Friday, August 31, 2012

Dear Putin, Marilyn Manson, Bjork & Madonna

I hope you're all happy.

I guess I should live by this quote, "Be optimistic. All the people you hate are going to eventually die." --Terence Tyler I guess all paths lead to the grave. Even immortals will have a hard time survivng the universe.

I want a t-shirt with that quote.

My entire life is destroyed, and since you damaged my brain, I'll never get out of "this."

Normally, I cut my losses and run, but you guys went for the brain.

When they release those records, I will get you and your little pretty too.

I don't want your frickin' money; I want my brain fixed. Of course, they'll try to frame me as this or that to get out of it, like I must be full of myself to sue. I've never sued anyone, and I've been beyond wronged. The brain is a different story, however. That's something that is deeply personal and mine and you raped me on top of it, the weapon from Hell, but I'll be selfless and let that go, even though it violated me in ways I can't describe. However, my brain is my soul, and you disturbed it then destroyed it. I'm not letting the physical stuff though or the 8.5 month long headache or all the inspired actions that you practically forced by stupid weapons or my destroyed character.

Next time, break an arm or something or send me to jail. I know you want to prevent me from going anywhere and see me suffer. There are easier ways than destroying the brain.

If any of you had a conscience, you'd do it, but I know better.

Fraud. Fraud. Fraud. How and why did the FBI/CIA allow that? That means that the FBI/CIA has a file and they endorse this, and I get it in 25 years. I have 10 years after that to get your rears.

I can't believe you're going to make me live like this for that long.

I know that I can't prove that you did it to me, "beyond a reasonable doubt." And you all know how to work the system. When those papers come, I will be redeemed!

And yes, I asked Campbell if she wanted to sue me for the name-thing, and she said "no." I offered because if she does then she can get her full name deleted off of the internet. It requires a court order. Dernit, we don't follow laws anyway. Can we just delete it? It's something for the FBI to do. It'll occupy their time for awhile. Lord knows they need something to justify their paychecks.

But in 25 years, she'll be kicking your ass too for using her, I bet, endangering her life.

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Rejected People and the Morally Pure

Growing up, they destroyed me in every way possible, and it continued into adulthood.

They end up making me morally beyond pure and I have to be everyone's friend. Otherwise, I think I'm better!

What they do is find one lie that I have to tell and use it to claim the truth and make me out to be Satan. I have many lessons to learn...

I don't think any of you would want to talk about the things I have to or disclose the level of information that I end up having to give by peoples' demands.

I just didn't have enough money due to certain issues in HS, and I think that made me evil in the eyes of many people. Putin hates poor people. They have a false sense of entitlement! I like his watch collection... more full of shitness. Back to HS, it wasn't a big deal, but it was a temporary problem that plagued my family. They used that against me too. I'm not even going to talk about my years with X because all people will do is bring out an abnormal psychology book and put me in chains that I can never escape. And let me not forget my minor disability growing up as well.

Where's all the good now? Where's all the dedication to community? Nobody comes and visits me, and I don't want them to, but these were the same people that were trying to save the planet. I think most people are full of shit.

Good thing I don't have to depend on handouts from my HS at Christmas because I think I'd stab a hole in their tires with the one knife I possess. Oh yeah, I always get framed into being a school shooter too.

I always end up having to confess a bunch of crap that I haven't and wouldn't do. It's annoying.

People Kaela's killed: 0. People the government has killed: millions.

Don't worry about me ever coming on campus again. Luckily, everyone's wonderful treatment of me has fried my brain along with a few weapons-- but I'm Satan, and I can't not talk to things. I wouldn't be able to sit through a lecture without talking to my pencil, as my mind doesn't filter a lot of reality. Prior to my issues, I was average and a little above in some subjects. I struggle now. Oh well. That makes the morally pure people happy!

People would love to shame me and prevent me from even doing online/mail classes by my moral character, as they have also destroyed any chances of me ever having gainful employment again as well. That prevents me from growing, and it also makes it so that I can't do anything in the community that we're all supposed to share with hugs and rainbows.

I am so sick of their tricks.

"Religion is excellent stuff for keeping common people quiet. Religion keeps the poor from murdering the rich." -Napoleon Bonaparte

Actually, what I think keeps them from doing it is that they're decent people. They weren't thieves. They weren't liars. They weren't thugs, so they didn't get anywhere.

I thought about being a mass murderer though in recent history. I thought the argument that I would present the judge and that is that government murders, Presidents murder,so what's so wrong with it? Are you really going to hang me and let the others get away with it? Is that your justice?

So if a butcher knife is the cause of death and there looks like tracks from a getaway bicycle, you know it was me.

It's highly unlikely that I'd do that though.

World's Richest Hag--Well, That Is Inspiring to Me, the Hag Part

Why do I not like them? Because they know that certain people might rise, and they prevent it by either destroying their lives or destroying their brains. Read about COINTELPRO and tell me it's fair, please bitch. I'm sure you have a few assassins too.

Oh, help me, help me, rich people! They took everything so then I have to serve them and rely on them. I'd have to box them, and I did box Putin, but he got out of it. I'd rather go back into the woods than do anything for Madonna.

And since everything is like this, we have to be like them. If it's not me, it's you. Basically, they've got everything so corrupted that it's like impossible to earn anything worth anything. You have to always be thankful and grateful that you saw another sun. You can't even fix it it's so messed up. I think the more perceptive hoard and hide.

What would I do if I had a lot of money? I wouldn't keep it long enough to know because everyone takes everything from me, and I can't do anything because I'm always trapped. I'd probably fix my brain then fix my income for the rest of my life, as I'm socially trapped against doing too much and the world's like "this," and get rid of the rest. Charity? Not the kind you're thinking. I'd probably go buy kids AK47s. And world peace.

I don't believe in having hoards of money. Even if it's "earned" in this world, it's still stolen. Whose work is really worth so much more than another's? That's why we have Cain in the world.

Since they stole from me, I rely on the government, which also tries to kill me. I hate that. I can't do anything decent now that my life and brain are destroyed.

We aren't retarded, or we didn't used to be, and that's why we're socialists, and those aren't freeloaders either because one of principles of it is that "those that do not work, do not eat." We share. I'm not like hardcore in that area. They just always use that vocabulary when anything benefits workers, so I adapt it.

If we didn't have stupid welfare, we would DEMAND jobs and fair wage and there would be a lot less bullshit.

I know that what Putin did will prevent me from going anywhere. It's already hard enough to do anything when you're disabled and then these yahoos run in and destroy everything.

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

So Apparently Putin Has Bling

This is the man that saw to my demise, or his agents did.

What do I think about extreme luxury? I think it's stupid. Personally, I would not want to be accountable for all that. I have video games with palaces in them. That even causes me a feeling of angst.

Unless you have power, you have have nothing. I've been helpless for a lifetime.

I figure if we ignore them that they'll go away, and we won't have to deal with our broken dreams or anything else annoying, like not being good enough by their measure for anything or being dumbed down.

They'll make you grovel and stuff. Like, I need my brain fixed and nobody will help me. What cunt? You have enough to do it, and this is your fault.

Does it make me mad? Only when I'm desperate, which they love to make me so that I'll do stupid things. Like I said, unless I'm eating crap out of a gutter, they aren't satisfied. I won't serve them anymore when they do that.

Now I'm really slow, so I don't have to do so much simply because I'm quite disabled.

I've lost all motivation.

"I don't care what you think. Best of us can find happiness in misery!"

They'll say you have a chance, oh yeah
That you could go into the sky
Well, I'll tell you, and I'll tell you
That it's all a lie, their alibi

I'll just laugh in their faces.

Monday, August 27, 2012

Why I Don't Vote and Keep a Narrow Interest

2+2=5 in that world anyway. Honestly, I don't know much about politics because I know that knowing anything will be something they can use against me. I keep myself as blind to it as possible. I say a lot of gibberish simply to spread. I do mean some stuff I write, just nothing political.

I've never voted, and I refuse to.

They're always hunting my demographic anyway. It just bought me some time so that I could deal with the issue that I cared about, which is higher class people taking advantage of us. It messes up society in several ways.

They mess up our moral development and destroy our productivity.

This video is about destroying females that hit on "superior" males. He uses his TBI machine on them. I was already slow. I don't care. Anyway, it should be against the law, but that'll change some things pretty fast. They don't know what they're doing. I'd still like a law because it messes me up at work really bad. That's what they use to trap me.

And this makes it so that I can't even date. Growing up, they did this to me in a lesser way because I don't "deserve" anything decent. Mixing disabled people with regular people is something that I don't like. That's my opinion though.

Oh, and on opinions, they made it so that I could never disagree with them growing up because I must be stupid if I disagreed. I'm naturally apathetic, but I crawl out of my corner sometimes.

They have to track us and help us with a linear life. Otherwise, what happened to me will continue to happen. They will shove me to the bottom.

BTW, I used to be deeply ashamed of any feelings I had towards a living human due to people. Then I learned that other people had things like celebrity crushes, but they'll make you feel like you're the only one.

I have little will now. I guess it doesn't matter. I'll never have to do anything again.

Yes, I am schizophrenic. I still have this argument. I don't care what you say to discredit me. It's limpid.

They're the ones with $_$. If I'm not shitting in a gutter somewhere, they're not happy. Trust me, anything that I can do to earn money is a "sin" in their eyes, so I'm on aid. Then they try to kill me for that too. I just can't wait for the FBI and other agencies to explain how they allowed this to happen. Okay, Marilyn, Putin and Madonna, I need a payout so that I can get my brain fixed when the therapy is available.

I know Putin isn't going to be able to pay much. I'm obviously not a golddigger (and I wasn't hitting on him), especially the 1976 version. In 1976, I bet he would have had $_$ for my paycheck. I believe he isn't worth much because the Presidents seem to be trapped by oligarchs that keep them down in so many ways.

As far as "who is who," I don't care anymore. I am so disillusioned. You do nothing for me, so I don't care about you either, and if I don't get to have fun, I'm not doing it. The more I can't have, the more I lose motivation. At the moment, I'm trapped anyway.

Putin, why don't you fix my brain so that I can go on to try to rule the world out of my insecurity? Okay, so you know I just want to study. No more "red."

Monday, August 13, 2012

Blocked By RT

Oh no, the dissident trap has blocked me, which really offended me apparently. I screamed for a couple hours, but I'm always doing that, so don't feel too special.

Back to my quest to come into power and dispose of my world. Putin could give me a republic or something. It's just land and people.

In other news,

I'm going to ink out like an octopus :P


A lot of people, despite spying or manipulating me, don't know me very well. I will fight until the death.

I've come to a point in my life where I know that it's not going to get better anymore and I know that I'm going to have to really fight if I want something. It's not just going to happen.

I want my brain fixed and out of the United States. They want to hurt me and betrayed me in ways I can't even describe. At any point, they could have helped me, stopped something from happening or listened to the actual truth and gotten me out of the hole so that I could, oh dear, be a productive member of society, which I've been repeating over and over. Very few will say anything in my defense, and I've tried to defend them time and again. Sometimes, I think people want to be pathetic.

Just lay there... and I will run over you this time.

Who is who and who doesn't care?
I don't give a damn who you think you are or what "my place" is. My place is on top of the world. If you piss me off too much, I'll dispose of you. That's what they do. It's obviously not a crime under God. I've gone as far down as I can go. That's for stupid people. What a fool I was to think I could be "good" and it would matter. Who wants to be better than pathetic and boring?

You know what I get when I'm nice? I get abandoned, and then they'll rule over me and make me twist and change to all sorts of horrible ends. I'm brain dead, not totally blind. I know why. I know it's because I don't have the same future as everyone because I'm disabled, and I don't have any money, and I don't have anything. They say other reasons, and they can lie and get away with it, and it's not. I know because I've changed a billion times. That's why Aspen wouldn't be my friend. That's why Jamie wouldn't. Campbell, when I was covered by the psychotronic people, left me too--and even before that. I can't be anymore polite or anything. And then I isolate, and they attack me more. Nobody says "hi" or anything, and I'm stuck here forever, just so that they can torment me some more, use me, whatever.

I kind of lash out sometimes because everything's going so wrong, and they blame that too, use their weapons. Well, maybe if you would stop raping me and gang stalking me, I'd be okay. I am mortal human. Cut me and I will bleed. Surprise.

It's just a trick so that they can get me to react and then blame that.

I don't like being ignored, and i'm not your slave, nor will I ever serve another human. Think. Maybe we should get disabled children out of the schools because YOU DO NOTHING FOR US! Maybe there's another answer. You tortured me for years upon years and then wonder, oh you dare to wonder, why.

I'm going to be worth something. I don't care what I have to do.

They always said I'd be nothing, and I figured that it didn't matter because I could wander and write poems, but they never stop. If I have to rule the universe to go to school, FINE! I can barely read now and I can't make sense of much. Nobody defends me and nobody helps me. They only cover their perverse agendas. I'm used to it.

"you caught me under false pretenses."

Don't give me any cliche and don't manipulate.

Saturday, August 11, 2012

As I Try to Marry the Dictator With My Plans For World Domination

I have this problem as a distraction.

"Want to get with me with no money? Noooooooooo.. scrub." Prior to them disabling me, I earned my money. Hence, I cared for it and wanted them to stay away from my paycheck and my future. I hadn't gotten a career yet, so I couldn't have children, and I was still helping my mom. In this wicked world, I wear the pants.

Worthless males is a problem I have. People love to try to trap me with them to destroy me. They've done it since I started work and even a little in school. It's part of the adult game. It's how they take my position and other things. I thought I could simply avoid it, and now I realize that we're going to have to make rules.

How do they box me? They say I want a better male. One time, they selected Putin to smash me up against.

Hitting on a superior has to be against the rules and there has to be some sort of disciplinary action that makes it stop like getting circumcised. I don't like having my brain destroyed. That makes me useless and it hurts everyone because they have to carry my burden.

Why can't I confess in this society? I know that if I'm boxed into it, I'm guilty anyway, even if I'm "innocent" and telling "my" truth, which happens to be the actual truth. I usually try to avoid the innocent, pig-squeal session of emotion, though I lament that what's happening is not logical in petty protest. It's almost as pathetic.

Now "they're" singing this about me. I know. I can't pull my weight, and you don't want me because you're not stupid. I don't want the loser guys either. The other day they screamed at me in some deadbeat car. They are so happy that my brain is destroyed.

I'm such a sweet Betty. Not.

I don't want to be in their kitchen. That's their trashy fantasy. They can't even pay the electric bill let alone support me while I'm pregnant. And then it's welfare babies for me as the run off.

Why would I have a crush on a dictator in 1976? Originally, I thought he was God, so I got confused. Oh well, they could have CORRECTED me with their weapons, but they want to be badass. And then other things happened. Well, they boiled me down for one thing and played "master, master" in my head, but I'm not going to blame them all the way because I still had to consent a little. I usually am delusional about my own unimportance. I use these words because I am slightly naive about the extremes people will go to and how they will use me and because a lot of people are delusional about their importance. Unfortunately, I've had to use my name and do other things to survive. I often talk nonstop about myself to get them back for trying to expose my "secrets." What do you want to know? You can look it up.

And in 1976 or when you were young, Putin, I would have kicked you ass. Agents are easy. Dictators are not as easy.

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Well, I Don't Think I Was Much of a Threat

I don't think I was much of a threat to begin with, but whatever. They just see labels and they go for them. There is no rhyme or reason, and people just go around blowing things up and torturing me proves pointless. They might have made 5 dollars. I finally figured out that that piece of shit Bjork is another supporter of these weapons. Another whore. That's all she can do. Things have gotten even worse. They've come to me in my sleep and done other crazy things. Why can't they just send me an email? I know that the FBI and police don't work for me, so I just use them when I need a place to stay. Guess I don't have to go to work. The upper class or caste people are raping and pillaging the land. I hate America now. I can't wait to watch it turn into the wastelands that it has created. And I don't give a damn about you either. I just smile :) I know that if it's bad, I'm going to be it. Oh well. They were in my thoughts before, and I got confused. Kill all invalids, all at once. They keep us around for perverse reasons. They are too stupid to find a place for us in this society. Russia knows what to do with us, but America is a shit nation. It spreads its crap throughout the world. All it can do is create worlds of demons. I'll be happy to see it go into the fire. We all fall to our imperfections.