Monday, October 10, 2011

Now You're Messing With the Borg

I'm almost a borg. I have all sorts of equipment that I am attached to, even as I sleep. However, some of my devices have ceased to function. My ipod has stopped working along with a clock that both were right next to my head. Oh well, I still seem to be improving. I do lose my train of thought a lot still and have memory problems, however.

"She's trying to get in on our good," they said a few months back.

Look, I'm trashed out and trapped in the worthless caste. Can't you guys be done? What do you have to prove now? Who is buying your weapons to use against me? What do they have to prove? I'm guessing it's just because they can. Oh, the power. +rolls eyes+ Are we even competing?

Aren't the reasons I'm trashed out so obvious? Please generalize with them. It's all my fault. Feel good about your own justifications; you are better. I don't care so long as the programming goes on.

Nobody cares. I obviously don't matter. That's the blessing of having so many humans on the planet. They can feel powerful and in control of me but really, they aren't in truth. There are bigger fish to fry. All humans should commit themselves to better things, but they're a worthless species that likes adaptive preference. As far as my attackers, all you guys in the puddles are really visible though. Such big fish with big teeth flopping around like clowns. Sometimes, only a minnow belongs where a shark tries to go. I can't believe you viewed me as a threat. What are security services coming to these days? Don't tell me that they're upholding the CIA's standard, "I don't believe in aliens." What a closed-minded individual. Not only, but I want the CIA to take alien threats seriously. I'm concerned for my wellbeing. No, I didn't threaten the CIA. I asked them about their procedures for aliens.

All and all, I would suggest that they get out of our faces and keep their delusional nonsense to themselves. Only a child would have an awareness that small to think that they could influence the entire world or that their dog tricks aren't easy to see. Boo, I see you.

Sure, you'll get away with messing with undesirables for awhile (and you're really saving the world by messing with those that aren't even in society), but eventually the normal people will wake up and stop your corruption as it will involve them.

I like when people take justice into their own hands the best. I enjoyed cyanide really. Why does everyone feel like they're right is the ultimate right? or that they have the right.

Oh, well, it takes a world. We all die and decay, fade. Do whatever makes you feel like you. Does it fulfill? I won't cramp your style. Boo Boring.

A few of you are cute. You do things like call my relatives, like that'll make a difference. Then you try to destroy my possibility of work. That's forever gone with both cognitive dysfunction and other things. I have no hope. Then you attack anything I try to get published by marking it up, calling the people beforehand and telling them things about me, which haven't I trashed myself out enough with this blog? That was my last attempt to pull myself out of the gutter. It takes me a long time to come up with anything coherent. This time, I went the sneaky way about it but didn't win. Edit: Apparently, I did because you guys didn't manage to contact him before me. Thus, preventing me from even getting a submission in. That's been verified. I'm going to talk to him before you can but that destroyed my chances--because it is rude. All and all, you just annoy me. It's like a game of runaround. That gives me hope though. It means that it's not always a 100% destruction.

It would be nice if people would just stay in their lanes, but this isn't possible. When I didn't have a blog, I was an uber target. Now I'm a target for stupid lay people. I'm a pariah. I prefer you guys truly. The elites are still using you and other things to "harm" me. Screw yourselves over. But you're my number one problem at the moment. Oh Lordy, Bill's got a shotgun. Remember, you have to frame me into attacking you and make it look like self-defense.

A lesson is not worth learning
If he never learns it twice
You can try a third time to teach
but if the pupil is so gripped
He'll practice what you truly preach

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