Friday, January 20, 2017


So, Obama used to the Special Olympics, Bush saw a retarded man be put to death for killing an agent, and Trump makes fun of the disabled.

Being disabled is not easy.  I struggle with it every day.  I don't mind a joke here or there, like when I start talking to voices (not happening currently). 

The other kids made me feel like a part of their team with nicknames.  I was the sneaker of the playground, fully employed by the boss who wanted his soda and cakes.  I can be shady, too.  The principal of the school eventually had me escorted to every class.  It took them over two years to notice me absent from certain classes, as I would say I needed extra help in the special room, and I walked off for lunch. 

The teachers often hated me more than the kids.  They sent me to the center constantly.  I'd run off and get some lemon cake at the coffee shop.  The king of the playground got into a fight with a teacher when they forced me to take off my leather jacket (it had a map inside, which I thought was awesome).  The teacher gave it back.

Anyway, what's annoying is that agents will come straight for you, thinking they have an easy kill.  It's a cliché in my life.  I go limp these days.  They have control, and I'm not going to win.  I have to squeal a little for their vanity.  Life goes on.  I wish they would have left me alone.


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