Friday, March 5, 2021

Response to My Imaginary Being: The End of Crap

"The Flow" by Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi

My lack of education and discipline made my mind very chaotic, which turned out to be a curse to me being normal or living to forty, but it was an asset during my endless fight because I was unable to be completely controlled by the stars or mind control due to so many random thought processes that didn't translate to commands or machines.  The truth is that every thought is real but some are coated in colorful definitions beyond the simple "here" or "there."  Binary code is difficult with thoughts. As I learned in Virginia, thoughts think themselves.  I kept getting tricked when I tried to define myself in the present.

One of the main problems that I have is that our reality is an illusion. If we say it's a lie, we are told we are liars, too.  Then we spit it back onto others.  We dissociate from the reality of things because it's painful and not what we think is "right."  Our Hollywood sense of justice.  They crush us with "the truth hurts."  Why?  They say, "Dumb," and I say, "slow."  We won't get into what they do after that, the whacky, wayward words.  If I say, "I'm dumb," I assault their feelings of "right."  We react.  We don't reflect or think.

My lack of control has been inspiring, too. I put some salt and tears in there, don't worry.  


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