Friday, May 1, 2020

If I'm Not a Bitch, There Will be World Peace

Honestly, I'm usually nice and live in my hallucination because no one wants to be around me no matter what I do.   I have to be careful about not offending them or annoying them.  I've spent years asking why and blaming myself.  If only I could have a friend who wouldn't leave me in my world for themselves. It doesn't happen.  I have many lessons to learn.

I'm speshal. 

I can guess at my real sins. I don't earn money.  I have no status.  I don't like sex and drugs, my peers' habits, so I play alone. They're useful. Although, I'm considering drugs due to this state.  Anything to escape.  It's not like my brain can get much worse.  Not really. I wouldn't give them the satisfaction. They can keep beating my corpse. YOU STILL SUCK! Snowden was your fault. 911 was your fault. Manning was your fault. I was your fault.  Assange is really your fault.  Let him go.

You've gone too far this time.  I don't want to be happy, Bjork.  I want you to settle with me. Give me all the crap you used to demoralize me, to make me worship you and eat dirt to your deserving glory. All of you. Blue Stahli.  There's more to life than your candy and making me angry with domination.  I wanted to go to school (CC), get a job, and have a house.  I'm not going to be less than my best to justify your candy cane world.  I don't want you near me with your diseases.  Let me go to prison where we won't compete.  You can suck it all you want. Bjork only wants us to fuck. She can do herself all day long for a million years.  Live forever, just away from me, please.  I'm not going to worship you.

  Plus, I'm not allowed to be happy, even if I could work.  I have to be punished for various things, like not having an education or making errors.  I have to know what my boss wants, which I can't sense and the happy retard can't calculate.  I can't count change very well.

  I'm nearly illiterate now and dumbed down as if I were ever smart.  I can type like I speak. Those are connected. I'm sure they'll cut more connections like pulling wings off of a butterfly. Hahaha to me. No one will hire me and others will continue to attack me for being on assistance because I'm the sacrifice to make them justify their own Hells.  Be self-sufficient in dire poverty.  You too can dig through the trash.  Be proud of your work.  And Bjork still has 45 million dollars but wants power she hasn't ever earned.  Sorry, chick, you'll end without an impact, same as me in the dirt.

Since I'm ignorant, people will try to take advantage of me, so I have to avoid them.  I'm back to my hallucination.  You tried to take that from me, but you can't.

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