Wednesday, August 24, 2011

My Government $pies on Me (Caste Wars)

Then they labeled me as having a psychiatric condition, which I do have, and that's why they were spying. They wanted to "prevent" a disaster. They wanted to fatten their paychecks and be in control of something. @:)

Wahoo, let the action movie start...

At most, I could kill 10 or so people if I wanted to (which I don't). 10 don't matter. They're just resources. After I killed them, I would be locked up forever. That would be preventitive. Spying on me, disabling me is a waste of resources. There are bigger problems out there. I'm not worth their resources. Even if I'm annoying to the dear Kings and Queens of this country.

Yet they come after me because the Kings and Queens @see what could rise or what could be a burden to them.

I'm an opprobrium. hehe

I'm easy prey. I couldn't do anything back if I wanted to, and it's kind'of fun, I suppose, to watch me dart around in the dark and react like an animal. They can make me disturbed emotionally then splash in my face that they don't care and to get over it. That's for them. I just stare blankly ahead as they do their doings. I have effectively dragged the entire trash can along with me.

At the end of the day, I need a master that is neutral to them. I need someone to report to that feeds me, takes care of me and ensures my safety.

My life has been like open season, the hunted. Of course, I make loose associations; I can't pin down the invisible. All I am is a mouse under a cat's claw. This amuses them, makes them feel special above me. I'm merely bored and I'm tired of it. Thanks to their doing, I can't remember anything. I'm always confused.

I just say things to say things these days. Whatever makes them happy...

I hate freedom with a fiery passion, especially American freedom.
I want out of this country. Anyone need a slave? All I need is food.

You can have your fucking money back. What a worthless state. I'll just go wander around and end up in an institution which drains money too. Anyway you look at this, you lose. Now I have to go pull all of my school records and get batteries of tests. It's going to show your decline.

Why didn't you just ask me for it back? I would have given it to you and been a prostitute/ serious social issue to show them the error of their ways. They won't allow me to go to school (they said so on their speaker). What am I supposed to do with so many masters? They definitely don't have a symbiotic relationship going on.

I just look insane, which I am, but I'm not about all things...

Our government just hasn't learned the wisdom of the elders against letting the state forces serve as imperial gangs for the privileged of society. The only should only do that for people in power, not celebrities or anyone else. Those people have to pay their own bounty hunters and armies. That keeps things fair: you get what you pay for and nothing more. If they have to pay out of pocket then it will limit the people they kill. Right now the FBI works for them for free with OUR tax dollars. What a ripoff.

Most of us on welfare or aid are what should be called losing cattle for breeding or other purposes unspecified. We don't have a place in society and our only purpose is to breed another generation of workers. We still serve a purpose in society. I'm a guinea pig. I bet abilify or the drug industry is pissed you messed with me, and they'd send a gang out to deal with you. Back to welfare, you think the people who have 7 children are being greedy with funds, but what they're doing is supplying the next generation for next to nothing. Have my kids too, right? Welfare = factory farm.

I still advocate labor camps, just to scare everyone... I figured I'd feed into their hatred, their agenda, just to watch them suffer. I'll screw everyone over...

Having had no rights growing up or in adulthood, I think freedom is weird and unnecessary/ inefficient. I think it's hilarious people on the radio stand up for their fragments, themselves. Do they not realize who has control? or that their numbers are few? This goes for the celebrity elites as well. They are nothing but cattle, chatty cattle.

I'm the popular kid. Too much Koran reading. This is from the angels.

Your Need is Proving

Your self-importance is inspiring
It doesn't matter to us, nullius
As you self-impress these things?
Fragments, leeches on us
Did we not spill the sentence?
You've always wanted to please
An audience - us being the attire
We've been forever -wherever so
As we know addition of true laws
The wisdom of the ages, not age
Now nothing stops us because we
Are invisible, indivisible, induced
with power, substance, standing
Fruit beyond a mortal's desperate

I'm uber lethargic today.

People on RT have what's known as enemy syndrome. They serve the enemy out of hatred toward their conditions. They're worthless anyway, the ones that comment. You can tell by their syntax. You think Russia cares? LOL You like it so much, why don't you go up there? You'll be back down here in a heartbeat.

Myself, I'm trapped because they got my mind. I have nothing better to do. I did go all angst on them because they chased me down and tortured me for being disabled. Thanks oh great leaders. My life is ruled for me. Eventually, my antipsychotics will kill me. I'm starting work therapy, I think. My doctor's spoken to me about it. We can try, but I'm really, really stupid. I'll always be babysat thanks to psychotronic land. Why aren't they targeting those bastards that comment on RT? Oh yeah, 'cause they're male. Oh, Putin, who wants to be a world citizen and take care of the garbage you've attracted? I know you're indiscriminate when it comes to slaughterfest or trips in dementia land. I <3 the Russian special forces :)

grandma's being nice, which is good. I don't like being under control though. I didn't like what happened at the hospital.

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