Monday, April 30, 2012

Putin's Country Sucks Anyway

Russia's like a Hell hole. I only wanted away from the death machines that target me because I was MILDLY disabled, but, as usual, they'll find any reason. Now I'm moderately disabled.

Putin was my p0rn.

There was a staff sergeant from psych ops telling his group that he didn't want them to curse, so I screamed, "fuck you" at him. I like the army, but do I have any respect for it? No. They could have helped me, but instead they wanted to be badass. The prestigious army makes me laugh. You're so hardcore because you're a soldier. You're young with a cap, and we're all wearing PJs. I'm a sweet girl. :P

I think Putin's sexy, and i want to fuck him and take his money, but I don't really care about him, and I'll never call him honey. Do I respect him? Not after that. I didn't seem to know or understand, and you took advantage of me. I think I got banned from peacepink. I get banned from everywhere. It's like a goal. The prestigious site of peacepink. "Strange voices are saying strange things I can't understand." My life's been insane. Fuck you all.

Sunday, April 29, 2012

So I've Learned that These Things Have Meaning

So I've learned that these things have meaning. What do I mean by these things? I mean the suggestions that various security services support. An example would be what comes up with you search me on Yahoo images. This comes up for my name:;_ylt=A0oG7h1SWZ1PBj8AZu9XNyoA?p=kaela+creighton&fr=yfp-t-701&fr2=piv-web. Now I'm going to go out a limb and say that no world leader would be that irresponsible, even if he did wish death and agony upon me. And that's why I doubted the first image even. I'm simply not worth all the trouble he could get into. Plus, that's an American site. I'm not sure about RT, but it appears as if it's a trap for petty dissidents. Honestly, the security services could spend their time on better things, but they have to open their big mouths because I'm an easy target and easy to harass. I can't say anything. Mwahahaha. You sick bastards. What do my images say? They say a lot. It says that Putin wants me executed, which not only gets me into trouble, but it also means that they're supporting some ideology. I've learned that people only see what they want to and that they automatically come to a few conclusions just after seeing that. "My confined space" will probably say that either Putin or I are prisoners. It will go on to either frame him for my execution, or it will incite someone to kill me because Putin appears to agree with it. "Don't lay down with tears and agony" would probably be the sociopaths at it again. Basically, they like to harass whoever they can get to and get an emotional reaction out of them that they later label as a tantrum or childish. If you don't react, then they automatically kill you, so you're stuck playing whine, snivel, cry, complain then listening to all the unaware people state their sordid stories to try to motivate you, "I had it worse than you, and i did better!" Guess what? The stories are merely details to me. I don't care about "you." You'll say the same, but you obviously care about using me. Hide your faces. I won't hide mine. Sweetheart, I want my brain fixed. Your destruction is humorous, entertaining and pointless. Good prevails in the form of our survival. Our.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Secretly Blacklisted So That You Don't Have A Cause

So in this new world, they've decided to do things the sneaky way. They still haven't found a way to make people completely trashy breeders, but they're working hard both day and night to find a way to keep people away from their good. They use basic ideologies to cripple someone or someone's meltdown after they torture them. They aren't "clever," but they have control, so they're God and we're all slobs. And so more of us are ending up on welfare and other government programs, as we are unable to work or do anything that could possibly destabilize our worthless state.

For the love of God, I'm going to write, and I'm going to put everything that I write on sale for free. The lobotomy didn't totally destroy my ability, just some of it, and while I'll never be as good as Peter Straub or Stephen King, I can still work hard to devalue art, which is my goal. I know that as long as it has some value, then it will be kept from me, and I will be destroyed for trying to make any sort of living.

Among other things, I'm a communist, sadomasochist, attention-seeking pedophile (though I'm not into children, just get labeled), and I still have to make a living or occupy time since work is a vanity these days. No, I cannot take your order because I cannot remember it, but I can still create a story. I just have to do it in more steps. I have to ask how the characters are feeling because I don't know. The lobotomy detached me from this intuitive understanding. That's the mistake I made while writing my first ever novel, which was just a 60,000 word book that was for practice. Maybe someday I'll put some time into it, but for the time being, I just wanted to see if I still had any ability and what my basic mistakes would be. I need to remember to take notes while writing so that there aren't any major problems in the realm of context. It took me 3 days to do, so there weren't really. I think I changed the color of her hair once.

America, I hate you. I've always worked hard at everything I do, and you still do this to me. I hate freedom. It's like, just assign us all jobs like Putin does. Prevent people going into fields in the first place. Then you can have your perfect world of bubbles and sunshine.

Don't worry. I write under a different name.