Monday, January 19, 2015

The School Shooter and Other Losers

For a good deal of my life, I was accused of being a future school shooter. The idea didn't materialize in my head until it was said constantly.

No, I will never kill your children. It has nothing to do with me being a good person or whatever--Lord knows I'm denied that. Despite a lobotomy, my fire is still ablaze. However, my hobbies are holding me back, an invisible fence, so to say. I like to be out in the snow, write and swim. Prison, thus, isn't my dream.

Anyway, Madonna, Breaking Benjamin and Bjork are all trying to save the planet, and they are doing dirty deeds as their appetizer. They don't know the actual signs of someone who is losing it, nor are they being efficient about it.

I was operated on multiple times. Plus, I'm still heavily medicated...

Indeed, I did go insane. I won't deny that. I screamed, ran and let it all out. I was having one of those realizations; my life is a lie. The rainbows had left my atmosphere.

Plenty of adults go through that. In our culture we have the saying, "Waking Up." Smash a few windows, spend a few nights in a psych world and flip off the assholes of the world, like Putin.

Fuck you, Putin.

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