Friday, April 15, 2016

The Problems with Spies

So, as a pariah, a former person of special ed, and relative who are bipolar, I have run into several spies and other odds and ends, like security people.

Escort me to sanity instead. 

It would be okay if the spies were not after blood and full of themselves.  They want the kill though, the glory.

  It's like my limp in Virginia.  I have an old injury on the right side.  Don't bother to investigate. 

hahaha, like humping the floor, it's so funny.  Snowden said he would shoot people in the balls if they did what he did.  Another inflated ego.  Of course, they've designed it so that if we try to think about the system or things that actually happen.  It's hard for an ordinary person, solo, to pick apart the civilization/time periods.  They work off feeding lines and scraps of thoughts that say other words.

And yes, I do become jealous of the 20 years, the rose and such.  I will somehow come out the lowest when they do that, and I got tired of it.  It's like, "I can't survive."  Plus, it bothers me that my life has to be so hard and governed by a million people who push me against my interests.

Fuck you.

People like to rub their success in my face.  It's like, I know why I'm low, and I'm not going any lower.  I do not serve you, as you do not serve me.

I want nice things, too.  I don't want to have babies or a family because I have to support myself in my random life.  Most of the jobs I get suck, or they don't pay enough.  I know children latch us into the system, and that's why they want the retarded babies, to enslave me.

I'm not doing that anymore.

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Thursday, April 14, 2016

Problems In Russia: Putin's Q & A

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Well, Putin's only going to get his standard one hour of sleep a night.

Anyway, I agree with him on several points. 

I don't think the United States is special/ exceptional.  We have problems, and some of them are bothering me... Why do I have to be killed for collecting aid, Breaking Benjamin?  Some moral flaw?  A crush on president?

We know the real reason. 

In the US, we're seeing a breakdown of law.  People are coming in and trying to take over.  They are using popular opinions to gain movement.  The usual suspects have been caught.  They are class crashers, like young women, welfare recipients, old people, the disabled.

And we're now "slaves."  They aren't brave enough to come out and demand it just yet.  They grow bolder by the day.

Nobody cares.  They can't hear them.

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Beck pretty much comes out and says it.

Yes, I'm still on my crusade to get five million dollars from Putin (after taxes) and the house (after taxes).  I'm going to hide.   I give up.

Galena, MO 656561343 Hideaway Rd,

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Monday, April 11, 2016

Another Loser Treated Like a Human

That's ridiculous.  I know I was hurt because of Putin, no trials or anything.  Putin made me a thing of worth for the sycophants to dine on.  I was going about my pariah business, and he put a bomb in my view.  For that, I want the five million dollars (after taxes) and the house (after taxes).  I want to live here:

1343 Hideaway RdGalena, MO 65656

Please send me a sign.  I know that you've probably forgotten me by now, Putin, but I remember, as it has destroyed my life.  I don't think I'm being too unreasonable. 

Buy it today!  Change the trulia to sold.  I won't bother you again.

Sunday, April 10, 2016

Damage Control

So, I've picked out the house I want and am still trying to get it from Putin along with the five million dollars (after taxes for both).

I'm hoping someone has or will standup for me regarding this.

He'll probably never hear me or give me some lame excuse to free himself though.   He attracted them all to me, and I'm sure they wanted to advertise their "cures."

They hurt my remaining brain.  Yes, my IQ is still 116, but the scores are completely different, and I have major memory problems.  A monkey did better on the tower test. 

Not only, but I had a headache for 8.5 months that they ignored.  It's all about them though.

Back to the music, my dears...

They are a bunched bananas (a term for elementary soccer players). 

I'm not saying I didn't have problems.  I know I went mental.  However, it would be nice if they'd set up clinics for us.  Maybe then they'd do it only once or have a system so that we don't end up touched by too many angels.

By the way, Latuda and Fluphenazine are wonderful. 

Sunday, April 3, 2016

The Lost Agent

So, I'm back from my walk.  I have a bit of a sunburn now.  My skin has changed a lot these past few years.  It's become darker, and my eyes are even changing to green from their lovely blue. 

Alas, was everything meant to be taken?

Anyway, here is an ex-CIA agent who spilled the beans.

What's his future to be? 

To respond to another comment on the article:

As for shifting blame to Obama, I don't think the author is faking it on purpose.  Another general told Obama that Russia was a threat to security, and Obama laughed him off.  Later, other leadership stated what the general had.

Power wars...

Friday, April 1, 2016

For the Love of Putin

It's probably fake, but I'll speak as if it's true.

Ladies, we must discuss a few things. 

One, you can't date/marry Putin if you are foreign.  They crafted that law before my broken-heart.  I had a fantasy of dating Putin in his 1976 version.

Two, he's an ex-spy. 

Sad notes...

All must be ruined when it comes to my heart.  He made me explode.  Not even self-hatred and apathy could save me.

They tried to kill me for Putin, as he made it a big deal.

I know.

  Putin made me a target, yes, which was his goal, I'm sure.

 I wish he'd pay me for destroying me--and my youth.  I don't even do that to my hobo suitors.  They get a coke at the least.