Friday, February 10, 2017

Trade Snowden for Kaela!

Eddie is even dumber than I am.  I'm not sure if that's a compliment.  I want to be smart like a rock.  Now I'm just fat and bones.

Let's start:

“No country trades away spies, as the rest would fear they’re next,” he said.

Spies have different worth and agendas.  It's like playing chess.  You kill the pawns, no problem.  The only way there is hope for you is if you have skills they can use.  Then they'll convert you.

I'm screwed.  Eddie couldn't argue with the experts in Russia.  That's why you don't break the chain.  +coughs at Putin addressing me+  Real just.

Eddie can come do my year in Virginia.  Torture chamber comes to you, no laws.  Next time, I'll tell Putin to google it, no big secret, lots of loafers.  He has a minor phobia of the internet.  I think my current face reaffirms his fears. 

Honestly, how much did Putin thank God we aren't related?  At least I'm not partaking in incest.


Even leaving the USA with some information in your brain could be espionage.  I guarantee you the Russians looked into his mind and got all his passwords, hacked and are happy. 

Why did they feel the need to torment me?  I didn't flee.  I told them over and over again.  I couldn't help my mind being infested with a virus.  I didn't try to escape.  I even wrote it on RT so that I'd be arrested.  I was tired of them. 

It's always me.

And I want you to know, Putin, that you had no business doing that.  You gave yours 6 years.  I didn't sell Putin information.  As far as how he treated me with coldness, I don't even do that to my hobo suitors.  Respect something, don't make me dirty and destroyed.  I am human.

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