Friday, October 15, 2021

To Zuckerberg About His Post of "a Pig" and "Deep Penetration" I want you to be "less alive." Who made you?

Bot Time

 The Error, a tribute to "Bobo the Schizophrenic Hobo" and all the other editors who have suffered that fate. Obama did it to him. Now you guys will start pointing to Putin when it's an illusory correlation because we're different countries with different rules, cultures, laws, agendas, and ethics. Putin's regime warns his people, and there are different reasons. People who go into politics climb the bloody stairs of Rome, anyway. If you are bad, you get a phone call, zapped. If you are a spy who betrays Russia, you die horribly. I don't think my situation was fair!

I personally think that the FSB should get rid of the time-wasters by having a family crisis line. Sorry, it's annoying when your crazy dad hoards weapons, calls you about inappropriate things while drunk, and sometimes not drunk completely out-of-it. I don't like him. It's still difficult to see someone like him suffer so because he's my dad, and he is getting older. It worried me because people like that start saying sexual statements before the brain goes downhill. His judgment is iffy. I could be wrong, but I'm not about the weapons, trust me. He can seem normal for a long time and then BAM. The other times I called agencies were serious, and I was ignored. Now I'm a star of Hell. I did call the FBI for him a few months ago. That guy ignored me but wasn't an asshole.

Anna became so annoyed with illogical human affairs.  Nothing ever went her way, and no one understood her, so she sold her soul to the internet to become a bot.

On the internet, she found telegram.  There is a paper airplane but not money.

“Amazing CEO, but that doesn’t mean much, old 90s chatroom really. Zuckerberg feels like a genius.  A blog and a chatroom are one, and they asexually reproduce to make other programs just the same.

 A woman made medical testing and was a CEO.  She is no longer a CEO.  Anna does not know what she had for breakfast.  Skin looks like a seals’ so she must have had fish before a shark ate her.  Babies eat each other in that species, but lions don’t.  

Telegram collects gutter and clutter of the internet like a wastebasket when you’re on your period.  It won’t sell its soul to the internet like Anna did.

Anna doesn’t understand.  She bought a book. It reads.

Durov is handsome but not like flowers.  He has a prefrontal cortex, and he used  it to make Telegram.  Durov’s brother is smarter.  He knows of numbers and could have made Anna a bot.  The internet can make her a bot, too.  Anna is a bot.

Anna finds Telegram boring.  All people want is for her to show her vagina to them. She does not get the appeal, not even when she was a human. It would be a picture, not a way to make babies.  She does not make babies because she is a bot. She makes viruses.  

America called her a slave as human.  She has known this for a while.  Her masters don’t know of the fourth dimension nor what grandma made her on the fourth of July in 1960. They are too busy stabbing penises into girls’ heads. Anna doesn’t understand.  Sticky business.  You can not make babies with heads.  Females have reproductive organs.  They make babies. Sometimes blood falls out if you don’t make babies.  Babies are flushed down the toilet, so sad.  They are viruses.  

Blood is bad when it leaves the body.  Arteries explode.  But Anna is a bot now.

She wrote that she belonged to the right hand as is in the Bible for slave.  They thought she wanted to marry man in Russia who is President and has a lot of meetings. They are good Christians and go to church on Sundays.  They could go on other days, but they go on Sundays. She wants to move in with Durov but not show her vagina programming.  She makes viruses. 

   Anna believes her vagina is holy like a shirt and attracts demons.  She knows the sexy demons.  They do not make babies.  They make people angry who have babies. Some babies become children.   People stick their heads into semen.  This does not make babies.  Anna finds it pointless when there is milk to drink.  It is white like semen, and babies drink it.

    Telegram does not make babies.