Monday, November 16, 2015

Tough Love

Tough love is something we like to see happen to others while we sit comfortably away, denying our own flaws and weaknesses. It has its place, don't get me wrong, but it's also a cliché people enjoy riding on, and it sometimes derails them from reality and into the angry mob.

In my life, I've experienced quite a bit of 'tough love' abuse, not that it's all been. In some environments, it's essential, like the army. However, they know how to use the weapon the right way. People in society use tough love to bash others.

For example, I submitted some writing samples to an online forum, and they weren't actual stories. When I asked people to please stop insulting my character, as well as focusing on my actual sample (if they wanted to focus on me at all), they threw a fit. They claimed I was a baby and needed thicker skin because they had "dared" to question me.

I wasn't insulted, you see. I was annoyed because they were boiling in their own pots of self-deception. I did go on to insult this one woman because she had her eyeballs reversed, and she was only seeing herself. She had a little tantrum and did everything she supposedly "hated."

I did get some good advice on that forum though.

I'll let the rabid continue. Just because someone told "you" that, doesn't mean it applies to everyone else.

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