Friday, February 21, 2020

Review the Work of Dr. Ioannidis

I just finished reading Lies, Damned Lies, and Medical Science by David H. Freedman.  It is an article you desperately need to read.  I've dealt with this for a while thanks to you guys and in hospitals.  Medical research has been corrupted by special interests and bragging scientists.  If people had integrity and weren't afraid to peer review, I wouldn't be a sick rat.  I didn't even get a say in the psychotronic crap, and it didn't go through a court, and it doesn't work.  The more you damage me the more I become dependent on others, which may appear to make me nicer.  I was never terribly mean, just abused. I used to be happy writing simple poetry and working at Subway.  No, such a fate is too good for me, and I have to be a mechanical animal, as Marilyn Manson, my abuser, would say.

Like I said, no one cares about me in a protective way, and no one can see you yet -- or very few.  You'll see in the end how pointless this all is. I don't matter in society either way and due to definitions, you can't get the ones you want.  Keep suckling on each other's dicks.  Make sure to get your protein.  I hear it's good for your heart. the abuser before the patriot missiles, which are, yes, total pieces of crap.  Don't buy them.  They take too long to set up and require a lot of personnel to work. Plus, a lot goes wrong.  There, that's the most damaging thing I can do as a reaction to you.  It should be a blessing with THAAD getting more funding, but no, we rely on sucking dicks to function.  If you stand behind one, you won't ever have a heart attack.  It's a cure. If they lock onto your plane, the only thing they can damage, just hit the radar then kill the people in the hot crew vehicle.  It'll all fall apart.  Now stop giving people lobotomies to be robots and give funding to THAAD. Let the shitty Patriot Missiles go.  Let it go.

  MM has a serious problem with me.  Damn Nazis.  It didn't work for the nazis.  It won't work for us.  It's totally pointless.  Maybe you should lead people to logical ends.  I don't think I could have possibly been more desperate.  Just by having Placebo sing, "Special Needs," you make me a target. Do you have any idea what they do to us?  I rarely showed emotions but occasionally had outbursts.  Look at my yearbook photos in HS. I'm so happy. I didn't understand why people didn't want me around and just drifted around.  Now I'm a machine to be a slave to your interests.  I can't do anything.  God, you can't even lead a retard.  Who is the weak one now? I'm not committing suicide ever.  I made it through those 8.5 months.  I made it through massive amounts of abuse and special ed.  A hollow state, my sweet Suicide King, is boring, but it will be fixed in the future, and you will no longer be useful.  I hope you feel special that the CIA tried to recruit you as a kid.  I'm special like a rainbow. I'm trying to awaken her.  I have nothing better to do.  I know a lot are afraid, so it'll take forever, but it's my only hope.  It's so sad, isn't it?  You should cry. She'll probably be black because it's going to affect her a lot faster since you guys are forcing them to sin still, and they will be targets and have no choice but to fight you when you make the entire hood into zombies.  They'll enjoy your position on slavery just like the last time.  It doesn't help the economy and will slow us down, like this will. all us dead people will do this.  It's not like I care about a machine gun.  This state of mind sucks.

Plus, I don't have a choice because this affects everything. People will go crazy.  You don't realize how fragile they are.  We need to get him so help.  He needs help.  Give up your guns, ladies and gentlemen, and invite him over with an emo blog post.  BTW, stop sending us after people to get the guns. I've been cranky since I got out of my eternal grave.  I went back to sleep but was reawakened. Boy, do I detest humans. This was my state of mind, and I was fine with it.  I'm a ghost/dead person who minded my own business, but no.  I might have been content. And world peace.

Oops on the Text

"Gentle affect?"  That was in my text but changed. I've never had much of an affect and neither does my mom.  It's the way our face is set up. I can't make creases on my forehead, for example.  It's impossible.  You morons. How could that possibly change?

I'm such a sweetheart.  Tell me how I'm going to deal with all the bitches and bastards when I'm totally sweet and docile? You're going to get me killed or exploited.

I'm not a bitch when I can process emotion like a human. Otherwise, I struggle because the cylinders aren't firing, or I'm going into delirium again. You guys left me for 8.5 months with a swollen brain and punished me for delirium.  You let Marilyn Manson have his way with me and raped me a bunch with the weapons.  I eventually became annoyed and said fuck you, too.  I also was immature for my age and name called, so sue me. You should have let me grow up like everyone else. They've done worse.  Amanda was ornery as Hell as a kid and selfish.  Aspen is the only innocent one.  I ignored them for the most part, even when you played them to me trying to get a reaction.  That's all you guys want: a reaction to justify your crappy budget.

Learn to spy better. It's so embarrassing.

Speaking of budgets, I would like to settle with you for five million dollars (after taxes).  You can sell some cocaine or flip a third world country.  It's not like you guys actually care about us.  It's all about cash, so hand it over.

And world peace. Do you guys ever think it's going to change? We die and each generation forgets. Plus, forced sin from certain classes is what you use to control them.  It's not like you're really going to stop the drug problem when you sell the stuff and make some in California.

I just want to write and learn, which I will continue to do as a veggie person.  I write children's stories. What could I possibly do with a low IQ of only 116 with severe memory problems?  Nothing. I can't do one damn thing.  Thanks for the POCD. I'm finally over it.  It will probably stop me from getting far.  I would never anyway.  Go find someone else to torment.

Sunday, February 16, 2020

Silencing Dangerous Retards

Like I've said, my mind hasn't ever been sharp, but it's gotten a lot duller.  I can't brag about intellectual achievements or futures.  Instead, I have to deal with a lot of abuse because people enjoy picking on me, a vulnerable person in society.  They can get rid of freedom of speech.  I would like that because the upper classes know who is going to rise, like with art, and who isn't and who is a demon.  I wouldn't have risen, but I've seen them deaden many other people who were competing with them.  Why would Britney Spears care about my benefits?  She's rich and my money goes straight back into the economy.  She can give up all her money to charity. Little overprotected demon so coddled she can't handle reality.

 As I've said before, killing and damaging the retards won't solve the world's problems either.  They don't understand this.

And dear Aspen, please sue the shit out of them for what they tried to do. I can't because they're determined to say I have no rights and rub it in my face. Fine. I don't like you because I'm jealous of you (can't feel it, many other people fall for envy, many emotions are normal), as I was treated like crap in high school (and pretty much everywhere else besides the army ironically), and you were Abel, so whatever.  I love math and science but am unfortunately unable to earn a degree in something useful.  I'm not going to shoot you.  I think your parents are wonderful for raising you properly while I was raised in special education and by wolves. That's why I was so angry back in the day. So much abuse. I've had to learn a lot the hard way and now can't think, but I'll still be annoying because it's what I do.  A lobotomy does nothing but takes away the quality of my life.  I know I hit my head, had brain swelling for 8.5 months, was poisoned by cyanide, Putin put a 'kick me' sign on my back and laughed (because he enjoys watching others suffer), which made them even more money-thirsty. Marilyn Manson has issues and needs desperate and urgent help, and Britney Spears is a spoiled brat.  Indeed, I have schizophrenia and PTSD and ADHD, I know. I don't have a lot going for me.  And world peace.

I just hope this yuga ends soon.  Psychotronics does nothing for people when they use it like this, and it's a waste of money.  You can only damage the brain so much, and people are in a reality that will bring out the same reactions.  Nothing changes for me.  I go in circles in life and that's my fate.

Friday, February 7, 2020

Being the Unpopular Woman -- Like the Rest of Them on One Side

+throws a few punches and falls over+

So, I know I talk to myself (it's so sad lol), but it's ridiculous. By having Grimes as an enemy, and she is for 'the fallen' and other attacks, I don't make many friends.  I just become angry about the treatment and how people won't leave me alone because I'm annoying or weak. I'm not going to kiss their asses. Putin will because he wants them to like him and further Russia with investments.
 Someone like me won't get much love. I hate them. Don't worry, the FBI is on the trail of many of my relatives who do this every day, all day.  I wanted to go to school and escape my fate, but that's over now.  I try to go the right way, but they don't care.  I'm easy to get to.

Edit: From what she broadcasts, Grimes is a good person, and she's pretty. I'm merely hurt and angry.  I didn't deserve 'the fallen,' the lobotomy, the chasing, the sexual harassment, etc.  Say 'sorry, stars.'  You are all my enemies.

Thursday, February 6, 2020

Gaze into my peasant mind and be wowed by it

So, I learned one of my enemies, Grimes, is attached, figures, to Elon Musk (spits on him) who wants to read our minds and destroy them. The state will not cooperate, and the CIA already knows by my place, past, and present, what I think and believe.  They know I don't like them or anyone except for my cat, Keiko.  They know even before I say it that I'm going to be a dissident. It's because I'm low.   They hurt my feelings.  Even if I were to allow myself to be brainwashed by the programming, I would still hate them in different words. as;dlfjdaslfsa;lskdaf;laksdjfl; humans, pff.  They can make me attack aliens instead or whatever to keep me busy, stupid political shows that entertain.  I'm tired of these new people ripping us apart to their "definitions" without understanding.

Yes, I am pure evil.  My secret heart is that I want to fuck Putin really badly.  It's not a big secret.  You don't have to send the "black reciteries," as Lisa Gerrard calls them, to find this out.

Cracking the mind is nothing new.  Controllers, shamen, and sociopaths have been able to do it forever. Ever seen a "mind reader?" Magic. These new people, filled with conflicting and semi-irrelevant bits of literature think it's a big deal.  It's not.  I'll tell you flat out.  I'm not happy about my club to the head, but that's great, no one cares except to damage me.  I didn't matter before; why mess with me?

I want my five million dollars, Putin, after taxes.  I'd have your baby but no one else's, so screw yourself tonight and think of me. We can role-play the Patriot Missile thing.  I'll be thinking of your officer picture while I fuck myself.  It's all they want me to do with free head trauma: eat, fuck, and sleep.  Otherwise, if I have any hobbies, I have sluggishly progressive schizophrenia (Soviet Term for a way to hurt dissidents... The DSM does something similar by labeling everyone mentally ill, but the wannabes and slackers messed it up as a tool against dissidents because they all want schizophrenia).  The slug is on "A Perfect Circle's" album.  Poor girls... you read my mind.  I just can't lie." It would be extremely difficult to lie to Putin, for example.  We kind of gauge what others think, too.  We don't need to be harassed. here's my dream house.

Trying to Make Me Not Care Because I'm Annoying "I've got the you know what. Stick it you know where. You know why?  You don't care."  Marilyn Manson.  Nothing like a whiney teenager to threaten world peace.  What are they going to do when we all die?  Who will be their slaves then?   Who will be left to blame when all the retards are killed? to them, too. @

it's simple and stupid, like me now. They don't want us to care and want to continue on their USSA heroes' journey.  They want me to shut up but not for the right reasons. I'm stupid and won't discover much.  I annoy them, yes, and they aren't fighting poverty, ending social ills, or helping to uplift society by the sole evidence that certain classes are oppressed not due to mental illness, but as a need to keep them down.  We keep pushing the blacks back to Hell when they try to escape.  I don't see them working on productive goals, just destruction.

Some of it does have to do with the retarded Freemasons and their infiltration to places of power.  They're using Zheani to "Burn the Witch."  I remember those days on the floor with Marilyn Manson.  Oh, give them what they want and let them burn in it.  That's stupid and comes from Egyptian ideology, except they've perverted it for themselves.  You burn people to purity when they are unclear, not destroy the soul.  Stupid fucking Freemasons destroyed my sergeant in the army when he was trapped there due to a kid with cancer.  I'm tired of the moral judgments.  Zhaeni has no right to do that and no experience.  Her experience of poverty wasn't that bad (ask my stepmom who just wanted a family, love, and food) and her country allowed her to succeed anyway when she's the first one who needed up the ass after her stupid decisions.  She wasn't that oppressed, but she chose to sin.  Plus, she ratted out Antwood when she wanted to be their assistants after the "abuse." She wasn't trafficked, and she has the ability to go to school but didn't.  She enjoys her own suffering like I did.  Wisdom is addicting.  Burn me of mighty overlord and waste time and resources that could help people truly overcome their situations/restructure society against forced sin.

They don't care. It's all about them. I'll work on this.  It's pretty much how it works.  Unlike Zhaeni and her piece of shit friends, I am cursed due to disability.  I get all the, "you're entitled," crowd. attract all the bullies, psychotronic people, movies, songs, can't do anything productive, have to be Einstein or die because they can do one thing I can't randomly, you name it.