Wednesday, September 9, 2020

Killing Elon Musk and Grimes

 Grimes does not see, and she is a tool. She's also a bully and has pissed me off. AI won't reward us. It's going to enslave us.  You can't see what I see... make me bad.  I see where you came from, and I just want to tell you that what you're trying to do is not a good idea.  As far as the Russians hating Musk, he goes against their interests (we will all try to screw each other over, and competition is fine, but it's bad when it's ignorant and destructive) and is causing problems with ignorance.  It isn't personal. If they could change his stupidity, they would leave him alone.  The world isn't personal.  I would love it if Musk would fix my brain or help change society to care more about science and education.  Everyone is just trying to bankrupt him as he tries to save the world, a joke.  It's like, I don't like them either.  I'd rather help science to progress. They can burn in Hell, you dumb fucks.  I didn't die either because I'm special.  I'm so offended that I going to live to get back at them.  Nobody is innocent, and it's not personal.  We have to achieve and survive. they're having issues with us.  Can't get us all. It's kind of like how many orange cats are mellow.  We have sluggishly progressive schizophrenia.  It's just our ability, disposition, and where we are in society.  I don't believe in Aryans, don't worry.  In fact, my kind has been very destructive and won by disease several times. It's like, you stole everything and didn't understand, but that's part of the game. We got screwed over for doing that, too.  That wasn't a good idea, was it?  It's kind of like what happened to Hawaii.  The natives killed infants to avoid poverty, but the Caucasians wanted to be merciful and became a disease and pollution pit.  They won but destroyed at the same time.  The Hawaiians weren't advanced enough to beat us.  It takes a world.  Still, I don't want to be a robot or the Borg. We need to know what's real, or we'll be on a volcano.

Eloah did to me what he did to Muhammed or his favorite human that he humiliated. Eloah is competent while Muhammed wasn't. He dared. I'm a sacrifice while Muhammed was punished.  The unseen will not end well.   If you really want a rock to grow a face as you're schizophrenic and humping everything to avoid Hellfire, you'll end up on a volcano and go straight to Hell on judgment day. No offense to Muslims.  They are blurred in dimensions and not all of them are in the fire.  God is very smart, the true overlord.  He tricks us all in the end because we aren't perfect.  It's really complicated.

I want out of here.  I want help with my brain.  I want to feel again.  Why did you have to be the ice chunk?  I have no luck. Putin is competent, so he rules.  I'm not, so I submit.  I don't have to be slaughtered for no reason.  If he has to kill me, it won't be personal.  Making us all slaves to our "masters" isn't a good idea either. I'm psycho about being close to Putin. It's unhealthy, but it's instinctive to survive.  I only want to obey. Hope Dies Painless. It's like release me, please. The Dalai Slave lord just made them all do MADitation, which I learned to do very well growing up, and rituals.  Never have an unpure thought. They also got their asses kicked.  He's angry at China, but he isn't a saint.  It's like, I know the shit you're trying to pull, buddy.  Western women will save the world.  lol. It's like, yes, you're empowered, Madonna.  We're not all like that, but they've tried to make us like they're trying to corrupt society and stay in Babel bananas. What will that do? It's like, maybe your daughter is academic, don't know, but she isn't a model.  And you can't sing worth shit. One of us will nail you, my breed. Olivia isn't a scholar.  

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