Monday, February 13, 2017

Putin tried to get me to kill myself--his government is voting against it

It's okay, you aren't the first, buddy.  I did think you were God, glorious, and I was nothing.  Congrats, you got a claw in my back that has tortured me for a long time.  You've blocked me by attacking my computer if I come by.  You are creative.

It's unhealthy for me to see you.  You make me aggressive, even numbed.  You're an asshole.  I already have one of my own.  I don't need another.

People have been trying to get me to kill myself for a long time.  At one point in my life, I was in so much pain that I wanted it to stop.  I tried to get the cops to kill me when I had that headache.  Then my schizophrenia got so bad I sprayed blood on the walls and did the head banging (psychotronic people didn't help).  The punk came into the bathroom and put his hand in my face.  That was inappropriate.  I never said anything.  They used Putin against me, the machines.  I would have told him to "fuck off" otherwise.  Excuse my language today.

They were giving me advice.  Bitch.

The thing with suicide is that it's a personal choice.  There are plenty of ways to die, and if you really want to, you can do it. You don't need Breaking Benjamin and his "poetry." Spells. You aren't a bad person for being expensive.

Anyway, every time I've tried to kill myself, I haven't said a word until I was in the final moments.  My body betrayed me though, and it shut off my brain in self-preservation.  Maybe I'm a part of a zooit. 

And I get that Grimes wants to help, and some of the others, too, but there are many others who are using us.  One has to be careful with Zoroastrianism.  It's a wicked world, especially in the US.  We're too incited.  You guys could probably make a difference if you set up clinics.  I know you're too busy fighting the drug companies.  As I've said a billion times, brain adjustments will be like getting braces in the future.

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