Thursday, November 17, 2011

My Hallucinations

These are some the hallucinations I've had in no particular order, never all at once. I usually get a sentence, but this is how I can tell the difference between them and the planted stuff. The psychotronic people asked me once if I could tell the difference and ran a test on me, and I can.
"We will blur your senses." That was the angels or Trey.
"You're going to get scott," said the little girl ghost. She said some other things that I couldn't understand.
A bunch of stuff with mysterious gods.
"I found the vessel."
"It's Saddam."
"I found the body."
"How did she survive?"
There was a bunch of whispers and shadows, but I can't tell the whispers from my low potassium hallucinations. I have a hard time maintaining potassium. I read that you have to eat magnesium too. Oops. I wish they would have told me that.
I usually get a sentence, and I was more of a seer.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

I Don't Care if I Get Expelled for My Character

Go tattle on me, please. You'll do it anyway for any reason. You're seeing my insurrection.
My brain is destroyed. I did an experiment to see how well my mind is working, and it's not working very well anymore. I spent 30 minutes learning 34 words. I waited wo weeks and could only recall 21 of them. 13 were in the mystery meat department. I didn't even recognize them.
I max out fast.
I'm going in for a battery of tests. My doctor says I'm very in the moment. My judgement is terrible but abilify helps me a little.
hehe Now RT will not let me use any vocabulary in my comments or any sort of reference. RT is my best friend :P
The world is evil, and I don't care. I don't dare. I just want my brain fixed. I think it's only fair.

I've Never Done Illegal Drugs

I was briefly a little too dependent on seroquel, so I stopped the medicine to prevent addiction.
If you want my hair to test, it's long.
As far as peoples' goal of destroying me, I don't care. Since my brain was attacked by "Satan," I'm already destroyed. I've given up hope.

My only hope is to get Putin's attention and get him to pay me in stem cells for making me a target. He did highlight me. I'm the duma girl picture.

Friday, November 11, 2011

Crappy Poem (Without Emotions It's Impossible to Relate to Write)

I hold onto this life
Only wanting strife
To better
Now only letters
As the sycophants go around
And lay their knowledge down
Love and peace and things
Of the cripples' canes
Numbers for waste
Humanity's disgrace
Singing their hymns of human
A shining shoe man
Nothing makes sense
It's only clean
One is only one
And there is a big ole sun
Their words are helpless and screech
Something buried beneath
Attenuated cattle
The cobra rattles
I want to be on fire, Benny.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

They Have to Believe In Something To Stabilize

We have to retrace their steps.
These are some of the videos advertising weapons (it's obvious):
"Unconscious" Madonna
"Novacaine" Beck
"Push It" Garbage
"The Bitter End" Placebo
"Evil Angel" Breaking Benjamin
"Invalidy" Tatu
"Sleep" Lisa Gerrard
I flip around now due to these weapons. Your writing style is terrible. I'm sure I get that a lot when I don't hyperfocus. Yes, I try to go back and edit, but my computer won't let me. I try to keep it as linear as possible, but I forget now. I don't have emotional understandings any longer. I try to use them still but I get confused.
Yes, kill disabled people but kill all of them.

Monday, November 7, 2011

No One Ever Died From Wanting Too Much

, but they sure died of starvation, too little.
Let's make real morals instead of tricking us. How do we trap them?
What makes success? That's what we should focus on.
I can't be anything. I always "owe."

They Use Me To Trick You

I'm bad. I'm a burden. I'm anything, but at the end of the day, even after they edit my mind and turn me into garbage, I am you. I mean, you're next. Treat the trashy well. I would consider myself untouchable, left to my own little dream world, but they freaked about that as well. "We're going down because she's having fun." Why would I want anything if I'm only going to be jealous, Breaking Benjamin? That's how I ended up "youthless" as Beck would say. I didn't want to be bad. It's kill or be killed. They were jealous of me, of my dollar. I should have been jealous, incited, motivated. Now I'm food. I'm something easy, something they can control.
Things happen for reasons.

Sunday, November 6, 2011

My Evil Mind

So, I guess that they made me pathologically jealous. I'm a bitch (all females are), so I'm not surprised, but I can't remember now. I know that I've never killed anyone, so I never would. I am Miss School Shooter though. I'm used to getting framed. I don't even try to defend myself from them anymore.
Aspen's just laughing because I look retarded and young. I hate that girl. It wasn't simple jealousy. I hate her personality. It drives me up the walls, and that's cool. She probably doesn't like me either. We should avoid one another, but evil government will force us together so that they can steal from the pariah. Aspen deserves after all, and I, I am terrorist scum.
I would never hurt Aspen, though I didn't like her in my mind. It's a long story...
Campbell better stay away from me for a long list of reasons.
I feel sick all the time. I need help, baby doll, Putin. You had your fun. Now you're done.
Breaking Benjamin, "pour some salt into the open wound" is it obvious? yes, and irrelevant. I want to go into a labor camp. Screw this.

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Mind Mudding

So I wrote everything down because I was trying to avoid their tricks. I have many things posted in many places so simply erasing me from one part won't silence it, and it doesn't matter because nobody cares but our squads care about me. I figure it's a good list to start on.

It's a mean world. Aw.

As far as everything being an illusion and me giving up control to everyone that ultimately destroy me, I won't. I've done that for a long time.

I simply can't find evidence of the invisible. I'm not delusional. I'm confused.

I either, blah,blah, want attention, blah, blah, or I'm bored and creating a "cool" reality, blah, blah, or anything else cliche, blah, blah. Confuse with the irrelevant. I'm bad, I'm jealous (they were over a dollar--jealousy is a survival emotion; they have to kill me before I kill them, way of life) I'm anything. Look in the mirror. Know YOUR flaws. One sentence won't describe it, savior. If you are going to analyze, I expect an indepth analysis that covers all the aspects of my illness, my history and the possibility of it being real. The technologyi s out there.

I'm like Breivik, but I think the Russians would be best to analyze my mental illness instead of the Japanese.

My brain is destroyed. You're damn right I want my brain fixed. My eyes are popping for that one. @_@ You've had your fun and now you're done.

"Tear Away"

You've confused me
Stopped the wheel
I have to break, or I die?
Guess, what, guess, what?
I'm shattered and frayed
Confused, as one so weak
One is definitely alone, so sweet
I have to figure out the illusion
I am confused; where is my angel?
Death! Death! Death! Again?
The God of the dollar is no God of mine
The Afghan pscyhotronic weapons
Are a bitch, "we will blur your senses"
That was for the whole Putin-God-thing
Which led me to the Quran
Where are they?
I confess, I do not know good from evil
Where is the overlord
I need my brain fixed
Like this, I destroy the human condition
For we are both in a bowl.

Allah can kiss my ass
He is a machine
He's not done one thing for me
But terrorize me and disable me
So stone me -- everyone does by His design
Let Him prove he isn't a fairy
Eloi is demonic
I stick with things that can give products
I need my brain fixed

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Tatu's "Invalidy" or Placebo's "Special Needs"

Again, why do you raise disabled people only to kill them? It seems like we're competing as usual, and you've found a piece of merit that gives you an advantage or does it?

I did pull my weight, and I had been looking for employment, but they gave me TBIs that caused my behavior to change dramatically as they kept trying to kill me for any reason.

I was a decent writer and mechanic. Any hope of me ever working again has pretty much been destroyed, however, unless Putin decides to be decent and hand over the cells. I don't have a sound enough awareness to comprehend much of anything. I have a truly poetic reality of "here-now." I would describe it as waking up in the middle of the night and thinking that the dream was real.

I guess it's kill or be killed. But we must make the hunt efficient or there will be no game left.

I don't blame you. It's a dog-eat-dog world, but what will my death really mean to the big picture? It won't make you a better writer. It won't give you more power. All it'll do is give a check to some disabled retard out there that's protected by your inability to kill them all. People need our money to sustain themselves, so they will protect us.

Kill them. Honestly. hehe

:) :( :/ :D That's my gang symbol. LOL Emotions are "Bad Magick" by Godsmack. Humans credit their emotions as having power. It's interesting and how they end up dead. I thought I told the attackers everything they wanted to hear; I have to guess. I exaggerated my memory for awhile because around 21, my emotions started to wane minus rage. Putin's influence got me killed. They attacked me over and over again after that damn picture.

The dictator has me loving walls
Hoping that I'll give up my emotions
So that he can exploit the meaningless
Eye that sees simple survival, one
He doesn't know that I like to scream
More and that I like to bleed, as my
Emotions burnt out to nothing to where
Anything human is pleasure
Apparently, this saved me and my injury
Did because I could not fulfill the "suicide."

Rage was the last emotion that I had, and now I have nothing. I'm like all dizzy all the time then some days I'll just have an odd awareness. I want this fixed. You had your fun and now you're done.

I Used To Be A Decent Writer

But my memory is so destroyed. It's so I can't believe in anything. I am incredibly weak minded these days. If you told me the moon is made of cheese, it would take me a minute to figure out that it is not made out of cheese. I can't trust any information I receive. I assume they did this to me so that I could not disagree with their mind programming. They've made all information analogous and short-lived. I have an interesting reality. Now they're trying to program in their wisdom which is humorous.

Disorganized Youth

Is my opinion right?
It was from your reality
The one I see
I react and say, are you
Superior-that's your decree
I need to know who you are
Who has the biggest gun
It's for another you, why
I fight the invisible demon
I believe this to be true
Do you not see the tangling
My youth betrays me
Give me a minute?
Tell me again the answer
In a way I can understand
Why are you screaming?
I can't hear you if you confuse
K.I.S.S. Keep it simple stupid
So that I don't go astray
But it's a trick, you see
To make me deceive
I'm not really talking
When that's all I can do
In this reality of ours
Is follow you as you
Fight a dragon stronger
Why do you pick on pawns
When the flames are
Consuming you?
This fight is not your fight
What can I do?
Monkey see, monkey do
Monkey climb higher than you
Pretty soon all you get is screeching
Climb the actions
Leave the words to dust
They were never real

No, I won't tell them the answer. i just stick out my tongue and laugh as I go to increasingly stupid realities. I like this life of not having to do anything. It's what they wanted. My brain feels like it's filled with water but abilify makes that feeling go away, disturbing as it is. hehe

Of course, this is really because I'm a traitor that has to choke or something else ridiculous. We all know that Patriot Missiles don't work. Academia has been saying it for centuries. I just screamed that out to mock them labeling me a traitor for other things. They were fishing for anything as usual. I get flip-tricked. I have no redeeming qualities.

If you guys are so powerful, why can't you just take my money? :P

She said I was trying to get in on her good by writing. I didn't even write for money. That's what I was trained to do in school, which must be some pointless abstract to them? Like I said, I like slavery. They've got us in this damn status system that is inhumane. We have too many masters and conflicting interests. I need a protector. They make everything Hellish for a few individuals. It doesn't have to be this way. Hey, I'll work for nothing if I have stable food and shelter. Who needs a big house or a car or glittering things? Unnecessary accessories.

Glitter and gold
Still gets old
Shine for time
A dime's sin
Once minted
To descend
Into fine dirt
Way of Earth

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Get Stupid

That's Madonna's song. It looks like, "share your view and make the world a better place," but we all know that they're dumbing us down, making us confess to various sins so that they can trap us. A few people are vain and think that they can, with their limited awareness of one and no army, know anything "big." I find this comical. And I'm saying it to Breaking Benjamin as well. They don't want world peace; they want world piece. I just want to spit out realizations to conform to time. I'm not talking to anyone, am I? I don't want anything but survival. I have no influence, just putters across a keyboard as I state my plea for survival. It's difficult for me to make sense because my mind is all messed up.

The information

Stone henge has 56 lunar cycles
The moon smiles away
Blue, 53, flowers, up
There are letters in the alphabet
Couch, pillow, kill, tree
There is a President
It's October one month
There are four seasons

I don't believe in telling them anything, fine, just laughing at them because they'll figure it out. They have no choice but to add realizations to things. No, I won't tell you how it should be, Breaking Benjamin, I'll watch as everything goes down and then we all fly away again. Good will prevail because there is a drive for survival that is stronger than any force be it greed or anything else.

A Piece of the World

I want world peace
For me to sleep
For me to seek
Let me write crappy poems
without form
Let me speak
For my world piece

The reason I didn't go to Russia is because I didn't know anyone over there. I didn't trust that picture that Putin put up because it looked like doublespeak (originally, Putin was smiling at me dying and there was a picture of a firesquad next to him), and it caused a lot of people to notice me, and I still want Putin to fix the brain. They don't have a program for me to start over there and I don't speak their language. Sure, they're hunting "ghosts," but I would probably have better luck over here with my skill set. Nobody wants a low skilled female. Worthlessness sucks. Use me, abuse me. I'm insane. I don't care either.

Things always work out because they have to.

Today's song is from Godsmack, "Spiral." A real Band.
"Sometimes we only live for the here and now
Sometimes we're lonely
Sometimes we feel like we need somplace
to be grounded or to fly away again
I will fly, fly away again
I will fly, fly away again
I feel rain pouring down
I wait to rot away, live again, here forever...
The spiral neverends
Always we search for the answers
But nothing is found
We fly away again"

Humans are strange creatures. I think our "religion" has lost its mind, the killing of invalids for moral reasons. Why do you raise us if only to die? Surely, you could have created a slot for us somewhere... I cannot conform to that which I cannot see. How clever. Let me go to the one with the most control, the biggest gun.

They used their sex rays on me (a screaming female), cyanide and a bunch of other things, including framing me hitting on Putin. I'm a ghost rose. It appears, looking back through my old blog, that my heart stopped or did something due to a potassium imbalance (which caused me to get uber delusional with angels and stuff) and my brain exploded or something in the end of myself. I can't really remember much. That seems to have preserved me from the sex ray (Beck's Mellow Gold Album) because I have no desire. I have no mind though. This sucks and is hard to explain.

These things happen, and I look back for evidence.

You? or Me? -- They Say

Why would I matter
When I'm in chains
The world has me
Choke, it commands
And I have to obey


Incite my anger
When jealousy becomes
A sea that consumes
Blood is salt
See? we are connected

When Bread Rises

You box me to nothing
I'm a honey ham?
I'm something to name
Something bad
I cannot earn a penny
I cannot have
A dollar for a beer
Just see bad
As I watch bread rise
As other say "tab"

That's what you get for using me, you bastards. i'm "youthless" by Beck or "useless." They kill them when they have nothing left or they steal all they have. I mean, I was smart enough to go to school, but they interferred so that they didn't have to pay. The guy in the song humps the couch until he dies or in my case wakes up and runs with a really bad headache. I think someone cares. That's my sin. I think sympathy matters... :) :( :/ Human emotion? I no longer have emotions, just the desperate grab of survival. I wish the soviets that ruled us would let us out of our cages once we learned all their traps. Of course, they blur Beck as some sort of extremist group to confuse us, but we'll learn that they use gangs to trap invalids and dissidents and political enemies and people they wish to drain and the gangs are government organized, whether they realize it or not.

Friday, October 21, 2011

Evil programming: You Don't See Them Asking for Help

I said I didn't want your help, but you boxed me so that you could be badass.

I am the epitome of evil.

I say, let's start up slavery again. :)

I want to go to a labor camp.

You'll be the one quietly begging then.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

I'm Not Playing Games

You force me on too much medicine, and I'll stop eating. I've been fairly compliant.

I've never killed anyone and my grandma lied about the clawing thing. Hey, I'm white trash with no redeeming qualities. Threaten an animal and see what happens. I was still in dizzy, disoriented land when that happened. I wasn't well, and it wsan't schizophrenia. That would be from the cyanide. Nobody wants to defend or help me or prove what really happened.

No, you should never claw your grandma, but she wouldn't let go of me, and I had to get away. I put slight pressure on her. She doesn't have any proof that I did more than that, no photos. The police didn't take her to the hospital. I've never done anything else, much as I'm accused. I sent a mean letter in HS to some girl (catfight), Campbell (or get the fuck away from me) and that's been about as vicious as I've been. Self-defense.

I've got the IQ of a wounded rat these days. I don't think I'm a threat to public safety. Thanks psychotronic warfare for preventing me from being a terrorist. I told him why I got angry, and he ignored me as usual. He's trying to box me now into unsafe doses.

It's me, my behavior, and I don't see any behavioral therapy attempts.

If you drug an elephant, will he learn calculus or will he just sit there and stare? Why not just kill me? I'll be easy to handle then. At least work for your money.

It's difficult for me to be sassy these days since I'm floating around. that's why I like to pump those emotions. I can feel something. A pulse of something. I don't think they can hear me on the moon. Scream louder.

Personally, I don't think I can handle civilization, so I'd like them to open camps and invite me. Fair warning, I become a puke monster at night. I get really disoriented and cannot remember simple instructions though, so be nice. I can write because I can collect myself, and I do most things automatically.

I had no history of hypochondria, and I'd like to tell the ER people that. I know you didn't have time for me, but I thought I was dying. I was smelling rotting flesh and my head hollowed out and I flipped out because I couldn't stop throwing up, and they said I was sticking my finger down my throat. I'm going to puke by the camera next time and sue you. Excuse me for caring once. I'm into self-preservation. Not that any doctor will listen to me, so fuck you all. You are wrong all the time. I'd never been to a hospital during my middle child and teenage years. I'd been in one for tubes and that was it. The first time was in 2009. There's something wrong with me. We're going to take some cognitive tests, and I'm going to show you that it's not family friendly in here. What's beautiful is that it affects everything, and I cannot escape it. I had a headache for 8 months and when the headache went away, I was dizzy and like really stupid but the pressure went away. I've improved since then but I still have issues. I'm no longer smelling odd things, but I still puke. I freak out because I get disoriented, and I can't feel my normal emotions to a degree that i have no instincts. There was nothing worse than that headache. It was in the morning, in noon and at night. No one would "believe" me. Look at my medical recorders. Look at when I've been in. I did have one "tantrum" when I screamed at Putin while they were still trying to kill me with the damn ray, and I used my name. I still had the headache then but I was determined to be angry because why does everyone feel like they own my life?

Did you believe my blood shot eyes? It's cool. I don't need to give you my money or "your' money since that's how most of you feel. take it, you worthless pieces of shit. I know I am, and i'd love to go somewhere productive where I don't sin. I'm a sinner. I HATE FREEDOM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Labor camps.

Who wants a diagnosis of schizophrenia? Come on, it's fun.

Monday, October 17, 2011

I'm Learning a Lesson From a Child


Right, wrong, who the fuck cares? I have to figure out what you value and use it against you before you trap me and if you're trying to get me to do anything, you value something. And if this was Bush, I was a nice person, a desperate person, and you just, like eeryone else, couldn't resist. At least Putin showed his face. I'll let you kill me any day, sweetie. You know what I'd do to you or fag if I had the chance, both of you? Just for fun. I hat ethis place. Humans don't get a better world. They couldn't even handle this one and you couldn't even handle the power with me. Do you honestly think you can handle it on larger levels? Be mature, we all have to serve each to survive. And as for a crappy destiny, we've given them 10.000 years and they still haven't figured it out. We all die. No rose. You do that, and i will laugh at you. I don't follow people that haven't earned my respect. You can just cut me up or anything else "cute." I'm only one.

I don't serve you. You don't serve me. We're equal.

So I have to confess everything, and that'll mean things that I didn't do as well.

My mind is extremely weak now, so I don't have the awareness to really know what I'm doing -- if you know what I mean. hehe I'm going to take the IQ, scratch that. Is this just punishment? I just laugh at them and their laws. It's like, he'll do whatever he wants to, and he doesn't have any values. I'm going to try to escape. By the time he's done with me, I won't have one redeeming quality because he has CONTROL. He's going to flip me around, do all sorts of crazy things then disable me and there's not much I can do about it unless i kill him first.

Long story short, I'm going to do anything I can to escape. I'm trashed out to the point where I no longer have "morals." I can't even feel them. I have no values, and I have a very short memory, so I'll say or do anything. I'm not escaping the asylum I live in.

"You pretty little, baby." -- Greed by Godsmack I need your help, bitch.

This is fate that I "deserve." Whatever. They have terror squads to punish us "traitors," to make sure that we fall out in life because it's not enough to simply kill us. Killing us would serve as an example. No, they have to waste FUCKING MILLIONS OF MY TAXDOLLARS chasing people that are probably innocent or that have not broken a law. Even if I hit on Putin, it's not a crime. If it's about Patriot Missiles, there is nothing legally binding me to the army. Again, I did nothing illegal. You would never win in a case against me like this because i'm incompetent. And you didn't even bother to try.

Lame power games.

I went and ratted what we all know--plus a dismantling detail--because of the cyanide and the voices and the dead people. They make you guilty so that you commit absolution to them then kill yourself for their ego. Like murderers, gang bangers, thugs give a flying fuck about what they did. Even though I've never killed anyone, I think I could pile the bodies without guilt. That's an emotion that those comfortable people feel. That was some bullshit. I was protecting my sister. My stuff is different. I have Trey and angels.

Like, I think I was already eating the crap off the floor, and I was framed into hitting on him. I wasn't hitting on him, but since my credibility is destroyed, it's like she was hitting on him. So, even if I was hitting on him thousands of miles away, what difference would it make? i had a closet crush. I just needed to be circumcised for having sexual desire. What does he want? What do they want? yeah, yeah, you're evil. Logically, if it's a moral that we all share, then the person without the moral is crazy and needs medical attention. So in a moral society, hitting on Putin would be an ER trip. We're not a moral society. He should have looked at me and just said, "I know your value system produces whores."

Is there free soda involved?

Here's the truth about my sexual habits: I had a crush on Putin 1976, a fantasy. Something to exploit, yeah, yeah. Humans feel weird things when it comes to sex that makes them have odd morals concerning it. Thinking that I could break up that home is not logical. They tried to make it look like I was hitting on him. Two, I like to hurt myself because I'm filled anger. Everyone is mean to me, and it feels good. I guess that means I'm a sadomascohist, but they had me saying that I was going to make way for new life and everything else. I need my negative thoughts.

They've got mind machines to force us to tell the truth only to make us lie. Why even bother? Why not say, "peasant, you aren't worth your welfare" and then laugh in my face or something? I'd love if you do that because if can get rid of welfare, then we can get rid of extreme capitalism. No, i have to give her a decline in mental function before I kill her. My integrity is not the best, so I lose credibility--so do they, and they can confuse me. I don't bullshit with that. After you, really. I don't value honesty. I value authority and rank and order. I'm telling you that I wasn't hitting on Putin. You can say I was, and I'll lie and say it doesn't matter if I was. You'll say, but you lied! You deserve that! And I'll say, now that's irrelevant. that's a value that we don't share. No, even with both stories, I didn't deserve that by your playground morals. I wasn't hitting on him.

And since I've learned that my truth is irrelevant, I'll often confess what I didn't do and say, what was the proper procedure for this? I keep a healthy dose of self-defense going too. It's obvious that this person is trying to destroy me, so to avoid it, I'm going to lie to their vanity and hopefully I'll survive -- which is the goal. You people are like really emotioanl and really pathetically simple. Where did they find you?

So they confuse, as we get twisted in each other. Anyone else want to admit they're a freak? Before you get this job, I need to know how you fuck your wife. Then to collect food stamps, I need you to post that on facebook. You'll end up lying. That's what they do to me. I'm a virgin freak. Wanna look? I figured we'd just cut it out and not have this problem. Next thing, I like corpses. Okay, so now what?

If you read my original blog, you'd know that I moved to Virginia to protect my family from this, but I gave up. Kill them all. Have fun.
I've decided that while i'm not motivated by security, it's essential and that freedom is not.

I don't want to kill anyone, myself or anything else. i'm over "that." And I would never have done it anyway. Kaela kills: 0 Their kills: a lot.

I need to, since Putin made me special, get fixed. Putin made me "special" like ed in that he posted a picture of me dying, had someone attack me in a bar, named his dog Buffy and caused everyone to attack me. I need my brain fixed. Oh, and don't ever use cyanide to kill anyone or screaming trashy female voices or anything else but nature.

I got a mysterious call today. Is it another death threat? Prove you're good and I'm bad. This makes you do stupid things faster, which is good for the end of our species, my goa.. People need to call my cell for that. 408-858-1601. I love the attention, really do.

If you're a reporter and you've actually figured out that i'm not delusional, you're going to have to box them first because they'll jack me up so bad if you try to make me public. I'll become very ill. They'll use the emotional appeal that you're exploiting me. I suggest just serving their wayward agenda because we're trapped living like this. They can only hurt so many of us before they lose productivity or the value shade of their society changes. Once we make the sign, @, we should be free from their curses. I see your agenda, and i"m not working against it.
If you're a lawyer, they have the judges all serving their agendas, so I'm a waste of money. It's obvious that they have the technology for this, but it's always mental illness. We should be referred to an investigator these days as well as a mental health judge. I was mentally ill prior, and so I can't say anything. Of course, they'd target my demographic. They've got me so twisted around them that I can't say anything.
If you're the CIA, then you know where I live and come get me because I'm ready to be a research animal. After you guys got done, my quality of life isn't exactly high.

I would like to be on the front page for committing treason though. I like attention and playing along with ideologies (none exist but all do). If nothing else, let me bring what they're doing to attention so that we all know. I want to die by firing squad for being the whore of Babylon. Where do special needs kids end up as adults? They were so cute when they were little, but they end up in the hands of dictators and psychotronic warfare as traitors. But instead of killing me, make it fake, and send me off to a research lab for my final request. I want to have fun too. All you have to do is find the poor guy that has nothing to lose to cover the story. I'm all hopeful. Cyanide isn't so bad. The choking is annoying, but then you pass out and wake up the next day with an 8 month headache. I really didn't choke that much. What happened was I couldn't breathe and my heart stopped. I breathed it in for a long time because I didn't know what it was, like at least a minute ( I didn't think that was possible), theraputic, and then I started hallucinating and then I passed out. The orgasm ray hadn't killed me before, so it appears they used that, the one the CIA uses up in Virginia, because I hate sex, and it was a girl. I'm not sure though. hehe They like to blur and confuse.

As far as being evil goes, you'd think they'd love that I survived and could use me to say they were fighting human corruption as a facade to oppress the people that got me. Gotta have everyone in check. I've lived this moment before. You guys like believe in things when nothing exists. It's horrible that they corrupt you by bashing your ideologies for theirs. They should be playing games with the personalities to keep your realization's in the comfort that you've been in, the body that houses you in this blue paradise.

You know I just want the monies so that I can have my revenge, get repaired, etc.

Friday, October 14, 2011

What I Meant by the Comment that Google is Defaming Me With

People will naturally create caste systems. If you want social equality, you have to watch out for this. Kali is essential in free societies, but I already agreed with you--much as it makes the "me" angry, so please stop destroying me. I'm going to take all y'all agents out to lunch. Can we be mature about this? You're trying to prevent me from fulfilling a slot that you've selected for someone else so that they can feed their poverty bunch, and my family can take care of me, or they can exist without me. We can't all rise. It makes it so that we're equal. I know what you're doing but you seem to forget that you already trashed me out. I went and destroyed my credit for you this time.

As for mates not being equal, everyone tries to force me into relationships. They did it young and didn't realize that he wont' stay with me because I'm not his social equal. I was pretty-ish or not ugly. Not really pretty but enough to be deceiving. We all bloom unfortunately. That's why I always wore plain clothes and no makeup. I was hoping my youth would pass fast enough for it not to cause a problem. This caused a lot of problems. I'm a pariah. They will rise later in life and ditch me. The only way I can fight this is to have babies young. And then he will leave me, take the children and declare me insane, which is easy to do if you don't have money. Why do you make us marry so young in a society that uses merit after the marriage term? You should be encouraging them to wait in my opinion. I try to avoid the hobos for children reasons. I try to explain to them why it won't work. My dependence on low skill jobs makes it difficult for me to too. If you did x, you're going to have to accept y. This is why I get so frustrated.

I don't believe in freedom because I'm tired of it. It's another trick. Can we be mature? Jack is from the sun god and special, and he gets to do this while we all have to do that. Can I have some decency?

Can I have my mind back? I promise I won't make any money.

India, do you really want our democracy and to get rid of your caste system? Oh, the frustration.

In truth, if you were superior, a superior would notice you and pull you out. Meanwhile, you're safe and know where you stand. Usually, things like art, music, math and writing are permitted and simply devalued in society. We all want to use our minds.

All of us with any sort of drive to create are systematically destroyed because it's another's survival. We get stuck on repeat or realizations that prevent us from doing anything. Long story short, I don't like the welfare. i like to work. Since all is "paid," and I'm not allowed to have money, I'm not allowed work at anything. This is a horrible way to live.

I'd like to say to google and bing that there are several Kaelas out there and that it's curious how my ranking ends up like that. Shouldn't there be a variety of us when the page pops up. Only 50 people have visited my blog. It really shouldn't be up there in the search. I'm thinking about making it so that I get more hits, but I'm not sure I'm ready yet. It just proves that you're goal was to destroy me. I get dirt on everyone these days. I've learned. I pay attention.

I'm trying to get someone to box Putin so that I can get my brain fixed. That's the only way you get anything. I don't care how he feels, and he doesn't care about me either. He tried to get out of it by calling me low class. Okay, so i'm low class. That doesn't mean anything. Now you've made an appeal, and I'm not going to do emotional crap or profess all my "sins." I have no redeeming qualities. Someone has to make it so that he has to help.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Dog Tricks: Tactics that the Invisible Use

I figured I'd spend some time explaining how they destroy you.

1.) One of their favorite tactics is racism. They pick anything that gives individual people a cause. It's something that you don't have to prove to stand up for, and it's something that "educated" people know, not us invalids or undesirables. A few years ago, I wasn't even discriminate, I hopped around everyone's eggshells and actually gave anyone that was different special privilege. However, they wrote down on my sheet that I "hated people with ugly colors." I was like? I never said that. But you will become everything they say. You get used to this. Later, after a lot of anger, I became discriminate, I believe, which is more or less like a cough you get over. I get really angry. And what makes you so special? I've been uber discriminated against this lifetime. Everytime I hear that bullshit start, I freak. Like my friend said, I'm mad. I also have Jew in me. Find a more hated race. Oh, they'll come at me for that.

2.) Sexual deviance. Ever wanted to make your habits public? I know we've got some closet freaks out there. I like Putin. <3 If it was 1976, you'd have to fight me off with a pole. Celebrity crush. I don't think Mrs. Putina has anything to worry about with me. I be an ugly one. Well, they're going to use any sexual thing against you, even if you're a virgin. I don't see why this is. If you have a problem, you have a problem and you need to deal with it. I'm not sure why our society doesn't have pedophiles openly confess and group together in like a cause-thing. Like, AA, so and so has a problem. My issues were a little different. I'm pretty sure that I'm a sadomasochist due to not having control. Humans submiss to dominance. You end up with self-defeating personality disorder to protect you. All those voices inside your head. I believe in God and things. Iz melted. At the end of the day, I'm just an animal. Now I'm sexually harassing Putin because I'm making unwanted advances. LOL Don't anyone want you but your wife now. Everyone else is just being nice. I'm declaring that I like you in1976. If that version wants to file, then go for it. I don't think that's possible. By the way, a ray with his name raped me. He advanced. hehe

3.) Finding a fault and using it to spin you around to the trash magnet. This is a game that they played growing up too. We all have a fault, and it can be used against a person in everyway. Whenever they start their games, I'm like, I have no redeeming qualities. It'll start out with that I have messy hair and it'll end that I'm Satan's offspring. There's nothing I can do about it but frame myself as having this or that fault. Give them what they want because they outnumber you.

4.) Rumors. They'll say that they have authority somehow and that you're this or that. I was a "whore." I'm used to that one because I 'm a low caste female. Whenever they come at me with that, I call them a whore. They have sex after all. I don't. Whenever i try to do anything, I get framed trying to get with the dominant male, and i'm destroyed socially. We all have crushes. This one got me a few times because I liked a celebrity or something, and i was like, it's true! Nothing they say is true.

5.) Mental illness. She must be crazy. By this point in life, I know I'm insane, but that's not relevant to the discussion. Trying to psychoanalyze me is pointless. Trying to put me in my box. Try to understand me, and keep in mind that we're all children of God. Why do things really happen? I use that line as a joke because we're all delusional, crazy and messed up somehow.

6.) Lying. It's nice if you know what the dominant truth is. Most of us don't even get that advantage. THere is a difference between lying and being a liar, white lies and big deals. I would like to make this clear. There's a conflict of interests with the truth, and it's fucking complicated. Would you always tell the truth? Honestly? No, nobody does. And if they don't lie, they do something just they same, they get quiet. They asked you a question, didn't they? Answer it like i have to. I'm usually protecting something when I don't say or I'm confused. When there are so many lies about me, it's difficult for me to balance them all. There are schisms. My truth is irrelevant. This used to cause great frustration in me. It no longer does. BTW, there is no weapon greater than a man who's known to be honest, however. It makes his lie that much more potent.

7.) Confusion is delusion. Since they are invisible, I can't say for sure that they are doing anything. They will ultimately confuse me into blaming something false and destroy my credibility. The more I try to exist, the more I will reach out, and it will end in me looking uber delusional. I'll lash out and do all sorts of things in this process.

I often get confused between them and me because I often see a cause-effect thing going on, but I think there are solutions to my burdens. One, it's obvious that I need to be circumcised. Why they won't cut out the curse, I don't know. I cannot handle the privilege of sexual selection. Two, we need to bring back slavery and force all the undesirables into it so that they "don't get in on our good." There needs to be a holocaust to get rid of all the Jews. And we need to swear allegiance to the intelligence service that takes care of us, like I need someone on my side that benefits from me being alive, not "she'll never do anything for you." You got that right because you have control and you make the world. That's right; YOU'RE RIGHT!

With them, there's often a shift away from executive interests, or what we like to say, boxing fuck.

Putin owes me. i don't care if we "don't get compensation." I want to be worth something, though I refuse to be human.

I hope the bitch dies in the brainwashing show. She thinks she's so special. It's me who's going to kill her, so then I have to give her extra respect and bow to her in life. No, fucking way. She charges too much and doesn't treat me. I don't owe her anything. She came in my environment, she becomes a part of it. She got eaten. If she couldn't PAY for her own security service then she doesn't DESERVE it. Otherwise, it messes up the equality that is necessary for civil society. yes, we're equal, even a doctor to a regular worker. If you had a myopic awareness, you would know why, but we aren't equal to oligarchs. This keeps our balance.

Nobody helped me against Putin. It's okay, I got that. I don't need your help, you worthless sacks of shit. Just make me look delusional. Aw, poor baby. And then after that treatment, what do I turn into? See, how i get screwed? I'm automatically a school shooting doctor killer homewrecker. Only if I do it.

This isn't about the cash--I want to feel like I matter and that they lose, even though you're too pompous of an asshole to privately admit what you did, especially incited. Stockholm syndrome and everything else. I'm not going for the news. I'm going for my sibling's college being paid for and cells. Just hand it over. I matter, dammit. I want to say f you to them all. I need 682,000 dollars. I know that's more than you say you have, but you can get it because it would come out of your intelligence service funds since you did it. You can just put it in trust funds for them, pay off the house and you bring some dead babies over.

Edit: It's been confirmed that they did not manage to destroy my submission process this time. While they hacked my account and "scared" me with a fake blog, "just a question," they didn't get to him first. That's right, bitches. While I didn't make it, this gives me hope. They do things like send things I don't say. My credibility has already been destroyed. I can't ever say I'm not lying or that I'm not in denial. I even get confused and then I'm like, but I shouldn't share that or I should protect myself. They're really good at what they do. I'll give them that. Here's the blog they created right after I made first contact this time

This is war.

Kaela: 1 Intelligence service: 999999999999

We celebrate small victories.

Only they would understand the quotes.

The Power of a Name

The man of the castle
Said he was strong like
The stones of the walls
He then held the might
Everything he says turns
From a word to right
He gobbles the gold
Heaven such a sight
Nothing can inspire
Except his dear light
We learned that day
All was a dark night

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Person of Interest -- Brainwashing Shows

So I'm a trash magnet. All invalids are. May we all fall off the cliff together. One and for all.

You've never protected me from any of these "bad" people. Do you know how many people have tried their funny equations on me? their wayward societal programming? A lot and you included. You have some weird inner cause. I just don't get it.

In the show, this chick goes into a bar, and they protect her. What scumbags. Numerous people tried to rape me, which I'm used to, and then the security service tried to kill me. Could they have helped me? Like, hey, you're attracting attention to yourself (since they wanted to help "her"), or we don't like your spending habits? Like a counseling statement instead of instant death. I was young money. I thought i was rich with 1200. Hehe I got mad when they stalked me and fought back by going into debt. I didn't get to go bankrupt though. That was my goal, but it was impossible for me to go into that much debt. I tried guys. Way to help the youth. I thought you were trying to hurt me, so I was like, I'm going to hurt you too. I was right about your intents. Where's purity then? I hate when you uphold one over another because you give them an impossible advantage. They get more than their lives' earning. The bitch shouldnt have gone to the night club. She dies and that's on her.

Back then, I justified doing what they wanted too. I was looking for a mate to be a rose (I later realized this was death). They destroyed that. I just want to be in a caste system and to end innocent merit if we're going to favor one over another. @ We all know why I'm the scum of the universe. $ And even earning money is bad for me.

Anyway, I don't like these shows because they make my kind look like evil incarnate. Let my people go. I do want to move in with Putin just for protection. LOL I'm joking but Jesus Christ. Could I have any redeeming quality? Have you guys seen my file? I bet it's impressive.

I'm evil.

I must target the successful. Logically, then make me successful. Don't laugh. I know you just want to demoralize me further to do dirt. And I'm not human to them even, so I don't want to hear it. Humans are humble to grass. I am not. I am broken.

They'll say Campbell was good and I was bad. She labeled me a rose, which they've used several times and bullied me while we were in the army. That's fine. That's part of growing up and learning social interaction, but what they do is incite a lot of anger in me then wonder why I spit off. Again, I haven't killed anyone. I've touched one person and that's because she grabbed me and then lied to the police about it and I was honest. I clawed her to make her let go of me. Most of what I do is in self-defense. In HS, I got into a fight with some chick because I was freezing and the combination of the cold and the stress caused some sort of rage in me. I learned this later. But I'm bad because I'm "mean." They have a history to work with, to manipulate. People know to inspire a reaction in me, especially manipulative people and then make me look like the bad guy. Or I'm in their way, or I don't deserve.

She'll destroy me over a boy, and i'll destroy her over a life. Do you really want to weigh causes?

No matter what I say, I haven't done anything. I still think that they should give us the benefit of the doubt until we do something, or it's not fair. If someone honestly kills someone, they might have a reason for it whether it's society's karma (Cain and Abel--I put the bitch's scores up here if we're going to play that game like we do with me; i look up everyone's files when I'm around them because they play bullshit with me) or that that person did something bad. Jack and Jill went up the Hill to fetch a pail of water. Jack fell down and broke his crown because Jill was sick of his bullshit. People are so fucking complicated.

All I do is yell.

It took me a couple weeks with coming to terms that my feeds meant I was a sadomasochist, excuse me. If gays can fuck, then I can be trashy. Plus, I never acted on my thoughts. And even so, what does it matter? All i knew was that thing between my crotch was getting me in trouble and needed to come out. People were using it again. I'm still a virgin. I'm just saying, and I'll say it loud because I'm not allowed in civil society anyway. I am just an animal. I cried it was so embarrassing. Nothing embarrasses me now. bring it on defamers.

I always get labeled as the school shooter because I'm disabled. I'm easy to get to. And since they say that, I become that, even though I was one of the most anxiety filled, scared person on the planet. I'd be the last one. Then let me blow those people to bits and get the invalids the Hell out of there because we don't belong. Do you know what I went through growing up? Do you ever take my emotions into consideration? And if it's always the superior's interest, wasn't I in their way then? I have no tolerance for this facade bullshit anymore.

I like what someone said on my blog, it's all the black autistic peoples' faults. It's a joke.

Usually, they find some fly covered carcass to compare me to, and back when I was younger, I still had hope, and this destroyed me. They never let me develop my gifts. Wahness aside. Who's going to say that I deserve now compared to some kid in school? It's my turn to play that game, isn't it?

Fix my brain.

DHS Wants to Trash You Out, Baby

So in this crazy universe of cave corpses and street gangs, there's a new kid in town, and he's got a gun. DHS is pimping with new equipment. Is anyone laughing at his power yet?

"I got a gun,' says Billy, "and she still left me."

So while I was minding my own business, trying to enjoy a beer with a few friends, these assholes come running out of nowhere and try to frame me multiple times doing multiple times. The first one was talking to Russia. The second one was trying to date Putin in which a man came running into the bathroom, threw his hand in my face and said, "it's rude, girl." So now you're calling me a rude girl. How rude.

Rude and rude make rudeness.

Eventually, I couldn't take it anymore. I started mocking them on my blog with various crimes which they all jumped up and said, "that's why! That's why!" She's Jewish. Indeed, I have Jewish ancestors. And that matters because? Let's do a you and me and 23. I'm sick of being the only one "exposed." If being Jewish is a sin, then let's kill us all like the invalids. You can't put a penny in a jar for a whole pig.

What do they have you believing in? I hope it isn't yourself.

Anyway, they were looking for a reason, not like you have to look hard. I had "their" money. That's good enough to kill anyone and anyone can understand money. It's a universal language.

They needed a good reason though for their hearts because that's what good folks do, so they trashed me out, ruined me and then blamed me. Of course, since it happened to me, I have to blame myself and say I'm gonna "change" because people change. What a lie. People never change.

I've been trashed out (outer); I'm still me (inner). Quiet, calm, periodically explodes.

Who am I committing absolution to this week?
What delusion is all I am?

Anyway, here's an article I found funny: I'm not upholding Putin, just saying. Was the cyanide from you, pumpkin pie?

They don't "fire" you. They create conditions that lead to you being fired or your death. I always get trashed out then I have to accept dirt. It's their favorite game. Now all the yahoos, since i had to make myself visible, come rushing in with their "just a question" or anything. I call you guys elves. You're like magical little creatures that work behind the scenes and since you're magical, none of us can say anything.

"The elves have landed."

Can I just be "fired" and banned from anything else as a punishment like wearing an "A?" Can we be adults? You got fired becaue you didn't uphold our invisible ideology with your psychic powers.

I have zero redeeming qualities. They destroyed all of me. All the "good" or ideals that I believed it.

I'm never allowed to rise. Like I would have anyway. The fact that I'm known on a list actually gives me a benefit.

Monday, October 10, 2011

Now You're Messing With the Borg

I'm almost a borg. I have all sorts of equipment that I am attached to, even as I sleep. However, some of my devices have ceased to function. My ipod has stopped working along with a clock that both were right next to my head. Oh well, I still seem to be improving. I do lose my train of thought a lot still and have memory problems, however.

"She's trying to get in on our good," they said a few months back.

Look, I'm trashed out and trapped in the worthless caste. Can't you guys be done? What do you have to prove now? Who is buying your weapons to use against me? What do they have to prove? I'm guessing it's just because they can. Oh, the power. +rolls eyes+ Are we even competing?

Aren't the reasons I'm trashed out so obvious? Please generalize with them. It's all my fault. Feel good about your own justifications; you are better. I don't care so long as the programming goes on.

Nobody cares. I obviously don't matter. That's the blessing of having so many humans on the planet. They can feel powerful and in control of me but really, they aren't in truth. There are bigger fish to fry. All humans should commit themselves to better things, but they're a worthless species that likes adaptive preference. As far as my attackers, all you guys in the puddles are really visible though. Such big fish with big teeth flopping around like clowns. Sometimes, only a minnow belongs where a shark tries to go. I can't believe you viewed me as a threat. What are security services coming to these days? Don't tell me that they're upholding the CIA's standard, "I don't believe in aliens." What a closed-minded individual. Not only, but I want the CIA to take alien threats seriously. I'm concerned for my wellbeing. No, I didn't threaten the CIA. I asked them about their procedures for aliens.

All and all, I would suggest that they get out of our faces and keep their delusional nonsense to themselves. Only a child would have an awareness that small to think that they could influence the entire world or that their dog tricks aren't easy to see. Boo, I see you.

Sure, you'll get away with messing with undesirables for awhile (and you're really saving the world by messing with those that aren't even in society), but eventually the normal people will wake up and stop your corruption as it will involve them.

I like when people take justice into their own hands the best. I enjoyed cyanide really. Why does everyone feel like they're right is the ultimate right? or that they have the right.

Oh, well, it takes a world. We all die and decay, fade. Do whatever makes you feel like you. Does it fulfill? I won't cramp your style. Boo Boring.

A few of you are cute. You do things like call my relatives, like that'll make a difference. Then you try to destroy my possibility of work. That's forever gone with both cognitive dysfunction and other things. I have no hope. Then you attack anything I try to get published by marking it up, calling the people beforehand and telling them things about me, which haven't I trashed myself out enough with this blog? That was my last attempt to pull myself out of the gutter. It takes me a long time to come up with anything coherent. This time, I went the sneaky way about it but didn't win. Edit: Apparently, I did because you guys didn't manage to contact him before me. Thus, preventing me from even getting a submission in. That's been verified. I'm going to talk to him before you can but that destroyed my chances--because it is rude. All and all, you just annoy me. It's like a game of runaround. That gives me hope though. It means that it's not always a 100% destruction.

It would be nice if people would just stay in their lanes, but this isn't possible. When I didn't have a blog, I was an uber target. Now I'm a target for stupid lay people. I'm a pariah. I prefer you guys truly. The elites are still using you and other things to "harm" me. Screw yourselves over. But you're my number one problem at the moment. Oh Lordy, Bill's got a shotgun. Remember, you have to frame me into attacking you and make it look like self-defense.

A lesson is not worth learning
If he never learns it twice
You can try a third time to teach
but if the pupil is so gripped
He'll practice what you truly preach

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Mind Control Morons

We're all matched in society to be a certain way. Civilizations have been basing their personalities on thought-actions since the beginning. What you are doing is causing conflicting thought-actions and improper realizations. People will become guilty of anachronism. Instead of realizing that it's a time for social equality, they'll realize that it's time to abandon whatever they're doing as a herd. Mostly, what you are doing is stealing youth. You will reap what you sow later on... You will end up with completely new realizations, and you may not like the outcome for our vision of society. I seriously hope that you are plotting these because I don't want to deal with your mistakes like I seem to always, a given example being the recession and having people come after me like the entire thing was my fault. Not my place, not my job. Do yours and maybe we wouldn't have these embarassments. You are.

Disable me some more. You suck.

Can anyone say why we'll never have peace, love and happiness?

My guess is that the necessary social realizations are such that certain social interactions have to take place, even adverse ones for there to be forward movement as a society or to keep the "vision" stable. It seems that in order for there to be caste/class harmony, there has to be caste oppression of some sort too, which almost always results in conflict or in things that others in a different world would view as negative.

If I'm not entitled to an opinion, say so. The little tiny feelings couldn't take what a youth had to say. Does someone have a problem that they don't want to talk about?

Youz trashed me out. Iz disoriented. And you still suck :P

You madez me a moron. Does this make you any less of a moron or are all morons created equal? Now there's a deep philosophical question for you to ponder, Madonna. I know you like to waste your time doing "things."

If this was Putin, get over yourself, office spy, and refill the coffee after you steal the ladies' lunch.

When you kill me, I gonna laugh real hard right coz I tried worshipping you. You all are impossible to please.

If this is Bush, please get a real degree before you govern. You're smarter than me now but so is your average cockroach. You want my dollar? Maybe we can work on the budget together. It's addition and subtraction. Even like this, I can manage it. Negative numbers are bad.

"She's trying to get in on our good!" So now you're competing with the "retard lady?" Beam me up, Scotty. This place is a barren desert if they're scared of me. Even though I can't feel fear, I'm scared.

You want rude trashy me so bad. Way to not inspire better. Usually, if someone who is below me skill-wise and they mess up, I blame myself. Don't feel too bad if you were ever in charge of me and read this though. They really demoralized me before they tried to justify killing me. Like, these weren't the usual; these were professionals. And then I laugh in their faces and say, "we all die." Why don't you motivate me with something I have to gain instead of lose? Oh, yes, because you're used to dealing with humans.

Speaking of blame, I wish I could exercise without getting dizzy. I'm yucky looking. I look like an American. I'm joking with that one to make you hate me. Not that I'd know though. I can't feel anything. The fact that I'm typing this is amazing. It's "because her cortex is so thick." But I was retarded remember? DETAILS. You'll never conquer the world unless you learn that little things matter.

Back to smartmouthing, if this was an elite putting me in my place, instead of putting me in mine, why don't you stay in yours? I'll do my job if you do yours. Oh wait, you can't.

Hey, if I'm going out, which I think I am, I'm going to be the biggest bitch possible. Oh, I'm a chunky little thing. Usually, I exercise, but ah, I like fall over and stuff. I tried running today only to end up spinning around. Dar she blows and falls. The whale has been beached. Mission overload.

My perception of reality is bizarre. My right arm just turned into water, and I'm floating. This cannot possibly be good. Iz have no mind! Only a human would do this. Fucking disgraces. Please create something better smart people.

Is Putin doing this to scare other people or be badass? It's like, you can kill my entire family and me. We all die anyway, so everything is pointless. I'm not going ot be ruled by that. What a fucking bully loser. Whoever you are. At least I declare myself. Have some face. See, this is what humans do! They trash you out and then try to make you justify it. No more.

It was nice knowing you all...

1 down. 6 billion to go.

That's right. i'm not just a terrorist, I'm an enemy of humanity. Beat that!

I don't really have a belief system anyway. I could never figure out why people attacked me. They're all trying to get somewhere. I was just studying and they came and made everything worse. Once again, I have scores and scores and more scores to prove anything. I study everyday now trying to get it back at least 9 hours.

I can't protect anything I love anyway. I couldn't even protect myself. They destroy everything, and it doesn't matter. Nothing does. Oh, I'll satisfy an ending, Breaking Benjamin. I don't even know what your ideology is that I'm supposed to commit absolution to. I guess that's because you don't really have one.

And I tried worshipping every world leader, having the "correct" opinion (which was a guess), hiding, etc. I paid respect to Putin, but I think I'm just going to call him sugar muffin from now on. It's impossible to make these people happy. They want us to be bad for their control. These people can do whatever they want.

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Being the Only Slave

I'm the only one they order around like that. They make me special in a group setting.
I'm the only one they target, or all the targets are like me and the only of their demographic (whatever the elites are trying to eliminate this week--like a fad).

It's always the same with people. They target me until they get a reaction and then they blame me.

Originally, I thought a rose meant death. I thought it was comical that any entity would attempt to "roar" solo. That has to be entertaining. I tried my best. Okay, I'm roaring, roar. Is that the goal? Apparently not. I was just wayward sheep. Way to be a leader... not. Let me guess at your subliminal messages.

I can only have one master.

I'm fine with backbreaking labor, being sold into slavery or anything else ridiculous a human wants to do to my physical being, but I'm not okay with charity scalar weapons that turn me into an idiot. Regardless of who's ego I crushed, and this gives me a false sense of power <3 (I want to take over the world), it should be dealt with in the flesh, not in the mind. In most cultures, a head blow is the worst insult. Don't tell me I bothered you that much, sugar muffin :)

I still love you, baby. Ray me again.

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Normal People Vs Myself

Normal people are allowed to develop grow, overcome, adapt and rearrange themselves. They're allowed to "change," but if I do anything, I suddenly have a ray pointed at my head and will pay for it forever. It's ridiculous, and it's always like this because I have that damn label.

This is because all the "strong" people like to target me for an easy kill. I got into a teenage fight, and they made that the end of the world. All I asked her was if she was in my head. These days, that's a perfectly reasonable inquiry, and a mature person would have responded, "no, I'm not in your head." But she went psycho on me. I heard her voice, and I was a little annoyed. I misread what she said afterwards because I'd been hit by so many charity, scalar rays. I was a little upset about that because I assumed as my friend that she should have given me the benefit of the doubt. I was nice to her. I blew her name everywhere. Fine, what me to be a jealous psychopath because that's what they want, anything cliche. I will be, and you can feel better about your crappy positions. If A Perfect Circle wouldn't have scared me as a youngster, I wouldn't have taken being a rose so poorly. Back then, I just had dreams, and I'd had them messed up by everyone else who'd had control over me. I didn't want what I had left destroyed. I get sick of being so special. Everyone else gets to do what they want but I have to do something completely against my interests. I wasn't "jealous" of not being a rope. My goal was to go to school but that's almost destroyed now. I can still do some things.

I got into a fight with Putin, and he doesn't know what the Hell he's doing. He just knows he can get away with it. Like a little boy that caught a mouse at the Science Fair.

I'm trapped in the past because I'm disabled in it. Aw, now I'm begging for mercy. How cute or should I write, how coot.

Putin, you're such a fucking loser but a smart one. ;)

I tried to work at Hardee's and they were right there to hurt me. Then I get all emo and stuff because I can't survive. Good thing that my state will take care of me.

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Nobody Cares About Mental Health Problems

Demons LOL Everyone has them because everyone got their feelings hurt at some point. Wah. They just thought I might actually accomplish something, so they destroyed me. I tried to get back at them, and I'm ... bad. I'm so special. WTF did Putin highlight me? Because it was an easy kill. He's got demons LOL You should see all the people he kills (he should be ruled insane if hurting people is the qualification), especially if he wanted to be a sociopath and not care for the injured or disabled. How does that make you feel, Putin? I'm white trash like everyone else, right? I deserve pain, agony, nothing. I want to be...

I haven't gotten much this life. I want the opportunity that I received; I would like compensation, and I've already said what I want. It would make me feel better, like I'm actually human and worth something.

My relative said that the government was trying to help me since it didn't kill me, which it could easily, and I'm not delusional about that because I know what a delusion is, but it obviously messed up because she said I had excellent comphrension after 6th grade and that my memory is bad now. She told me to keep writing to government, which I am. I want this fixed. I'm not trying to get rich by suing, and she said it would be by their grace basically, which means they're going to ignore me but agrees that they messed something up, even though they probably had good intentions or I'd be dead. I just want this fixed. Can we deal with this quietly? It's my dream to graduate college. I hate being stupid. I was already stupid, but now I'm "make her retarded." yes, I could hear it as they did it to me.

I don't necessarily agree that their interests were benign to pleasant. I think there are a lot of elites out there with satellites and that I pissed someone off, so they wanted to make me stupid to have an unpleasant life, and that's why I write open letters, and they're really just letters since i"m too stupid to really analyze things these days, and it's kind'of dangerous/ sparks more attention to me, but I would like to say that if it was an elite that that was plain rude. You could have used your words to tell me what you didn't like. You could have grabbed some hobo off the street to write it here. I never get any comments on this blog, but you're obviously welcome to put your feelings up here. Going after my mind is wrong, doesn't give me a chance to evaluate or correct things myself. I was, in fact, born yesterday. You probably have a good reason to not like the things I do or say, and I might just be ignorant of why it bothers you. I can see one error now, but I was so pissed they were trying to kill me, even though I can't feel it.

I used to be really jealous of black people because they got free school and special privilege for their suffering, and I think society makes us racist for a purpose, and I guess I was looking back when I had emotions, but it was mostly jealousy. What makes that so special? While this is childish, it's no doubt influenced my opinions that I cant feel anymore, so don't ask me how it makes me feel because I can't feel it (I generally hate people), and they were doing stuff way before I made that comment, but I realize someone would shoot me dead for it, even though blacks are targeting whites and saying nasty things too. My last group home's head was racist against white people and never kept her mouth shut, right in front of me too. That's her opinion, and I have to respect it. It wasn't going to cause me any harm, didn't harm anyone. I figure people can stop have egos made of eggshells. I use my name because I figure it's good for me, and if you threaten me, everyone dies, so it doesn't matter. I've gotten used to it over the years. If someone is going to do something bad, someone is going to do it, and there's nothing I can do about it. Just an FYI, I can't feel any emotions, so you can't make me suffer. You can find mild amusement, I assume, in all the upside down things I think, however. I am stupid now. Does that make you feel better about yourself? And for anyone else on the internet, you can be found, so don't think you're hiding your 'nasty." I'm human, not perfect.

Google is trying to defame me for it to justify what they did, and two wrongs don't make a right, especially in the dark. Meanwhile, they won't put any of my comments about Campbell up. And I hate her, not because she is black but because she betrayed me and sided with the evil ones, calling me a "rose," which is like a death sentence in this culture. That wasn't an opinion, it caused me harm. It's a "target." She was my best friend. Now I guess I'm being simple because a "friend" betrayed me. I am simple, and she needs a restraining order.

If I ever come into any money from the evil ones, which I won't, she'll get half of it for all the shit I've written, but I don't plan on having anything, so I'll say all the "immature" things I want to, and I expect google to post at least one of them. Does God love her more than me? I feel that there's discrimination going on, and yes, I could felt true discrimination all my life, and what makes it even better is that I deserve it. Then I have to listen to people complain that they've been discriminated against when they don't think I can relate. Oh, I know discrimination. It made me a massive target. They even called me a rose and a ghost. Like you can be dead while you're alive.

Back to Campbell, she put my life in extreme danger, I figured I'd return the favor. If we ever see each other again, she's going to need a restraining order, even if I've been zombified. She was racist too, but I used to think that was okay for black people. It was part of my ignorance. She often made references to slavery like it happened yesterday or to her and that I was responsible. In my head, I was like??? and then later I mounted a sea of anger because if someone has suffered discrimination, but there's always that voice in the back of my head, but you deserve it. Then why am I with people who are not my equals? Why am I always used? It's come to me arriving at the conclusion that all invalids should die. That's what all my thoughts on morals say. That as long as we exist, we will be exploited. That as long as we exist, we will be unworthy. I can't do anything without someone getting into my way, someone telling me I can't, someone telling me I don't deserve, but I deserve this.

I thought about it a long time, and even if I was delusional about everything or something in the everything, she was still in the wrong. You have to treat people like people, even when you're killing them or "cutting" them off. I guess I went to her level by defaming her, but she sure did me, several times, and maybe that's why I created the deep delusion... not that it's all a delusion, I'm just confused becaue my attackers are invisible, but what I 'pinned" down does say a lot. Who has hurt you?, that's what I discovered. I thought that they were my friends, but really I never thought that at all because they were my demons, black people too.

I just talked to a black guy and he said I was mad, not necessarily racist. I just asked him to read this. I get along with black guys. I swear that I'll end up marrying one.

Back to what she'll use to hide, and it's not because you're black but because I hate you; and even after my initial guess that was right by "interests" in me, your tracer, you left me in the dark when I needed you the most--I listened to you lament about all your problems, and you freaked out when I said I was hallucinating, probably because you felt real special with your "future," and they knew my name, and you didn't want guilt by association, but it still pissed me off because you'd used me before. Everyone dumps me because they don't want to be associated with someone with schizophrenia or mental health problems, which is respectable, but did you have to go and do that? You could have said, "I can't risk my future associating with you because I have a job now that requires a clean record;" you didn't have to do what you did. I won't post it here, but it was enough for me to go to prison for. I'd halfway forgiven you for profiling me, but I won't forgive that. Did they tell you to do that? They just want me to kill myself to make up for their ego problems. "She's such a disgrace; she's going to kill herself. " Like I have to kill myself for them to be "right," and they pressure it, and I felt like that for awhile then came to the conclusion that I needed company in the afterlife and that I was not soley exclusive from my environment. I've been carrying society's garbage for a long time, and I think that's why I got voices. It's a type of guilt that follows me around as all these horrible things happen to me. The occurences are focused on me, so it's my fault, but the reasons it happens are complex to many, claim in their irresponsibility to be vexing, yet all boil down to one cause: disability. It makes me think, should invalids exist or is their fate welfare and other horrible ends? We don't dance in the circle of society, so what's the purpose of existing? To drain resources? It wasn't like I was wanton, no, I was singled out and chosen by Satan to be "bad." That's what happens when something is inferior, like a snake that crawls on the ground. It was him who sinned, not the strong lion that roars with pride. I'll take responsibility, I suppose, for all but my innocence, which also happens to be ignorance. Now those two are not mutually exclusive. I hate being singled out as the only person that deserves something bad. Someone knew the answer before me, yet they kept it a secret. Perhaps for their own ends.

Like everyone else...

Make me eat my words forever, huh google? I don't care. I never had much of a future, and now I really don't have a future. If you were inside my mind, you'd know why.

And I have a theory that HAARP is to protect us from these elites in addition to weather modification, but that the government doesn't want to spark panic by saying it. You should see into my mind and see all the stuff they did. I know someone sent the "nephilim" after me. I'll say that that would be benign. LOL

Back to the subject,

By the mere fact that you said that to me, discredits you. You are caring about not caring because that's what you've been programed to say. We abuse people with mental disorders like nothing else, probably because there is social stigma to seeking treatment due to the high costs that disorders like schizophrenia burden to families or, more importantly, politicians.

People, like always, do truly, deeply madly care about my mental health issues because they want to use me if only to say "I don't have problems like her" or "she doesn't deserve" or "she has to do this" or the best, "we all know she has a problem." That's what it boils down to in addition to the fact that they want to steal from me. They want to control me for their profit or take my opportunities away.

As if I had any, but you beat that dead horse. I'd like the respective intelligence agencies to take responsibility for what they've done. Yes, they've used their weapons on me. It's not a delusion. It's a fact. What evidence do I have? I have songs that clearly advertise weapons and a dramatic change in symptoms. They wanted to be fancy with their weapons and it had a dire result. Show offs.

Admit it, you want me to live in poverty and eat shit because you want to prove how unimportant you are and I am. Ya lo se. Be stupid for elites.

All I want is a place in society and to be left alone. I just don't like being psychotronically edited to fill these positions by the industrial complex that seeks to make a name for itself. I also don't care about what is socially wrong to say because I can't lie that much about my abuses. Juggling other peoples' lies about me gets difficult. And you can see it in my writing. I don't know if you've ever been controlled by people who don't have your interests in mind, but it's a challenge to navigate through. Oftentimes, they are ignorant about the amount of damage that they are doing! I'm getting a recorder so that I can show them and maybe they'll understand. Not that they value my opinion, but they do care.

Call me anything bad, but don't tell me that you don't care because you obviously do.

PS my attackers are faceless. I have to volunteer information because there are so many lies about me.

Google has defamed me by posting the most degrading comments. My opinion on undesirables is that we should all die, black or white, like I said and not play this run around game. It's unclear in that statement because I was very damaged for awhile and not clear. They made me stupid with their weapons, special operations. It's so they can say that I don't deserve. I'm out of the game now anyway. I'll just go to prison... I'm no one, never had a future anyway. I will not stand for this abuse, however, this manipulation, even if it means I'm destroyed. They destroyed me anyway. Either way, I lose.

Yes, they do engineer racism and they use us invalids as well. The US = evil. That's why I wanted to leave so that I could just live for once. I don't have to be a rose, a thorn, anything inferior. They've chased me before. Now they're defaming me with my google ranking. Bing is nice to me.

Oh, I'm so mean to black people. I deserved to be turned into Miss Trash. Nope, because if I am then you are. You'll learn this wisdom. Just like it's bad for all of us if we have retards in society.

Get off your asses and torch anyone that gets in your way. I can't believe you let whites enslave you. Not that you were special because we were indentured servants back then and just as "worthless." I hate white people too, don't worry, or maybe I just hate people. To them, I'm not human, so I guess i'm racist against humans. Now that's what I'm talking about, black people. Beat the shit out of them. That's the only way people listen.

Stand up for yourselves, everyone. I did, and I've been discriminated against just like you and treated like a slave, but I deserve it. Stop living like a victim even if it means they take a few of you out. I basically committed suicide, but I got them back.

Again, I would like Putin to fix the brain damage that has improved a little after my first stem cell transplant because he made me a target. I don't care what they've turned me into. I want it fixed. I was too young for psychotronic warfare. I was like 20 when that happened. I didn't know any better. Our culture tricked me into thinking that I had free speech. I was stupid. I just didn't think I mattered that much, if you know what I mean.

And about my age, I don't mean that I didn't have responsibility; I just meant that I was green and could have used "correction" prior to having my brain destroyed then being institutionalized. Not that you care, if you're even reading this.

And I get along with black men, always have always will because they're chilled out. I wonder why I have a difficult time with the females? The ambiguous jealousy that i have is general and doesn't relate to whatever interpersonal relationships I've had, though the personal relationships could have had an impact on my general opinion.

I think I'm more black sometimes with discrimination issues. LOL Oops. I put two thoughts together.

I'm some horrible deviant of human intead though. I'm the one going to prison or in the institution. I have no future. I am going for a name change. I only used my name to try to ward off my timely death, much as I want to die. Life makes no sense. I think I want to kill the rejected part of me.

No, I don't want to kill anymore/harm anyone. I would talk her ear off, that's all. That's all I've ever done, but I'll be instititutionalized forever because it's peoples' control over me. If being a threat to someone else or self was that serious of a sin, then shouldn't all of the prison population and music industry be considered mental, insane?

I don't think I have schizophrenia. I was hit by cyanide (probably by a street gang worshipping Putin or Putin, but I would have expected him to do better really), and I was psychotronically edited. My relative says it's a miracle I'm a live with all the times my head's been hit anyway in the army and out of it. Prior to that, I just hallucinated and was stressed, tired. Who knows why? Now my emotions are all messed up, which is a symptom of both a TBI and schizophrenia. You know, I think the entire mental health field is delusional. If they can't prove that I have something physically, then it's not there. Sure, I was suicidal, but lots of people are. I'm poor, so instead of being homeless, I get to be institutionalized. I'll be homeless evetually, dammit.

You can come join my new group: 10% remaining. They say we only use 10% of our brains; well, I only have 10% of mine left...

Only stupid people have these problems... Since I have problems, I seem to pile more/ they chose me for these issues.

They have special squads to punish traitors. I wasn't a traitor until after the squad came. It's preventitive, I'm sure. Something to earn a paycheck over. I'm not pro any other country though. I guess that's why they always chose idiots so that they can have an easy kill. It's easy to manipulate me because my mind is weak after everything.

I tried to keep my mouth shut but they filled it with words. You should see what the psych ward has written me as saying. it's like, I don't remember any of that because you had me so drugged up that I couldn't tell ying from yang. My memory is terrible, but that sounds strange for me to say, so did the hit on black people because usually I just hate people, and I think they're all the same. I guess it's that somebody gots something thta I didn't, and I felt left out of the pity party. Plus, I was angry they didn't fight back more. I tried to, was trying to during that time. I blame psych drugs or the childhood regression since I don't have any control over my environment. That's the culprit, especially when they inject me with them. Yeah, and I think our culture has an entitlement problem, like anyone can be wronged... I find it humorous myself when I think about it a long time past personal laments. It's by the luck of Sam that you wake up each morning and eat. You aren't anything, after all. Anyone can do anything and get away with it.

I like what Africa did to the whites. They lost their privilege. Now they're all on welfare. See why? Stand up :) I'm stuck like that, and i love when people end up disabled...

Now there's a class divide between whites and blacks still, but I figure that could be ended in the US if elites would create a fake war. War is great for getting everyone to mix it up. We could be invaded by Russia or something for a generation. It would only destroy one generation. I kind'of figured that's why we had/have the recession, to even out the classes/make it more fair for everyone while it looked bad. Elites only let us get so far ahead before they throw us backward. None of reality actually exists. It does on our level, but not grander ones. Smart people gained absolute control awhile ago, and they pull the strings of realizations and things. That's why humanity isn't completely enslaved in labor camps and such by everyone. The 500 extra years to make an advancement doesn't matter when you have forever, and they do, so they aren't as concerned with time so much as quality for everyone, it seems thus far.

If you have a problem with me, I urge you to use to comment section, not dedicate an entire blog to my mocking (yes, someone did that). How does it make you feel to pick on the retard kid, huh? I just talk to air. I bet you want to get in my face and tell me you don't care, so go ahead. Everyone else destroys me I'm the one they can get to...

Death to invalids! Eloi said that I shouldn't die until we all die so that they don't nickel and dime their way to heaven. How to get rid of us in one way, dear fascists, fellow humanitarians, is use them as a facade for your cause then when they call you out on it, say that's all you're doing until we lose our purpose in society. You're not egocentric fascists, concerned only with your odd personality disorders, you're humanitarians. You like teddy bears and sunshine. What, they don't like you? They must be discriminating against disabled blondes. Play their game. Blondes are after all, a world minority.

I advocate standing up for what you believe in, and I jump around all the time because they made me retardeder. I was able to collect myself for a few hours last night. I'm impressed. Now here they come again because my words aren't allowed to stand for anything. You'll see my nonlinear thought process that must be schizophrenia, not the result of psychotronic warfare.

Sure, I'll confess anything. I love being the idiot. I have no memory, but it's kind'of improving... I say that's a TBI. I hope I make your "cause" happy. Looking back, I think I might have actually meant for people to stand up for themselves, but who knows. I am jealous of what people get too, if I recall, and I always hated the nurtured racism that they brought on in school with books like Gone with the Wind and a few programs. They didn't make us equal, they brought attention to differences. It gave black people a cause and white people angst.
All I know is that I'm an anarchist, I need help. SOS or SOL. SOL. Here I sit to chirp.

Leave a comment grandma. Yes, somebody cared so much they turned me into my grandma. She thinks I want to kill everyone. No, grandma, I really did get into a fight with Putin, and it resulted in the FSB or CIA using psychotronic weapons on me (look it up-it's real). I'm just asking him to man up and fix my brain so that I can be productive again. Yeah, yeah, I"m a little shit, but what happened was uncalled for. We live in a strange society these days where anyone can contact anyone else. Why don't you call Russia, grandma, and tell that jerk, excuse my language, to mind his own business and take care of his own people. He didn't need to police me. Now I need help from him, and he knows what they did, so he can fix it. This happened 2 years ago, but it caused them to stalk me in Virginia. They almost killed me. Putin likes to use cyanide and other torture methods. Yes, that really hurt more than my feelings. I'm a joker though. I say that I'm going to get a phone call from Putin, and he's going to fix this. I'm sorry I'm not Russian. I have rights. I think that it was the Russians that tried to kill me for getting disability because they do theirs. "Invalidy" - Tatu "Love as you die" It burned my brain and left me braindead. I will not stand for this. I go off to another charity. Great. You just make my life easier the more you steal from me. Russians = desperate people. No wonder you have to kiss Putin's ass. He doesn't feed you and has you completely enslaved. It's like, Putin, I'm not your nationality, your quagmire of desperation. Hey, if you guys want to live like that. I wonder why millions of your people run away, far away. I may be a dissident, but it's allowed in America. I've posted all sorts of nasty and no one has come after me. I am fighting the invisible, so I have to narrow down suspects. I am a piece of shit in many ways and that's not relevant to this discussion. Do not distract. I expect this fixed -- from your little American. You did part of this. I can nail you down for the picture and the bar. Those two things alone highlight your guilt in an aspect. It is inappropriate for you to influence an ordinary person's ongoings.

Treat me like an American since I am one. That means you can deal with me protesting you, saying a bunch of crap, and you can be accountable for what you inspired or did because I matter to America. I want my brain fixed as settlement. You get to pay for the tickets, the hotel and the procedure. I was not of your concern. You do anything funny to me over there, and it'll be another incident. Buffy didn't get you out of that one. Look, if you would have ripped my arm off, I wouldn't care, but do you see how my mind affects everything? I've had enough of people interferring. What you did was inappropriate. I was 20 and just learning about the world. Of course, I had a strange opinion. You shouldn't be involved in those sorts of affairs. It's like a black belt fighting a yellow belt. There is no point in the match. It looks bad. I look forward to my vacation in Russia, however. I like Russia. Don't forget the junior mints. I just want to piss everyone off with that. I don't know if stem cells work, but as a controller, I know you know of something that does, and I want to be fixed to have a normal life. You stole this from me. I want it back. Sorry I was rude. I love Russia on odd days, but I'm trying to get attention to my cause. I love America too on even days. I feel betrayed.

I've posted several times that this is my opinion in a free country and that I don't want to kill anyone. Then my doctor read this and scanned it, so I can see all the nonsense quotes out of context that they take from it. I have a TBI from psychotronic warfare. In the future, they'll see it. I wish Putin had the balls to fix what he did or what he inspired.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

My Government $pies on Me (Caste Wars)

Then they labeled me as having a psychiatric condition, which I do have, and that's why they were spying. They wanted to "prevent" a disaster. They wanted to fatten their paychecks and be in control of something. @:)

Wahoo, let the action movie start...

At most, I could kill 10 or so people if I wanted to (which I don't). 10 don't matter. They're just resources. After I killed them, I would be locked up forever. That would be preventitive. Spying on me, disabling me is a waste of resources. There are bigger problems out there. I'm not worth their resources. Even if I'm annoying to the dear Kings and Queens of this country.

Yet they come after me because the Kings and Queens @see what could rise or what could be a burden to them.

I'm an opprobrium. hehe

I'm easy prey. I couldn't do anything back if I wanted to, and it's kind'of fun, I suppose, to watch me dart around in the dark and react like an animal. They can make me disturbed emotionally then splash in my face that they don't care and to get over it. That's for them. I just stare blankly ahead as they do their doings. I have effectively dragged the entire trash can along with me.

At the end of the day, I need a master that is neutral to them. I need someone to report to that feeds me, takes care of me and ensures my safety.

My life has been like open season, the hunted. Of course, I make loose associations; I can't pin down the invisible. All I am is a mouse under a cat's claw. This amuses them, makes them feel special above me. I'm merely bored and I'm tired of it. Thanks to their doing, I can't remember anything. I'm always confused.

I just say things to say things these days. Whatever makes them happy...

I hate freedom with a fiery passion, especially American freedom.
I want out of this country. Anyone need a slave? All I need is food.

You can have your fucking money back. What a worthless state. I'll just go wander around and end up in an institution which drains money too. Anyway you look at this, you lose. Now I have to go pull all of my school records and get batteries of tests. It's going to show your decline.

Why didn't you just ask me for it back? I would have given it to you and been a prostitute/ serious social issue to show them the error of their ways. They won't allow me to go to school (they said so on their speaker). What am I supposed to do with so many masters? They definitely don't have a symbiotic relationship going on.

I just look insane, which I am, but I'm not about all things...

Our government just hasn't learned the wisdom of the elders against letting the state forces serve as imperial gangs for the privileged of society. The only should only do that for people in power, not celebrities or anyone else. Those people have to pay their own bounty hunters and armies. That keeps things fair: you get what you pay for and nothing more. If they have to pay out of pocket then it will limit the people they kill. Right now the FBI works for them for free with OUR tax dollars. What a ripoff.

Most of us on welfare or aid are what should be called losing cattle for breeding or other purposes unspecified. We don't have a place in society and our only purpose is to breed another generation of workers. We still serve a purpose in society. I'm a guinea pig. I bet abilify or the drug industry is pissed you messed with me, and they'd send a gang out to deal with you. Back to welfare, you think the people who have 7 children are being greedy with funds, but what they're doing is supplying the next generation for next to nothing. Have my kids too, right? Welfare = factory farm.

I still advocate labor camps, just to scare everyone... I figured I'd feed into their hatred, their agenda, just to watch them suffer. I'll screw everyone over...

Having had no rights growing up or in adulthood, I think freedom is weird and unnecessary/ inefficient. I think it's hilarious people on the radio stand up for their fragments, themselves. Do they not realize who has control? or that their numbers are few? This goes for the celebrity elites as well. They are nothing but cattle, chatty cattle.

I'm the popular kid. Too much Koran reading. This is from the angels.

Your Need is Proving

Your self-importance is inspiring
It doesn't matter to us, nullius
As you self-impress these things?
Fragments, leeches on us
Did we not spill the sentence?
You've always wanted to please
An audience - us being the attire
We've been forever -wherever so
As we know addition of true laws
The wisdom of the ages, not age
Now nothing stops us because we
Are invisible, indivisible, induced
with power, substance, standing
Fruit beyond a mortal's desperate

I'm uber lethargic today.

People on RT have what's known as enemy syndrome. They serve the enemy out of hatred toward their conditions. They're worthless anyway, the ones that comment. You can tell by their syntax. You think Russia cares? LOL You like it so much, why don't you go up there? You'll be back down here in a heartbeat.

Myself, I'm trapped because they got my mind. I have nothing better to do. I did go all angst on them because they chased me down and tortured me for being disabled. Thanks oh great leaders. My life is ruled for me. Eventually, my antipsychotics will kill me. I'm starting work therapy, I think. My doctor's spoken to me about it. We can try, but I'm really, really stupid. I'll always be babysat thanks to psychotronic land. Why aren't they targeting those bastards that comment on RT? Oh yeah, 'cause they're male. Oh, Putin, who wants to be a world citizen and take care of the garbage you've attracted? I know you're indiscriminate when it comes to slaughterfest or trips in dementia land. I <3 the Russian special forces :)

grandma's being nice, which is good. I don't like being under control though. I didn't like what happened at the hospital.