not being super-stressed or having to dodge bullets constantly.  Dad is still absolutely insane half of the time. Without having the world out to get Harlan due to evolution, and then having Au/ra sing "Assassin" and "Panic Room," and it's like, the only thing I can say to her is, "YOU BITCH!" He might survive longer.  Au/ra won't understand until she gets out of diapers what special ed kids have to survive, even more demonic as an adult.  Cory Johnson was better at killing people with way less.  I managed to survive yet again. 

Back to the guy, I understand that they can put emotions into us.  However, when someone is as psychopathic as Blue Stahli, there's no use thinking he'll spare you if you fear him.  Like dad, he'll go psychotic on you, as he used to drive me by a theme park and said if I was good, he'd take me.  He never did.  Same thing with the subordinates getting paid or the goodies.  Back to Blue Stahli, the bastard will take you out anyway just to do it. Marilyn Manson will laugh, "Did he really think we'd give him anything, right? Such a SUCKER!"  Trust me, my dad is a psychopath as well, so I know what they'll do.  I tried to defend Harlan and May for years, and it's going to end the same damn way.

Sunday, April 3, 2022

Some nice couple bought me pizza bread...

 And my sister willing asked me if I wanted to go out with her.  

Last night, my cat spread his arms and legs around my head and groomed and petted me.

The universe knows I'm losing patience.  

I should be in the ward right now, but I don't want to deal with the damn angels.  I'm not in the headspace where I want to hear someone smart off or say some horrid comment to me because I might actually assault them, which would get me locked up for a long time.  Prison sounds nice, but I'd miss my cats.  Anything is better than this god-forsaken place.  It's like, what did I do now?  I know, money.  This happens in India as well.  That's why the priests put a doll covered in blood outside of our door, and they feed us broken food.   

But I appreciate the universe caring.

I guess the 'angels' are where they belong anyway: on the psych ward.  

Saturday, April 2, 2022

Disturbed - Another Way To Die, "Mother Nature Will Show Her Darker Side"

 On a side note, I think that mothers who kill their babies should be pardoned, especially people who were forced to partner or have too much stress because it's an instinct, just like I don't like sex or want to associate with males.  I'm not healthy or secure.  I've had a great time in life... I don't want to share the love.  

Can I go now?

"Dehumanize" by Celldweller


We're going to make this short.  Why Kaela is a parasite! 

When Kaela was born, a lot of things created adversity for her.  She was born early, mom had the flu, mom's body attacked me, a doctor caused her to get an infection by not wearing gloves, I have my dad's blood type. Kaela didn't even try to survive. Fuck this place called Earth.  She stopped breathing and dad just had to save me before I was completely brain dead.  Goddammit.  My dad and mom weren't the best parents, too immature and focused on themselves.  My mother was only 16 when she married to dad.  

He'll deny and use the best lines, but he locked me in closets to babysit me while both parents screamed at each other, and my dad beat my mother.  I remember the couch incident.  I was aware enough to think, "They don't like me."  I was eventually put back with my grandparents who spoiled me until five.  Then I went back with my mother.  I was slower to develop due to so many issues, especially since I was a sickly and weak child.  I didn't have real healthcare until after 8 and have collapsed a few times.  The school system noticed that I couldn't read and put me in special ed.  

My dad was then able to take me away where I spent a good portion of the day locked in a basement with a heroin addict.  I was denied food, put into clothing that made other kids laugh at me, and my dad gave me a pixie cut when I begged him not to. He doesn't care because he's insane and has no morals.  The other kids tormented me until I started talking to trees.  I couldn't get away from them, and my teachers were mean about having to spend extra time with me.  I started saying I was going to the special room and spent time in a park or at the cafe.  They eventually caught me in fifth grade after I'd been doing it for two years.  Yes, all I try to do is get away.  

Eventually, I completely broke down from unbelievable abuse, but I'm a liar, peed in a tunnel, and laid in it.  CPS was called for that and the fact no one was picking me up for daycare.  

I was taken back to my mother's, but she didn't have any power over me because my dad succeeded in keeping custody.  At 13, I was psycho, hiding food, screaming fits, and destructive behaviors. My mother was like, she needs serious help.  I went after my sister a few times.

Every day in school was agony.  In HS, I asked my guidance counselor if I could please drop out, but she tricked me into thinking that I could leave a semester early.  Also, I didn't technically get rid of my IEP, or perform to grade level, until 16.  They could stop me in many cases and force me to continue.  Enjoy playing all my bills now.  

I ended up very determined to say fuck everyone and road miles to school, to work, and to home.  

Yes, eventually I joined the army and had a blast for 2 years. Then MM came and destroyed everything.  In Cuba, I met some weird guy at the library and became "psychic" about the music they were playing.  I was eventually committed, and I left the army.  I told them to kick me out in the army, I told them to please not give me the check.  While confused with schizophrenia, as I've had it a while, I didn't make sense but wrote them a note talking about the video and the mess, but also said that I was going to a remote place to study astrophysics.  Agents came in and were seriously cruel.  I got yelled at for thinking I invented the number line.   He said he was going to find me, so I had to stay in Virginia to protect my young siblings. Not that I should have because they will do anything. You can't trust them and have to box them.

I've spent years trapping, fighting, and wasting energy trying to get them away from me.  While I was happy, rape, happy, happy as Marilyn said as he lowered my IQ and made me a hypersexual pedophile, I could get no assistance.  I ended up brain-damaged even more from cyanide, the heart thing that makes your brain exploded, and a few other fun, fun things.  I was going to kill myself in Virginia, but they were too impatient, so it's like, okay.  You really want to do this.  I had decided that my life was too pathetic to go on, and I could justify it no more.

I must be a weakling, which by God, I am flesh and bone.  I mean, I don't understand why we don't just throw low caste females and disabled kids in a dumpster if they don't perform by 6.  What's even sicker is that they made me be nice and followed so many rules and morals that kept me down.  I had no voice and couldn't fight any of them.  I went in and out of Beetard land.  

And as far as wanting my benefits, you're the one with the supercomputer and satellite of death. With that power, you could get rid of benefits, laugh at us, not kidding, and take them all away.  Then I would move in with a relative and probably be safer anyway.  They tell us to be strong but then pacify us if we fight back.  There isn't a more morally bankrupt, disgusting, greedy country as America.  The people aren't bad, robotic slaves that follow programming, which is funny at times.  

And dear God, other countries, do not ever create an exceptional class system.  I wasted so many resources to avoid being an example in Hell.  That's their goal.  I made bad decisions.  Excuse me, I would like the privilege to fuck up my own life.  I haven't been given that honor in a real sense.

On another note, why not just kill baby girls, like everyone else, to prevent what happens.  Oh, she's woken up and is on her journey.  Now you have to fight her.  Jesus.  If you aren't in the middle or upper-classes and have a stable job, then just spare everyone and kill the girl.  The disabled should be given 5 years to come around or killed so that they don't have to live with the FBI drooling all over them.  I know they see that downs syndrome kid and start slobbering.  

Why do humans drag out the inevitable and truly humane?  It's always some good-doer who causes 2 innocents to be saved by her sacred heart, and 100,000 others to die.  Like Bjork, they don't have any juice left and want to use the weaklings to stay in place.  I'll take us away from you and then you can reitre or whatever. 

Dear FBI who is screening me, use my illness, obviously demented in the head! That would actually be my dad who I've always paid for.  He can be normal, and he can turn and be demented.  Back to the FBI, I think there's a kid with down syndrome around you could entrap.  There is a whole center for them called, "The Arc of the Ozarks," like a Catholic Priest and a little boy, a CNA against a dementia patient, you will find paradise there.  

Circle of Dust - "Demoralize" Being a Parasite When it Could have been Avoided Several Times

We're going to make this short.  Why Kaela is a parasite! 

When Kaela was born, a lot of things created adversity for her.  She was born early, mom had the flu, mom's body attacked me, a doctor caused her to get an infection by not wearing gloves, I have my dad's blood type. Kaela didn't even try to survive. Fuck this place called Earth.  She stopped breathing and dad just had to save me before I was completely brain dead.  Goddammit.  My dad and mom weren't the best parents, too immature and focused on themselves.  My mother was only 16 when she married to dad.  

He'll deny and use the best lines, but he locked me in closets to babysit me while both parents screamed at each other, and my dad beat my mother.  I remember the couch incident.  I was aware enough to think, "They don't like me."  I was eventually put back with my grandparents who spoiled me until five.  Then I went back with my mother.  I was slower to develop due to so many issues, especially since I was a sickly and weak child.  I didn't have real healthcare until after 8 and have collapsed a few times.  The school system noticed that I couldn't read and put me in special ed.  

My dad was then able to take me away where I spent a good portion of the day locked in a basement with a heroin addict.  I was denied food, put into clothing that made other kids laugh at me, and my dad gave me a pixie cut when I begged him not to. He doesn't care because he's insane and has no morals.  The other kids tormented me until I started talking to trees.  I couldn't get away from them, and my teachers were mean about having to spend extra time with me.  I started saying I was going to the special room and spent time in a park or at the cafe.  They eventually caught me in fifth grade after I'd been doing it for two years.  Yes, all I try to do is get away.  

Eventually, I completely broke down from unbelievable abuse, but I'm a liar, peed in a tunnel, and laid in it.  CPS was called for that and the fact no one was picking me up for daycare.  

I was taken back to my mother's, but she didn't have any power over me because my dad succeeded in keeping custody.  At 13, I was psycho, hiding food, screaming fits, and destructive behaviors. My mother was like, she needs serious help.  I went after my sister a few times.

Every day in school was agony.  In HS, I asked my guidance counselor if I could please drop out, but she tricked me into thinking that I could leave a semester early.  Also, I didn't technically get rid of my IEP, or perform to grade level, until 16.  They could stop me in many cases and force me to continue.  Enjoy playing all my bills now.  

I ended up very determined to say fuck everyone and road miles to school, to work, and to home.  

Yes, eventually I joined the army and had a blast for 2 years. Then MM came and destroyed everything.  In Cuba, I met some weird guy at the library and became "psychic" about the music they were playing.  I was eventually committed, and I left the army.  I told them to kick me out in the army, I told them to please not give me the check.  While confused with schizophrenia, as I've had it a while, I didn't make sense but wrote them a note talking about the video and the mess, but also said that I was going to a remote place to study astrophysics.  Agents came in and were seriously cruel.  I got yelled at for thinking I invented the number line.   He said he was going to find me, so I had to stay in Virginia to protect my young siblings. Not that I should have because they will do anything. You can't trust them and have to box them.

I've spent years trapping, fighting, and wasting energy trying to get them away from me.  While I was happy, rape, happy, happy as Marilyn said as he lowered my IQ and made me a hypersexual pedophile, I could get no assistance.  I ended up brain-damaged even more from cyanide, the heart thing that makes your brain exploded, and a few other fun, fun things.  I was going to kill myself in Virginia, but they were too impatient, so it's like, okay.  You really want to do this.  I had decided that my life was too pathetic to go on, and I could justify it no more.

I must be a weakling, which by God, I am flesh and bone.  I mean, I don't understand why we don't just throw low caste females and disabled kids in a dumpster if they don't perform by 6.  What's even sicker is that they made me be nice and followed so many rules and morals that kept me down.  I had no voice and couldn't fight any of them.  I went in and out of Beetard land.  

And as far as wanting my benefits, you're the one with the supercomputer and satellite of death. With that power, you could get rid of benefits, laugh at us, not kidding, and take them all away.  Then I would move in with a relative and probably be safer anyway.  They tell us to be strong but then pacify us if we fight back.  There isn't a more morally bankrupt, disgusting, greedy country as America.  The people aren't bad, robotic slaves that follow programming, which is funny at times.  

And dear God, other countries, do not ever create an exceptional class system.  I wasted so many resources to avoid being an example in Hell.  That's their goal.  I made bad decisions.  Excuse me, I would like the privilege to fuck up my own life.  I haven't been given that honor in a real sense.

Sob story.  I told myself that, too, but my past was, like everything else, a weapon to use against me.  I stupidly tried to explain a few times what happened in a factual sense.  

Everyone saw facebook or dealt with daddy, the saint, and I was screwed.  I have been hunted for that, too. A mature person would just laugh if they sat next to him.  You can't give him any power or control.  I don't want to die by his hands, so I avoid him.  We've exiled him.  He can be charming, but he's a psychopath.  Now I die for not having good genes as they tried to force me to partner with my "equal" and have children instead of helping my siblings.

Why can't we kill low caste females as babies and disabled people after 5 or 6?  Why do we let children starve in Yemen instead of eating them so that the adults can survive? Their babies won't be normal.  Humans are so stupid.  Here come the cry baby tears and persona attacks.  I'm such a horrible person.  it's like, that would be more humane than what you're doing.

My father's bipolar vs my schizophrenia, and yes, real things happen to us both, be jealous all you want and join us for fun filled adventures on cliffs, as it's like a rollercoaster like our very functional relationship. I don't dream of a prince, but everything else is accurate

Tuesday, March 29, 2022

Professional Killer, KMDFM

 It's really not difficult to kill an ordinary person.  Indirectly, though we may not know it, we've all killed people and saved them as well, but that's not on-topic.  

In the song, she thinks she's cruel.  I can't feel anything but saddess.  Some predators enjoy this, thinking their prey is weak.  I like to cry because it brings up a true emotion.  

This chick says, I'll do anything you say... legions of me.  Maybe you'll learn some leadership values.  Her conscience is clear because she's never felt the feeling of blows, of choking, having your heart stopped, as you thrash and pull up, surviving years and years of being chased and made fun of, of doctors telling you there's nothing wrong and then finally seeing the brain scan and the murmur.  The murmur went away.  

Under this kind of leadership, we will just die.  I usually just smile at them, not that I've dealt with her yet.  I wouldn't be surprised. She'll watch us all get sick and start puking or hanging ourselves.  Animals can't handle not having control in at least a polite sense.  They may start masturbating to you and then having sex demons, too.  I lost control of my body when this happened to me, did some weird shit. 

We've gone through this lawless, elites know everything without even being qualified, get rid of all law B.S. over and over again.  We have laws against extreme and unusual punishments because if we do that, people will be killed in masses for simple crimes.  Also, you don't want to totally destroy a person because then they can't work or reenter society and will be hostiles and outcasts.  It's a good way to not integrate people into society.

We already have issues with work due to greed.  Also, with those songs, we won't be allowed to have anything by default.  I've been a horrible American because of this.  I must be jealous, mean, cruel as they hack people to death over dumb crimes.  I like whoever and must suffer for it while they show their ring fingers like Blackbriar and others.  Deny and hide. In America, the more people you kill for them, the worthier you are to paradise. I've also been abused to the point, it's like, go ahead and rape me, hit me with your best shot, fire away.  I don't like being injured, most of it I can get over besides that. I wonder, has anyone stuck a poisonous snake that causes hallucination up a woman's vagina and made it bite. That sounds interesting... Other forms of torture are lame to me.  I'll just have a heart attack when they make me feel hysteria and other emotions of dread.  They messed with my mood in Virginia, especially with "the fallen" they used at the same time.  

I don't even know why they bother with me.  What could I possibly do when there are true criminals, besides them, and problems in the world.  All they've managed to do is hunt me and wasted a lot of funds in the process.  I know evolution has you hooked, that you want power you won't ever be accountable for.  As in Angie's song, Basic, "There is no doubt, I'm all you think about."  

It's been an annoying life.

Talking to me through the medium of my grandma--look what they replied to, what a surprise... lol

 This morning I was thinking about my life and how it all started.  When I was a baby, I wasn't breathing and the doctors didn't notice it.  My father, for the first and only time, informed the doctors of this desperately following them.  There were other problems, too.  For one, I was the only child who made it to this earth over the fetuses of miscarriages.  The family has talked before, and I'm not certain, but apparently, I'm loosely related and we have common lines of both families.  Even if this isn't the case, or it's too far back, something has to be done about adoptees accidentally marrying into their own families.

Anyway, I was born 6 weeks early and weight 5 pounds.  The Grim Reaper came for me again, trying to lessen suffering in this world, and I dropped to 4 pounds.  I had my father's blood type A+ and my mom's was O+, so I had jaundice and had to be in a special bed.  My mother was sick several times during her pregnancy.  Her body also tried to attack me as a foreign body.  A doctor stuck his hand up her without a glove, and she got an infection.  That's why I was born early.  

I won't get into the genes of my condition.  I'm thinking of the medical issues that caused me to be "unworthy" of life, too, as they boldly say it.  To me, it's simply child abuse to bring a disabled child into the world or revive them when there will probably be issues.

My life has been a sick joke.

And yes, the towers did make my grandma say as she napped that they should let the child go and die if it's going to be a burden to the family and community.  I asked her about me, and she said, "no, you're smart." I'm not, but I have a soul now unlike when I was larva (newborns).  I will live my years out, but society needs to question whether or not to put so much effort into saving a baby who has a checklist of symptoms that would create too much adversity in their lives.  Like Cory Johnson, it's like, was that necessary?  We are thrown into Hell and doing simple tasks becomes difficult, not for effort or ability, but because society hates us.  Like-wise, I hate you. 

In other news, Tower People, can I move to a tropical island?  I like the Bahamas.  Thanks to your guys, I am expensive. All that money wasted tormenting me.  Of course not. Put me into more Hell for your... entertainment while Musk basks in the glory to save disabled people someday with neuro-ink.  There's no point in it is there, neuro-link?  We will have thoughts and images sent directly to our heads.  Our reality will become more interactive.  Plus, all they do, just like with me, is disable me further like a CNA to a dementia patient (mad dogs with the helpless).  

BTW, stop Musk from giving us false hope and lies about what he's truly doing.  They always use us for public support, our hope leads to more Hell and lies.  No more dropping, especially if you don't work with them and know them.  If there is not approval of it, don't say you're working on it.  It's just mean, especially since you "pacify" and disable us even more for your grandiose delusions.  I'm to blame and unworthy of anything, including my pension, but you get praise for killing all your monkey patients.  We all know what this leads to for my people:  

"Their lives are bad. We had to try something. It can't be any worse," to, "They are heavy burdens on society, and this operation/invasive procedure will be cheaper for everyone. They will be calm."

 I know you won't fix me.  I also know you could.  

Then I want away for you and the US forever.  Don't worry, I'll find a way if you don't help me leave.

Fuck saving babies.  

Have these whores. Shouldn't they be pious and fully dressed?  Nothing is real here. It's like, what the Hell am I supposed to do?  I can't do what you want me to because you destroyed my life, which is fine.  I don't mind a simple life of insignificant, and now you've damaged me past the part of work, as Britney Spears demands in "Work Bitch."  I know the operations are fake, cheap lobotomies surrounded by nonsensical math to make it look smart and pronounce its virtue.  Do you realize I have brain damage, schizophrenia, and a learning disability?  They should have known it would be different on me.  Not only, but Ultra-dumb (numb) took a year to recover from.  They'll never give up. I can't fantasize that much, but I'm getting to the point I want to hang them on streetlights for everyone to see. However, the humans will simply become extremists if I do that.   Anyway, what kind of doctors are doing these?  I guess they went to an internet college.  Now I'm playing the victim.  I am the victim.  I know that the US loves these darlings.  And you can't get rid of them.  They come back over and over again.  Let me leave, Tower/CIA.

Here's a simple example of reality and not be a 12 at Disney World.  They were bad in Thailand.  My dad looked about my age then, as he has a young face. Well, not anymore, but they kept trying to separate us and weren't shy about it. They thought we were a pair.  I stay to myself. Let the people involved deal with it.  

Sunday, March 27, 2022

I've Already Said That I Was Messed Up From that Interaction

 The event with Putin messed with me, but I have a weak mind and was especially vulnerable for a couple of years.  I guessed for a while in confusion.  I figure he didn't want to mess up what was going on with the music and elite games. He is also a busy man and can't report to me either!  He has acknowledged me a few times.  That's all I ask.  I want to say, "Thank you for acknowledging me after I contacted you for something I perceive or think you did." I was in love with him, too, back when I could feel that. I'm sure he has to deal with the other crazies and has a special filing cabinet for us.  Obama had one jump the fence.  We're magical. People in power get plenty of us.  Putin is actually skilled at dealing with this problem where our leaders allow ordinary people to say they want to kill the President because he's a demon, and it becomes some unholy crusade, especially for people like Marilyn Manson.   It's like, this person is sick.  The people in Virginia also knew I was sick.  Some turned against me, but I had a few father-types who were about ready to drag me out of the bar.  No, I wasn't drinking, just my one beer a night.  They told their children not to stare at me. Meanwhile, and this is not crazy town, but the psychotronic weapons were used against me for being "evil."  Most of it was caused by the people hunting me.  The only way I can describe that is, "Prison Sex" by Tool.  We're going back to the caves thanks to Washington B.C.

And yes, real stuff happens to me.  

As far as sending me thousands of trolls, bring it on!  

Thursday, March 3, 2022

Nosy Nose

I had a good day, rare as those are.  

When I arrived at the table with my best friend, Liz, I told her the gossip.  I’d had the most unusual event happen to me the day prior.  I couldn’t wait to share. We talked small at first, growing into bigger topics.

“So you’re telling me this guy had several doubles that you like?” Liz said.  “That doesn’t sound like a guy you want to mess with, not even with your oblivious senses.”

“He’s not a spy,” I said.

“How would you know? What is he? They pretend to be so many people.  Just because

you saw some show with him on it.”   

“No, I wouldn’t get involved with a spy. They make terrible husbands anyway, always gone, in constant danger, worried late nights with a tissue box, the fear of the kids overhearing the wrong words and being shot.  I have arrived at a conundrum, however,” I said.  

“And what cockeyed dimple from a smiling fool has brought you to this ‘conundrum”’ Liz asked. She smoothed out her long blonde hair that went almost to her waist, at least a three-hundred dollar wig.  Her petite nose brought more attention to her emerald eyes and pinched pink cheeks.

“Let’s say the double asks you on a date, but you want the original, or perhaps the unoriginal man, or whoever, the love at first sight.” 

“And why would you want the original?” Liz asked. She giggled and moist drops accented her purple lips, always a character.  I guessed she found my problem comical.

“Maybe I read his book somewhere, or maybe I like what he majored in, or maybe…”

“You’re a gold-digging whore who wants to make it big, escape your class? You wouldn’t be the first on the cherry-picking ladder.”

“Hey, now, Liz, you’re with a lawyer at the moment,” I reminded her in a sour tone. 

“Ladies gotta lie,” Liz said, “Anything you say can be held against you in a court o fo law–

Women judge their gossip.”  

I rolled my eyes.

“That isn’t the reason I want the original,” I said, “Or the unoriginal or whatever.  He looks

so badass in that all-black hoodie outfit on the cover of the magazine.  I like his smile, too, like mocking me and eating me.  There’s only one major feature that changes, his nose.  Sometimes his nose is small. Sometimes, it is large.  Sometimes, it changes shape.  I’ve narrowed the two I want down to the nose.  One is a big crescent moon, and the other is small and shapely with those eyes piercing into your soul, taking it into his mind.”

“The eyes aren’t the nose or the smile,” Liz told me.

“One looks soft and gentle, and the other one looks tough and fierce,” I said.

“Who has the bigger bank account?” 


“I’m sorry, I’m sorry,” she pleaded and then sighed.  

There was a moment of silence.  

“So which one did you pick?” 

“The richest one so that I can torment you!,” I roared.

Suddenly, I heard a noise behind me. We’d been talking too loudly.  A man came and looked at me with those black eyes.  I kept my mouth shut and tried to calm my heart down.

“Well, ladies, are you missing something?”

What was he doing here?

“I wanted to give this back to you.”  The man handed me my passport, smiled, and then took an attractive, tall redhead who was laughing, and they walked away.

Too bad I couldn’t leave the moment on a plane to "Paper Bag Town."