Sunday, August 9, 2015

In Creepy News: "We Are Always Watching"

Yes, I attracted yet another goon. This one said a bunch of lies about me so that he could find a weakness in the truth when I corrected him. He also tried to overshadow reality with a fault of mine, one mistake.

His lies were obvious, but he kept trying to dominate me so that I would panic and submit. He didn't mess with my nearly nonexistent emotions, however. That's usually their favorite thing to do.

I'm on happy pills. It would take a lot to shake me anyway.

Back in the day, I used to react to them because I was young and didn't know any better. Now, it's like, "I see you, too. Good. Neither of us are blind."

He claimed his victory without any facts. I refused to argue further and told him he was superior because he has a gun. That's all that matters in the world: who has the biggest gun. As the Romans would say, "Might makes right."

The goon might have not known that, thinking he was really some super hotshot and good at boxing people or exploiting their weaknesses.

They usually seek out the weak.

Anyway, he followed through with more lies and confusing facts and said, "We're always watching." Creepy. We all know.

Don't think you're smart.

Remember, whoever has the biggest gun has won.

It's annoying.

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