Wednesday, May 19, 2021

The Crappiest Spy in The World Turned Teacher

 He had the look.  We all know I'm going to Hell. Use me as an example. He wouldn't let me like him in his imaginary world.  I got him out of trouble, too.  Too proud.  Welp, if you've been through as much Hell as I have, you know goodies don't matter, you get air while they yell at you.  I'll spam youtube.  They never listen and play their foolish games.  They go in circles.  

They do things like destroy my reputation.  That's nice. Don't think how humiliating that is.

 In the ancient world, I would have gone off to the whore island where they couldn't harm me, but they trap me in society for further disgrace.  Everyone who is sick of being subhuman due to their leadership, we'll go to the town squares and end their torture, excuses, and disregard for basic rights once and for all.  Get a machine gun and some gasoline.  If you're not going to listen, then you don't deserve to have our ears.

We're not going to live like this for you.  You single us and make us blow our brains at and ride on by.  Then you blame us again while we slip on ice and choke on air.

For every woman who ends up alone with cats, occasionally talking to the wall, and who hates the Patriarchy (actually, it's an activity where we kill the dominant male or god for failing us, or they broke a rule).  Sometimes, we run away to new gods in instincts. This is why people think they are lost. '

"That was terrible of you to say!  It's never right to be rude."  You totally discredited my feelings on the matter.  Don't worry about it.  Everyone does it.  Even if I matched your emotions, you have an advantage over me.  

Taming of the Shrew

I crawled up the ways of men.
Only to fall on their falling limb.
My sight did not see it done,
When so desperately I clung.
Now I have but a walking stick,
And the tree cannot grow again.
Breath still inside my lungs,
The last wind they give.

The stars look gently down,

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