Tuesday, March 27, 2018

Why I Bitch Instead of Work

Well, first off, I'm completely destroyed mentally, socially and physically.  The machines made it so that I'm so blunted that it's difficult for me to think in the moment.  I don't know if Madonna knows now or not but stupid people are not easier to control.  They make messes and are chaotic.

Another thing is that I get sabotaged by others and am not allowed to succeed.  This is annoying.  I tried to get a job at Hardees a few years ago, and they came and "clogged" that.  We need to be put on lists so that we can find employment and our employers know that we are targeted individuals, so they won't be surprised when something bad happens.  They also took my book down off of amazon when it started becoming popular.  I'm still working on getting it put back up.  It's terrible writing, but the kids don't care.  They don't know any better.

It's hard for me to write like this.  My ability to connect with emotion has been damaged by my lobotomy.

Also, I feel like a great injustice has happened, and I'm not happy about it. I'm determined to either get a settlement or get even.  My soul is disturbed.

It's been a long battle out of hell.  We are abused in the US.  We should live in colonies with each other.  http://www.andwecanstopit.org/?utm_source=YouTube&utm_campaign=60second  Just an FYI.  Inclusion=abuse. I think they tried to include us to keep us alive, but they're killing us off in record numbers, so that's not a good enough reason.  We could sustain ourselves in colonies away from the public.  The morals they're using are a joke.  I know why.  I'm dumb but not stupid.

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