Friday, January 12, 2018

I'm Banned from RT AGAIN

It's not like I have to go there.  They want it to be more of an insult.  It's a pseudo-news station and Putin worship, nothing serious.  It tunes ignorant brains because they don't have the defenses of logical thinking and just think about how horrible their lives are.

I've been  a bit bold lately when it comes to Putin manning up.  He is unable to. I realize he has a lot of problems and is losing power.

Blame the victims.

When I listen to Putin's interviews, I notice they often contain irrelevant and illogical details.  For example, in one interview against the celebrity (fake runner)/social media star, she asks about opposition arrests, and Putin goes off about how Occupy Wall Street in the US and how no one wants a revolution.  This had very little to do with her question. 

The audience clapped and Putin grinned.


Yay for the crazy world of humans!

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