Sunday, February 16, 2020

Silencing Dangerous Retards

Like I've said, my mind hasn't ever been sharp, but it's gotten a lot duller.  I can't brag about intellectual achievements or futures.  Instead, I have to deal with a lot of abuse because people enjoy picking on me, a vulnerable person in society.  They can get rid of freedom of speech.  I would like that because the upper classes know who is going to rise, like with art, and who isn't and who is a demon.  I wouldn't have risen, but I've seen them deaden many other people who were competing with them.  Why would Britney Spears care about my benefits?  She's rich and my money goes straight back into the economy.  She can give up all her money to charity. Little overprotected demon so coddled she can't handle reality.

 As I've said before, killing and damaging the retards won't solve the world's problems either.  They don't understand this.

And dear Aspen, please sue the shit out of them for what they tried to do. I can't because they're determined to say I have no rights and rub it in my face. Fine. I don't like you because I'm jealous of you (can't feel it, many other people fall for envy, many emotions are normal), as I was treated like crap in high school (and pretty much everywhere else besides the army ironically), and you were Abel, so whatever.  I love math and science but am unfortunately unable to earn a degree in something useful.  I'm not going to shoot you.  I think your parents are wonderful for raising you properly while I was raised in special education and by wolves. That's why I was so angry back in the day. So much abuse. I've had to learn a lot the hard way and now can't think, but I'll still be annoying because it's what I do.  A lobotomy does nothing but takes away the quality of my life.  I know I hit my head, had brain swelling for 8.5 months, was poisoned by cyanide, Putin put a 'kick me' sign on my back and laughed (because he enjoys watching others suffer), which made them even more money-thirsty. Marilyn Manson has issues and needs desperate and urgent help, and Britney Spears is a spoiled brat.  Indeed, I have schizophrenia and PTSD and ADHD, I know. I don't have a lot going for me.  And world peace.

I just hope this yuga ends soon.  Psychotronics does nothing for people when they use it like this, and it's a waste of money.  You can only damage the brain so much, and people are in a reality that will bring out the same reactions.  Nothing changes for me.  I go in circles in life and that's my fate.

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