Friday, January 12, 2018

I'm Banned from RT AGAIN

It's not like I have to go there.  They want it to be more of an insult.  It's a pseudo-news station and Putin worship, nothing serious.  It tunes ignorant brains because they don't have the defenses of logical thinking and just think about how horrible their lives are.

I've been  a bit bold lately when it comes to Putin manning up.  He is unable to. I realize he has a lot of problems and is losing power.

Blame the victims.

When I listen to Putin's interviews, I notice they often contain irrelevant and illogical details.  For example, in one interview against the celebrity (fake runner)/social media star, she asks about opposition arrests, and Putin goes off about how Occupy Wall Street in the US and how no one wants a revolution.  This had very little to do with her question. 

The audience clapped and Putin grinned.


Yay for the crazy world of humans!

Monday, January 8, 2018

Being the Guts of the Middle Class' Body

I found this documentary to be informative.  There are class divides in this country, and they're being made worse thanks to things Obama did, like creating spy squads (our musicians) to advocate against and destroy caste/class crashers, messiahs (organizer of Ferguson) and dissidents, and others targeted by those who didn't do what the rich wanted.  I don't mind being poor.  I like having a functioning brain and not having to worry about being attacked.

It's so moral.

Sad songs or bad songs?

You have the young girls who fight against the pressures (Love and Death's "The Abandoning"), the welfare recipients ("Youthless" Beck says "Useless"),  girls who like rich dudes ("Girl" Beck), the elderly and other vulnerable ("Give Me a Sign" Breaking Benjamin).  And "Novacaine" by 10 Years for me.  I'm a fucking corpse.

Do depart.  I do not deal with the livings' flesh.

And we have got singers like Lady Gaga in the "The Cure" who say they don't have money.  Lana Del Rey did the same thing, saying she was poor.  I love her, but it disturbs me how unfair the playing field has gotten.  Our game has become plastic.  I'll scream, Beck, that's my emotion into noise.

They aren't even trying to hide it.

Now, prior to exposure, I would have observed that the upper middle class make better choices.  I've learned they will tilt the game in their favor and reserve slots for their own offspring, especially by creating environments where they will secure better opportunities (away from me).  Also, there are many traps for people to fall into, like ruining my credit.  Too bad, so sad.... I don't really care.

I went nutty.  Party in the car.

I'm shunned as the unholy--always have been.

I've grown up both in the upper middle class, the middle, middle class and in the working class.  I am often offered up as a sacrificial victim by the upper classes so that the poor will have an enemy besides them.  I have become the guts on the sidewalk, staining the American dream. 

I have issues with the middle class. I won't go into that too much, but you can take my place there.  It's like being a hamster on a wheel.  You won't get anywhere and then you die.  I'd rather walk to work and smell the flowers. 

I'm not a deadweight, thanks Beck.  I've lost my motivation for stupidity.  And no, I'm not trying to get out of work.  I'm saying social mobility is not on my "to do" list, even if I do recover all the way.