Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Mind Control Morons

We're all matched in society to be a certain way. Civilizations have been basing their personalities on thought-actions since the beginning. What you are doing is causing conflicting thought-actions and improper realizations. People will become guilty of anachronism. Instead of realizing that it's a time for social equality, they'll realize that it's time to abandon whatever they're doing as a herd. Mostly, what you are doing is stealing youth. You will reap what you sow later on... You will end up with completely new realizations, and you may not like the outcome for our vision of society. I seriously hope that you are plotting these because I don't want to deal with your mistakes like I seem to always, a given example being the recession and having people come after me like the entire thing was my fault. Not my place, not my job. Do yours and maybe we wouldn't have these embarassments. You are.

Disable me some more. You suck.

Can anyone say why we'll never have peace, love and happiness?

My guess is that the necessary social realizations are such that certain social interactions have to take place, even adverse ones for there to be forward movement as a society or to keep the "vision" stable. It seems that in order for there to be caste/class harmony, there has to be caste oppression of some sort too, which almost always results in conflict or in things that others in a different world would view as negative.

If I'm not entitled to an opinion, say so. The little tiny feelings couldn't take what a youth had to say. Does someone have a problem that they don't want to talk about?

Youz trashed me out. Iz disoriented. And you still suck :P

You madez me a moron. Does this make you any less of a moron or are all morons created equal? Now there's a deep philosophical question for you to ponder, Madonna. I know you like to waste your time doing "things."

If this was Putin, get over yourself, office spy, and refill the coffee after you steal the ladies' lunch.

When you kill me, I gonna laugh real hard right coz I tried worshipping you. You all are impossible to please.

If this is Bush, please get a real degree before you govern. You're smarter than me now but so is your average cockroach. You want my dollar? Maybe we can work on the budget together. It's addition and subtraction. Even like this, I can manage it. Negative numbers are bad.

"She's trying to get in on our good!" So now you're competing with the "retard lady?" Beam me up, Scotty. This place is a barren desert if they're scared of me. Even though I can't feel fear, I'm scared.

You want rude trashy me so bad. Way to not inspire better. Usually, if someone who is below me skill-wise and they mess up, I blame myself. Don't feel too bad if you were ever in charge of me and read this though. They really demoralized me before they tried to justify killing me. Like, these weren't the usual; these were professionals. And then I laugh in their faces and say, "we all die." Why don't you motivate me with something I have to gain instead of lose? Oh, yes, because you're used to dealing with humans.

Speaking of blame, I wish I could exercise without getting dizzy. I'm yucky looking. I look like an American. I'm joking with that one to make you hate me. Not that I'd know though. I can't feel anything. The fact that I'm typing this is amazing. It's "because her cortex is so thick." But I was retarded remember? DETAILS. You'll never conquer the world unless you learn that little things matter.

Back to smartmouthing, if this was an elite putting me in my place, instead of putting me in mine, why don't you stay in yours? I'll do my job if you do yours. Oh wait, you can't.

Hey, if I'm going out, which I think I am, I'm going to be the biggest bitch possible. Oh, I'm a chunky little thing. Usually, I exercise, but ah, I like fall over and stuff. I tried running today only to end up spinning around. Dar she blows and falls. The whale has been beached. Mission overload.

My perception of reality is bizarre. My right arm just turned into water, and I'm floating. This cannot possibly be good. Iz have no mind! Only a human would do this. Fucking disgraces. Please create something better smart people.

Is Putin doing this to scare other people or be badass? It's like, you can kill my entire family and me. We all die anyway, so everything is pointless. I'm not going ot be ruled by that. What a fucking bully loser. Whoever you are. At least I declare myself. Have some face. See, this is what humans do! They trash you out and then try to make you justify it. No more.

It was nice knowing you all...

1 down. 6 billion to go.

That's right. i'm not just a terrorist, I'm an enemy of humanity. Beat that!


I don't really have a belief system anyway. I could never figure out why people attacked me. They're all trying to get somewhere. I was just studying and they came and made everything worse. Once again, I have scores and scores and more scores to prove anything. I study everyday now trying to get it back at least 9 hours.

I can't protect anything I love anyway. I couldn't even protect myself. They destroy everything, and it doesn't matter. Nothing does. Oh, I'll satisfy an ending, Breaking Benjamin. I don't even know what your ideology is that I'm supposed to commit absolution to. I guess that's because you don't really have one.

And I tried worshipping every world leader, having the "correct" opinion (which was a guess), hiding, etc. I paid respect to Putin, but I think I'm just going to call him sugar muffin from now on. It's impossible to make these people happy. They want us to be bad for their control. These people can do whatever they want.

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