Monday, April 4, 2011

Kaela Creighton, Putin

I don't know how\ to make paragraphs on this blog-thing. Either that or it's not letting me make paragraphs to frame me into being schizophrenic again because my other blogs have paragraphs. If you need clarity, ask me. If you have any iq, you can make out my etchings just like you understand what this word is itme. Anyway, I did nothing wrong. I said you were attractive, but I hated you so. They made me confess, and I was like, no, I need to have it cut out before the philistine use it to harm the slave. If they want to play that game, and my side does, then we can play that game all day long. They can leave Africa alone. By the rules, I wasn't trying to break up your happy home, so I didnt need to be cyanided. To anyone who reads--if you still can, if you have an affair you can be killed or if you have0_0 for someone that matters. It's a trap for all the shortwaves out there. (That's also a target.) You know it's sweet to say, "he's attractive" or "he's a man" and you don't mean it but they'll come running if you're poor, so it's best to say something like, "I'm into girls." Being queer will keep you out of trouble. Next, I'm special. I'm not part of the game. People put me in it to distract. You had no right to make me a target. If you wanted to shoot me, hotshot, you should have paid to have it done. You just wanted to be all cool and badass and it resulted in my inhumane treatment. Such as the treatment implicated in "Love without sound" White noise. So that's a fun psychotronic warfare weapon that kills you for your love. Well, I didn't love until I was loved. Then it was a bitter marriage, trust me. We DESERVE to know the rules. IF a purple dot is a sandstone a green man will pop out of Antarctica. Get used to my diction. My limbic system is scrambled to mock schizophrenia. I'm lucid. I just have a difficult time communicating.


  1. That's why I was rude to you int first place, because I thought you were attractive, but it isn't allowed by social rules, so you got trashed.

  2. I'[m a carrion flower virgin :P I don't like men or women.

  3. Do you want my liver as a present? That's all I said against you. And you couldn't handle that? I was joking. Do you want my liver? You can have it.

  4. we treat my delusions like reality. so they can back off because my chinese friendship- fingertrap hitched us. You're stuck with the trash whore.

  5. they framed me. By my values, only married people have sex.

  6. we DESERVE to know what the rules are.

  7. now that I'm fucked up, I have a little desire, but naturally, being the schizophrenics have sex reversal, I'm not usually interested.

  8. she wants to be circumcised to keep her heart from turning black.

  9. I'm going to spam my way into google. I don't think people had a fascination with fame so much as a fascination with money. It's a perk. All I want are stem cells.

  10. I wasn't an attention whore. Like millions others, all I did was have a blog and Paris Hilton and everyone, well, they think they're real special. The university kids went to a baby prep program and didn't get it.

  11. the whole reason I didn't have sex in the army was because I believed that I would die and be buried in the sun and not escape this age to the land of five.

  12. I'm only alive because I'm stupid. I was extremely blurred, so I didn't get what was going on, so it didn't kill me.
