Saturday, January 11, 2020

I'm Tired of It, Marilyn Manson and All of You

Yes, I'm pathetically weak and helpless.  Pull the wings off butterflies and wonder why you have dead things.

I'm in my zindan, which is stupid.  I should be in prison.  We all die, and if you make that the thing, we'll all die sooner than later.  When I no longer care about defending my family (why I let you torment me in Virginia) it sends out another death spell.  Go ahead. You value nothing, so you can do anything.  I can't do anything about it. It's just a pissing contest to see how much you can hurt someone and still accomplish nothing by doing it.  Let's be efficient sociopaths.  That is the lesser evil , I believe.

you are some selfish fucks.  It's not all about you or me, but you can rip me apart for fun and watch all of the demons pop out and destroy everything.  Of course, unless forced (Marilyn) I would never do anything because I love my family, but this has gone too far.

Lest we forget. asd;lfkjasd;lkfjals;dkfja;ldskf;lkdsjlkflkads Enjoy the movies. You can bind us fairly easily.  We are not who we are but are.  i'm tired of it.  Define something a little less kooky. here's what I do when unleashed.

It's not a land of make-believe or lies, different commands.  It's what we're told to believe in, Burning Benny.  Thoughts become things.  s'dlfkjas'ldkfj  we're all asl'dfkjasdlkfj's If you do a, I'm going to go to b,c,d and have to be circumcised.  My desire will only grow then end up in demonic land.  I'll confess, if there's a way to, and get circumcised or we can play demonic yuga.  Yes, Putin, I want to be circumcised. look what you made me do.

Random: I told them not to react.  Oh well.  I'm more after Marilyn Manson and them with their notes. 

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