Wednesday, December 21, 2016

On Being a Pig

So, the looters have their glorious "morals" like Genghis Khan and his horde. 

When I'm thin, I'm a whore.  When I'm fat, I'm a pig. 

Boohoo, I'm crying...

I like to eat, and they should be praising me because it'll kill me quicker.  No, they send their subliminal messages to me (don't ask if you don't have an open mind), threats. Who's the one wasting tax dollars now?

I know I have a problem with food.  I have an addiction to food. 

I know I have a problem...

It's not like I'm not trying.  I'm going back on weight watchers.  This time, I'm going to follow the program.  Hey, last time I did weight watchers, I lost 22 pounds. 

As for being on assistance, we've talked about this several times, Breaking Benjamin, Madonna, Bjork, Marilyn Manson and Deathstars.  You can do the legal thing and turn me in if you feel I'm abusing the system.  You do not have the right to hunt me as an easy kill.  Do you like how I made the internet my personal bomb?  Ms. Octopus.

Once again, I posted my IQ scores on my blog.  I'm obviously impaired. You can look at them, the brain scans, and you can deal with my memory, which was made worse.  I'm learning to compensate.  Lately, I've been looking at trackers I can put on my stuff, as I spend a good deal of time looking for my keys, phone and retainers. 

Instead of killing me, why don't you become a doctor and heal me?  That way, you'd get a lot of money to spend on houses and attractive women.  You can have my GI bill.  That's one loss you don't have to worry about because I can't do it anymore.  Yay, for you! 

Monday, December 19, 2016

The Ruins of the Internet

Thanks to Putin, I experienced the punishment of a enemy spy thanks to his "involvement" with the picture--his great smile.  As is typical for Putin, he has not responded to my demands for a settlement.  (FSB knows what I want.)  I understand that I've said bad things, too.  The difference is, and I will use this as an excuse, I had to spread all over the internet to survive or become a bomb, in other words.  As for names, and it is an excuse, a good one, no one told me what hearing voices was, and they didn't bother to address anything, just shove pills into my mouth or yelling at me. 

So I was scared because schizophrenia is very scary, and, since it's your brain, it affects everything.

My grandmothers saved my life by getting me help instead of letting me continue on with my disease.  I understand how hard it must be for homeless people who have no one sane who cares.  Ordinary people will abuse me if I don't have a rep a lot of times, like Putin not paying for the destruction of my known universe.  They were all over me in Virginia, and I couldn't survive or do anything.

He didn't even save my cat.  Do NOT abuse targets' animals or cause them to be homeless or with the corpse of their owner.. The pets have done nothing wrong.   For that, he will be eternally unforgiven by me, but he can hand over my life's worth. 

Friday, December 9, 2016

Putin and Trump's Influence on Everyday People

So, while I was stuck in a semi-alive state, feeding on cans of diet coke, Putin decided to make me a target. Like I've said many times before, he pictured me dying on RT.

And they came.

Originally, I'd thought he was my father, and I had weird issues.  Nothing the thought machines can't fix. 

Be kooky.

Those were my thoughts, and  I cloaked my words.  My dad and I have had a rocky relationship over the years, and a lot of it has to do with the poison my other family poured on about him. Anyway, it was a big deal (because something might have actually happened on a boring afternoon), and I ended up in a movie and a few songs.

Oh, they're so cool with their death rays.  Nature kills us naturally.

I was destroyed by angry people.

Trump did the same thing to her:

There should be a law against influence. 

Thursday, December 1, 2016

How Did I Make It Into the Military?

Well, I had to get a waiver because I have raynauds. 

I didn't have much of a background for them to judge, though I do not meet the requirements of the army due to having a LD until I was 16.

I would recommend doing a psych evaluation with an IEP.  My mom knew something was wrong with me, but she was unable to do anything. 

I didn't lie to get in.  They simply didn't ask me if I had any problems other than raynauds.  I passed the ASVAB with a score of 76/111.  Not stellar.  My IQ is around 116.  I think the 111 was my IQ, but they didn't factor in age, which gave me a lower score.

The army wasn't too difficult.  It was easier to be in than in the regular work world.  I used to pull the other females' fire guard shift in BCT because I was used to not getting much sleep.

The other soldiers picked on me a lot because I'm weird, especially then (read my last post--not that anyone does).  I did their details and chores to stay in the right. 

I was struggling when these random people showed up in my sleep and asked me questions like, "Do you believe in God?"  "Do you have a soul?"  "Do you want a family?" +insert retard rage about the family-thing+ 

Then I went to Cuba where I became "psychic." I'm not playing games.  My brain went into the toaster at that point, and I ran around Cuba all night to get internet connection, tellin' my tale.

Then the blog.
Then the movie.
Then the songs.

Oh well, I did have fun until things went really bad.

In other news, they're having a hard time recruiting people...  They should use gene therapy and just fix newcomers.  Be kooky instead...

Social Graces

Divinity in humans reminds me of a trash can.  There's always a foul odor around it. The person inside is dead.

I'm not the best at socializing.  Growing up, I stayed to myself and didn't grow much.  My role was usually the third wheel or extra on the set.

Be good to your masters.

Someone would yell at me, and I'd retreat immediately then cry for forgiveness.  This behavior was reinforced since many of my teachers treated me horribly for having a LD (learning disorder).  I should have stood up to them, but, as a child, we often look at authority figures for all the answers.

I didn't - and still don't -- always behave like society wants me to.  I have the added problem of the brain surgery, but not tonight.

 I've been through some social skills classes with the VA.  They kind of helped.  I still don't make very good adult friends.  I have acquaintances, I guess, but I'm bad at those as well.  The doctor noticed this, saying I have a childish understanding of relationships. 

I've had to learn many lessons I failed at as a child.

I need to grow more.  Also, some people deserve to be told off, if they won't leave you alone.  Some people are toxic.  Someone else might like them, but they need to stay out of my life.

Oh well.

In some ways,  I want to tell society to accept me as I am, but I've hit enough walls and bats, I'm ready to make a deal.

The man wins. Women make babies.