Thursday, February 6, 2020

Gaze into my peasant mind and be wowed by it

So, I learned one of my enemies, Grimes, is attached, figures, to Elon Musk (spits on him) who wants to read our minds and destroy them. The state will not cooperate, and the CIA already knows by my place, past, and present, what I think and believe.  They know I don't like them or anyone except for my cat, Keiko.  They know even before I say it that I'm going to be a dissident. It's because I'm low.   They hurt my feelings.  Even if I were to allow myself to be brainwashed by the programming, I would still hate them in different words. as;dlfjdaslfsa;lskdaf;laksdjfl; humans, pff.  They can make me attack aliens instead or whatever to keep me busy, stupid political shows that entertain.  I'm tired of these new people ripping us apart to their "definitions" without understanding.

Yes, I am pure evil.  My secret heart is that I want to fuck Putin really badly.  It's not a big secret.  You don't have to send the "black reciteries," as Lisa Gerrard calls them, to find this out.

Cracking the mind is nothing new.  Controllers, shamen, and sociopaths have been able to do it forever. Ever seen a "mind reader?" Magic. These new people, filled with conflicting and semi-irrelevant bits of literature think it's a big deal.  It's not.  I'll tell you flat out.  I'm not happy about my club to the head, but that's great, no one cares except to damage me.  I didn't matter before; why mess with me?

I want my five million dollars, Putin, after taxes.  I'd have your baby but no one else's, so screw yourself tonight and think of me. We can role-play the Patriot Missile thing.  I'll be thinking of your officer picture while I fuck myself.  It's all they want me to do with free head trauma: eat, fuck, and sleep.  Otherwise, if I have any hobbies, I have sluggishly progressive schizophrenia (Soviet Term for a way to hurt dissidents... The DSM does something similar by labeling everyone mentally ill, but the wannabes and slackers messed it up as a tool against dissidents because they all want schizophrenia).  The slug is on "A Perfect Circle's" album.  Poor girls... you read my mind.  I just can't lie." It would be extremely difficult to lie to Putin, for example.  We kind of gauge what others think, too.  We don't need to be harassed. here's my dream house.

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