Friday, February 7, 2020

Being the Unpopular Woman -- Like the Rest of Them on One Side

+throws a few punches and falls over+

So, I know I talk to myself (it's so sad lol), but it's ridiculous. By having Grimes as an enemy, and she is for 'the fallen' and other attacks, I don't make many friends.  I just become angry about the treatment and how people won't leave me alone because I'm annoying or weak. I'm not going to kiss their asses. Putin will because he wants them to like him and further Russia with investments.
 Someone like me won't get much love. I hate them. Don't worry, the FBI is on the trail of many of my relatives who do this every day, all day.  I wanted to go to school and escape my fate, but that's over now.  I try to go the right way, but they don't care.  I'm easy to get to.

Edit: From what she broadcasts, Grimes is a good person, and she's pretty. I'm merely hurt and angry.  I didn't deserve 'the fallen,' the lobotomy, the chasing, the sexual harassment, etc.  Say 'sorry, stars.'  You are all my enemies.

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